Chapter XVIII: The Begining Of The End

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“Lucius, Lucius, Lucius… You’ll never learn.” he said in his cold voice, yet he was smiling. “She is young. She is no doubts attractive. Let her have her fun. She has kept doing this for so long, Lucius, I hardly doubt it has come in her way… She is only what? Fifteen, sixteen? Nobody keeps track whatsoever! Let them be, for now! They have one more day together!” said the Dark Lord.

That’s when I felt my muscles tense up and let go of Dianna. I started towards the Dark Lord, yelling ‘no!’. I stopped right in front of him.

“No!” I scram as loud as I could  “This is not our last day together!”

“Draco…” my father whispered warningly. “Draco, calm down”

“NO!” I couldn’t control my reactions “Yes! Yes, mark me! I’ll become one of you! I’ll become a follower! Just do it now! I can’t stand this anymore!”

“You do know that if I do this, you will undoubtedly have tasks you are too young to fulfill.” The Dark Lord said.

“Dianna completes them! If she can, why can’t I?” I asked, exasperated.

The Dark Lord sighed “Very well, Draco”

I sighed too. I wasn’t one to act all brave. I wasn’t one to act at all; I always stayed to the side when it was possible. And right then, right that night, I made myself to look into the Lord’s eyes and tell him, obligated him somewhat, to mark me. I couldn’t put my mind onto it. I just didn’t know what I was doing. I was scared, scared for me, scared for Dianna. Not that I had anything to offer her when it came to help. I just wanted to make sure that I was next to her while she was out there, wherever the Death Eaters were heading, the next day.

“Tonight, after the dinner party. I am not too anxious to leave the table twice, when it offers so much.” The Dark Lord said. “Though I am always honored to add new members to my line of followers. Especially when the members are so… how do I put it? Honorable? That might do. The dining room on the second floor, I think that we can finish this off there. It was about time for you to ask, mind!” with that, he Disapparated.

“Draco, are you sure about this?” asked my father. For a second there I forgot he was even in our presence.

“I… I’m positive.” I mumbled.

My father, too, Disapparated. I and Dianna were left out in the garden with the little children wandering around us, just as a few moments ago. We both remained quite silent. That was when I spoke.

“Don’t tell me not to do it.”

“I won’t, don’t worry.” She said. 


Dinner passed quite quickly after that. Pretty soon everyone from my parents, to Antonin Dolohov, to Thorfinn Rowle, to aunt Bellatrix, to Macnair, was walking towards the dining room at the second floor. That was where I hadn’t been allowed for a long time, before tonight – that’s where the Death Eaters gathered to receive their tasks.

I was sat on a tall chair, everyone around me, forming a circle. The Dark Lord was standing in front of me, looking at his wand, smiling at it. I was breathing hard and sweating out of pressure. I didn’t know what was yet to come. It was new to me. Was it going to hurt? Was it not? I had no clue. Time was going to show.

“Are you ready, Draco?” the Dark Lord asked me. I simply nodded.

He pointed his wand above my left hand, moving it downwards, finally positioning it on my wrist. He then pressed, pretty roughly, and muttered a few words in Parseltongue. It left a burning feeling in my arm, sprinting upwards, moving along my whole body. And there I was, when he finally took the wand away, staring blankly at the snake, twisted around a skull encrypted onto my wrist, receiving applause from the now fellow Death Eaters around me. I let out the large amount of breath I was holding in while the Dark Lord was marking me and felt myself smile.

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