Chapter VI: Finally His

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Draco's P.O.V. : She went into the bathroom, and as soon as I was left alone, I rushed towards the terrace. I needed time to think and a moment to breathe. What was going on? Why was I acting like this? Where did my bad-boy attitude go? Was I actually feeling some for the new girl? Obviously, since I had taken her to my room the night before. But I've absolutely never been in love with anyone before. Sure, I've liked plenty of girls, but being in love - I have never crossed the 'liking level'. Dianna was obviously different, though. I wanted to see her in a different spotlight - where she wasn't a perfectionist about everything, not that I didn't like it that she was good at everything. I just needed to see her differently and I wasn't sure how, but I was going to fulfill my wanting. I told her I would go out into the corridor to see Crabbe and Goyle for a moment. I walked out of the room without even changing out of my Quidditch clothes. I didn't find either of the two mates I was about to meet, so I rushed towards their room's door and literally slammed my fists into it, until Goyle opened the door. I passed by him, into the room. 'Good thing you goons opened.' I smirked at them. 'What's up, Draco? When are we going to ruin the newcomer's school life?' Crabbe laughed dumbly. I shot him an evil glare. 'You know, Crabbe, we're not going to ruin the girl's school life, okay?!' I scram out at him. 'Oh, if I had known better, Draco, I would say you're in love.' Goyle said. I swore I could kill him right then and there. 'But you don't know better, now do you, Goyle?' I shrugged. He shut up. 'But Draco, you've never been so supportive for anyone before.' Crabbe pointed out. He was right, I was being stupid and letting everyone know what I felt about Dianna. 'Alright, fine, maybe I like her, maybe I don't. It's all blurry for now. We just met yesterday, after all.' I told them frankly. 'Yeah, but rumor has it you two spent the night together. Is it true, Draco?' Crabbe pushed me by the elbow. 'Excuse me? What rumor? That is not true! How could you believe that, you tool-bag?' I was practically yelling at that point. 'Who spread this rumor?' I asked them. 'Pansy, of course.' with the hear of that, I was stepping loudly towards Pansy's room. The door was open, so I got into it. 'Parkinson, where the hell are you?!' I called out. She came in from behind me. 'Here I am, my love.' she wrapped her arms around my waist. 'Get your filthy paws off of me, Pansy!' I backed away from her. 'What were you spreading out? About me and Dianna?' I asked her. 'The new skank? Well, let's see, she's ugly as hell, she is too tall for you, she never wears her awful hair down, she looks like some sixties porn star and she thinks she's better than me and has better chances with you than me.' Pansy laughed. 'She isn't anything of what you just listed! And she happens to have better chances with me than you of any other girl in this pothole!' I tensed up. 'Ooh, so you like Rubin? Hm, interesting. Is it true? Is she a death eater?' Pansy came closer to me. 'It's not your business, Pansy, keep your nose in your life, not in mine, or Dianna's.' with that I exited the room. 'Draco! Just tell me one thing!' I heard Pansy yell behind me. 'What?' I turned around. 'Did you really sleep with her?' she asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes, walking off to my room. Dianna was still in shower, so it was better for me - more time to think. I sat on my bed and dug my face in my hands. Why was this all so hard? Why was deciding if my feelings for Dianna were love-full, or hateful?  I took a cigarette out of its pack and lit it. I needed to understand what my emotions for this girl were. She was too beautiful for me. Way too beautiful. Believe me, since I am saying someone different than me is more good-looking than me, than he or she is. Her dark blonde wavy hair, her beautiful almost-black eyes, her tall figure. I am a tall guy, after all, I won't look at a mini-pocket-girl. Dianna could offer me a perfect-looking couple look and I'm sure she could offer me love, as well. I thought a little. Maybe I did like her. I was pretty sure she liked me, too, since that shock wave that happened a few times whilst we were looking into each other's eyes earlier, it wouldn't have happened if one of us felt nothing. And for Merlin's sake, it was love at first sight. Pansy was so obsessive... How could she say Dianna was ugly? And that she had no chance with me? She was the most beautiful girl at school and she of all people had a best chance with me. We were perfect for each other. I didn't care if it was the second day we were together, I really liked Dianna. Then she came out of the shower, looking dashing, as ever. 'How much time left until class?' she asked. I looked at my watch. 'Ten minutes.' I smiled. I needed to really talk to her. I needed to sort things out with her. But how? I had never had a girlfriend. The only thing I had done with a girl is to go to the Yule Ball with Pansy. Huge mistake. I needed to ask my father on what to do. It was Thursday. One more day until the weekend, which meant I was bound to meet my father and discuss the matter with him. He knew Dianna, right? He would like her. 