Chapter VII: Glad To Call Her Mine

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Three Months Later...

Draco's P.O.V.

Dianna and I had been going on for three months already, when the Christmas break seemed to approach. I had spoken to my father about her. I told him that I've finally found someone special for me and that I seemed to love that someone a little too much, since I got over-attracted. He stared at me blankly for a moment. 'And who might that someone be? You do understand that if the Dark Lord does not appreciate of that "special someone", you would have to get rid of him.' he told me harshly. 'On the contrary, the person we're talking about is a follower.' I said. My father's eyes seemed to light up, though his emotion still didn't show that. 'Oh, and do I know this follower?' he sipped some fire whiskey. 'You've worked together on a mission the Dark Lord sent you on. You sent her a Nimbus 2011 two months ago. Her name's -' 'DIANNA RUBIN?' my father spat his fire whiskey at the hear of her name. 'Pardon me, Draco, it was just a shock for me to hear that you're in love with a... A follower.' my father seemed to be making the reason up, though I didn't really care. 'But she is beautiful and she can make you feel right. I, for the first time in my life, will agree with your choice, my son.' he smiled. 'Thank you, father. I appreciate that.' I nodded at him. That meeting with my father went all too well. He told me Dianna was like a child of his own, like the daughter he's never had. He said she was very ambitious and when she got what she wanted, she always wanted more. He also said that my mother and Dianna often went out to talk 'woman matters'. I just smirked at the thought of what they could be talking about. 'There, there, Draco, we finally maintained a decent conversation for more than three replicas. I think I owe you a congratulations on your brilliant pick, my boy. This is, how should I put it- our first father-to-son confabulation. I am glad to have talked to you, but now I must leave.' he patted my shoulder. I was very content that my father was for once happy for me and with me. To be honest, this was one of my goals in life - to do all well, just so my father gets proud. I knew what was the next thing I needed to do to cheer him up more, though I was a little scared about it. 

Getting death-marked. The Dark Lord embeds a skull around which a serpent meanders cruelly. It is usually done to people who want to keep their family line as pure and long as possible. In order to do that, you need to literally dedicate your life to Voldemort. I wasn't sure if I entirely wanted to do that. Dianna had done it and she seemed completely normal. She didn't look more different that any other average girl. By the character, I mean. She was surely more beautiful than every other average girl. 

Though Dianna was seriously getting on my nerves. I never intended to say something so mean in her address, but ever since she got picked on the Quidditch team, she's made friends with Granger, Weasely and... Oh, for Merlin's sake - Potter. She sometimes "hangs out" with them between hours and it drives me insane. Especially when scarface flirts around with her. I get jealous of ever Hermione. I thought she was mean. Why was she even talking to them in the first place in that case? 


Anyway, I was walking down the corridor, searching for the room of requirement. I needed some space to think. I needed some space to think what had come over Dianna. When I entered the room, I was a little too surprised to find Potter there. He was staring at himself in the mirror, whispering something. 'Well, well, look who we have here. Potter.' I spat. 'What do you want, Malfoy?' he asked without turning around to me. 'What do I want? Well, for starters, I want you to stop checking my girlfriend out. And stop talking to her for that matter.' I told him loudly. He then turned around. 'Look, Malfoy, I have no fault in this. You have no rightful reason to be cussing at me here and now.' he said. I smirked at him. 'You have no rightful reason to be even looking at her. Do you understand that?' I scram. 'Why are you so jealous? Didn't your father arrange you two?' he asked mockingly. That was it, I was through with him. I took my want out. 'Mortus' I said and a snake bite appeared on his foot. He twisted down on the ground from the pain. 'Don't worry, it's not venomous. It just hurts little girlfriend-stealing good-for-nothing knave.' I laughed at him. 'You see, Potter, I'm really in love with this girl, I find her appealing in every way, her birthday is approaching and I want to make sure she has a perfect time. I want you and your friends, especially Granger, she'll brainwash Dianna, out of her and my life. Tacit?' I kneeled down next to him. He was still twisting around from all of the pain he was receiving. 'Malfoy, I've always tried to help you! Why are you such a pain in the arse for me?' he asked. 'Hm, let's see... You always make the wrong choices, Potter. Ever since I first met you.' I said, standing up. 'Reparez' I shot another spell at him, this time healing his foot. He stood up, staring at me as I walked away. 'Fine. You win, Malfoy.' I heard him say. I turned around to understand what he was on about. 'She's all yours. I will stop looking at her, talking to her and everything that comes along. As for Hermione and Ron, I can't forbid them from such thing.' he said. 'Nice doing business with you, Potter. I will personally make sure those two stay away.' I walked out of the requirement room.

