Chapter X: If only I knew...

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A/N: I am so sorry for the late update, but I had a problem with my computer and so I went on through my phone, but now my computer's back. Anyway, to make it up, this chapter is very long, but I hope you like it, because I tend to make each chapter have something quite interesting in it. In this one, there's a big intrigue that is going on, a lot of unanswered questions start to beg for their answers and, well, why am I telling you this here, just read :D Oh, btw, I added a song, but play it when I SAY SO, it's going to be in parentheses.

'Come on, let's go' she took both of my hands and pulled me back up the hill towards our school. It was raining pretty hard, though neither of us seemed to care much. I had my arm wrapped around her shoulders and I kept her close to me. 'I'm sorry for yelling at you...' she whispered softly. I kissed her forehead. 'It's okay. I could've explained everything to you earlier. It's somehow my fault.' I confessed. She looked up at me and seemed to be studying me with her stare. 'What?' I checked my face with my free hand and she smirked. 'Draco, you bloody idiot. There's nothing wrong with you, that's why I'm so depressed.' she laughed. 'You're perfect, for crying out loud!' she sighed. 'What? I'm not perfect. You are.' I said sure of myself. She looked over at me and raised an eyebrow, which I found pretty seductive once she did it. 'I'm perfect? Do you hear yourself? I had to retouch my whole look to look half as good as you. I mean, I'm certainly not ugly, but I am sure enough not as beautiful as you.' she explained. And it was true. The part of her 'change the look', that is, she was more beautiful than me. See, over the past three months she had changed completely since when I first met her. She no longer had black hair, she was dark blonde once more, as she told me that was her  natural color, so she just used a washing off spell to take the dye away. She no longer wore those ridiculous 'sneakers' as she would call them. She walked confidently in flat leather biker boots. She was a very 'stylish chick' and I felt confident walking next to a girl such as her. We looked good together. She wore the Slytherin sweaters instead of the robes, she mostly disobeyed what the teachers had to say and it seemed like Snape was only teacher that did what she told him. He seemed scared of her. All of the thoughts in my head were a little too distractive for me to understand when we entered the school. It was time for dinner, so me and Dianna walked into the dining hall directly after the rain shower and just as we stepped into it, all eyes were on us. Dianna raised her eyebrow maliciously and eyed everyone, causing them to look away and her to smile in satisfaction. We walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down. 'Malfoy, what happened?' Goyle rushed asking. 'Let's say we walked out on the wild side.' I winked at Dianna and she narrowed the eyes. She mouthed 'How did you -' but I just kissed her cheek. Dinner passed very quickly and by the time we were finished, it was pretty late and time for bed. I hated how the teachers actually expected for us to actually do what we were told. We, however, got up and started walking towards the dungeons. Dianna intwined her fingers with me, squeezing lightly. 'What is it, beautiful?' I asked her. She just rolled her eyes. 'Christmas break. Almost here.' she simply replied. I narrowed my eyes. 'I thought you wanted to get out of this hell pit.' I looked at her strangely. She just sighed. 'Draco, it's... It's really nothing... I'm just really moody sometimes.' she told me. I smirked. 'Aw, is my beautiful girl in that time of the month again?' I pouted mockingly. She let go of my hand and hit me pretty hard. 'Ow!' I moaned. 'I am not!' she yelled loud enough for everyone out in the corridor to turn around and look at us. 'Alright, alright! Why don't you go bitch-slap your little friend, Granger?' I asked a little disturbed at the fact I had to mention the filthy mudblood's name. Dianna just rolled her eyes: 'To think I had something in mind for you tonight...' she said, walking an idea faster than me, so she could strut her 'anger' out in public, where everyone could see her little fiasco. I ran after her. 'What do you mean?' I asked. She walked in sadness to the end of the hallway where my room was, when she stopped. 'Well, you know...' she finally spoke, pausing, sliding her hands from my elbows to my waist 'Just a little something-something...' she spoke sexily. 'But I'm mad at you, you see...' she whispered in my ear. I swallowed hard. She was just too tempting. 'Oh, I don't care if anyone is watching' I pushed her against one of the two doors of my room, kissing her passionately. She pulled back teasingly a few times, but then gave in finally. Just as we were in the middle of our kiss, someone coughed loudly. We quickly pulled away from each other. Well, I did, she had nowhere to go, I did glue her to the wall in some sort... 'Might I ask you two what exactly you are doing?' Snape looked at us up and down. Dianna raised an eyebrow and took a step forward to him. 'Look, Severus, I do not mean to displease you in any way, but do you really want me to send in a bad review? I'm sure you wouldn't like that.' she looked up at him, since he was very tall. For the first time ever, Snape seemed to have some emotion, or so it seemed to me. His little beady eyes grew bigger and he opened his mouth to say something, but then Dianna interrupted him. 'I know, I know. Keep this little scene a secret and I'll keep my point of view to myself.' she put her pointer finger against his mouth. I just smirked at their scene. Snape fixed his collar and left silently. When he was finally gone, Dianna turned around to face me and smiled widely. She then slid her hand slowly down to my leg. I couldn't say I didn't like it, though her purposes really didn't seem to match mine at that point, since she only did it to take my keys out of my pocket, so she could unlock my door and pull me into the room, closing the door behind me. 'Now... We are finally alone.' she pushed me onto my bed. I just pulled her down, so she was straddling me, kissing her soft, perfect lips. The rest, I suppose you can figure on your own.

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