'Draco - Draco, are you okay?' Dianna pushed my lightly. I was drowning in thought, so I didn't really think about my stare or my movements right then. I suddenly felt the spontaneous urge to plant my lips on hers. Her perfect soft-looking pink lips were too tempting. Wait, what was I thinking? Oh, for Merlin's sake, yes, I wanted to kiss her so badly. I wanted to crash my lips on hers. I wanted to wrap her in my arms. I wanted to call her mine. I wanted to spoil her in every way I could. I knew very well it was too soon for me to be thinking what I was thinking, but I didn't really care. She knew my father, it was obvious he would like her. She was better than me in everything, which meant she would complete me. I wanted to feel complete for the first time in my life. I wanted to have a reason to smile or whatsoever. I wanted for once to know someone believed in me, that someone loved me without expecting anything from me, I wanted to have someone I could turn to for advice. I wanted such simple things, such little and meaningless to so many people things, that I have never before had. I felt I could receive all of them from Dianna. 'Draco, you don't seem too well.' she put her hand on my forehead, as if to check if I had fever. 'Look, Dianna... I... I need to talk to you about something.' I started saying. 'Anything.' she put her hand on my knee, trying to comfort me. I know it may sound super cheesy, but even her little movements on me sort of turned me on. I couldn't let her know that, though. 'Oh, look, class starts in two, you'll tell me afterwards, okay?' she asked, standing up. Thank Voldemort she noticed the time, because I literally had no idea what to say to her. It was good to know I had another fifty minutes to think my lines through. I took my things and we walked to the Potions classroom. I offered taking her things and she agreed, so I took her books, too. 'You know, Draco...' she said in front of the door. 'What?' I asked. 'I think that I need to change my room.' she told me. I tensed up at the second. 'Why? No!' I scram. 'Relax. It's just that... You see, if I stay in your room any longer I'd end up falling in love with you...' she bit her lip. I smiled. Good thing she started the love-topic conversation. 'Dianna, I...' I tried saying, though she interrupted me. 'Don't say anything, I know you don't feel anything for me. Just don't rub it in, because I already feel like a fool.' she sighed, walking into the already full classroom. I ran in after, practically yelling: 'No, Dianna, I like you, too. I like you a lot. I don't think I can rub something I feel, too, to you. I think I'm in love with you!' by the time I stopped speaking I realized that every single person in the room had their eyes on me. 'What?' Dianna's voice softened as she turned around to face me. She was just a few steps away from me. I stepped forward. 'Look, I know what I feel and what I felt when I met you was electric. It was beyond magic, beyond supernatural, beyond anything I have ever felt before. You made me feel complete in the first time in my life. We just met yesterday, but I don't care, I think it's pretty much enough to tell you that I really like you.' I let all of my feelings towards her out. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. 'Draco, I...' she stepped forward to me. We got so close together, I could feel her warm breath on my face. She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them again. 'Oh, good, this is not a dream...' she smiled. I smiled, too, taking her hands in mine. Everyone was curiously staring at us. I could see Granger's facial expression change rapidly as she walked into the classroom and caught the scene. But I didn't care. I was holding the hands of the girl I liked, telling her all I felt for her, understanding she felt the exact same way. Just when I thought someone would purposely cough out so we separate, I heard Goyle screaming: 'Just kiss the goddamn girl already!' Me and Dianna both smirked at his saying, though we did as we were told. I finally got my chance to do what I was longing to do all day. I moved onto her, pressing my lips on hers. We moved in perfect sync, while her hands got to my face and wrapped around it, and mine went down to her waist. With the contact established between us, I felt another shock wave run through us. Like we were experiencing an electroshock. We were kissing for quite a while and when we were finally done, we separated our lips, smiling at each other. I rested my forehead down on hers, after all- as tall as she was, she was shorter than me. It wasn't long until I could hear someone clapping. Pretty soon the whole class was applauding us. Everyone, except for Granger. She was still in shock. I wrapped my arm around Dianna and we went to sit down at a free desk. Everybody was staring at us, but I didn't care. 'So, I guess this makes you my girlfriend, then?' I looked at her. 'I guess so.' she smiled. 'Oh, just wait until my father hears about this!' I said happily. She shrugged. 'I hope he gets happy.' 

Alright guys, please comment telling me what you think. I'm thinking I should make the next chapter a 'three months later' or something like that, so that their relationship is already getting more serious, if you get what I mean (;(; 

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