Why was I acting like such an arse? Potter was right. I was over-reacting. But only because I was in love with Dianna. That's when I saw her. She was with her friend she made the same week she came into Hogwarts, Sasha I believe was her name. She had baby Draco in her hands. That was her persian cat Hermione gave her when hers and some other cat had little kittens. Even though I hate everything somehow related with Gryffindor, Dianna looked so adorable with the six-month old cat in her hands. It was white and had blue eyes. Hermione had told Dianna the cat was born on the fifth of June, when I was born, so Dianna systematically decided to call the feline Draco Malfoy, because of all of the resemblances. She and Sasha hugged goodbye and separated one from the other as I walked towards her. 'How is my beautiful girlfriend doing on this not-so-beautiful rainy day?' I kissed her lightly, referring to the bad weather outside. 'Actually, great. Anticipating, whatsoever...' she sighed. 'For what?' I asked her. 'My birthday, you minger. I'm finally turning seventeen.' she laughed. 'You're bigger than me, so I am not anticipating that much.' I shrugged. She giggled and kissed my lips. 'Then you'll be my little boy soon. Only fifteen days left.' she said. 'The twenty fifth of December. Christmas?' I asked. 'How could you forget?!' she slapped me playfully. 'I didn't forget, I can't allow myself that, it's just that I never put the two things together.' I confessed. She pecked me on the lips, before starting to leave. 'I'm going to the room to leave baby Draco and I'll see you afterwards for...' 'DADA' I finished her sentence, as I saw her thinking of what we were about to have. She nodded and smiled her ravishing smile at me. She was so perfect. 'Come here.' I commanded as she began leaving, opening my arms for her. She looked at me funny and walked towards me, into my arms. I kissed her passionately on the lips. She, of course, deepened the kiss as much as possible. Pretty soon we were, as Sasha would call it, "making out". I really loved kissing Dianna's soft lips. Every time we reconciled, it felt like we both needed it as much as we practically needed oxygen. We were kissing roughly whenever we could, but nothing more. She was still in my room, we were sharing one bed, haha, though we never did more than kiss and snuggle. And just as we were eagerly kissing, someone scram: 'Oh, look, it's the deuces.' Blaise. I distanced myself from Dianna to face Blaise. Blaise Zabini was my best friend, but he was as irksome as can be. 'Mate, please!' I said to him. We were called 'the Deuces' since we both had the same initials and nobody really figured what they could call a couple that always went together pretty much everywhere and always played poker or Black Jack, since it's the two at playing cards. 'What? I'm just stating a true fact.' he laughed. I rolled my eyes and pecked Dianna goodbye. She walked off into the dark at the end of the hallway. 'Mind telling me what that was for?' I asked Blaise. 'Calm down, cracker boy, everybody's watching.' Blaise told me. And he was right - there wasn't a single person that looked anywhere away from me and him. 'Ugh... You're so irritating sometimes...' I said to him. He laughed at the hear of that. 'We've got five minutes to class, we better get going.' I suggested. As we walked down the stairs to the floor below, Blaise managed to ask a very inappropriate question. 'Is Dianna taking DADA?' he asked. 'Yes, why?' 'Well... You know... Considering the fact she's a death eater, why would she want to learn strategies against herself. I mean, she  is the Dark Art in some sort.' he mumbled out. My eyes grew wide and full of hate. 'You, know, Blaise, for being my friend, you could be very vapid.' I said. 'Why? She is a death eater, isn't she?' with that last question I took him by the collar of his Slytherin blouse and pushed him onto the wall behind him. 'Do NOT dare to EVER speak inexact sayings about her. EVER.' I yelled through my teeth. We were again being observed by the students passing by. I let go of him. 'So she isn't a death eater. Alright, man, I'm sorry, I mean... I didn't know you were going to get so upset...' he said. I tried calming myself down. We finally got to the classroom and Dianna was, of course, there before me. She was already seated at our desk. I sat next to her. 'Why did you lie to Blaise?' she asked. 'What?! About?' I didn't really understand what she was saying. 'I am a death eater, Draco, don't forget that. I don't see why you need to lie about it...' she said. 'Look, all I want is for you to be safe.' I took her hand in mine. 'But I am safe, my dear. You know I don't need any help. Besides, you shouldn't be too sure about how weak or strong I am before understanding it for real.' she blinked cutely. I nodded and the class begun.

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New chapter coming tomorrow, or later on today.

Merry Christmas, guys<3

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