Chapter XI: The Ball

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I sat her down on the bench and sat next to her. 'Look, Dianna, you know I love you, but there are some things I really need to know' I started off saying. I could see a dash of worry forming in her eyes. She swallowed hard, so did I. It was obvious that I was nervous about the questions I was going to ask and that she was nervous about the answers she was going to have to give me. 'What is it Draco?' she managed to keep the worried tone in her voice low. 'What... What do you think I should wear for the Christmas ball?' I changed the question in the last moment, just chickening out. It seemed like she was holding her breath for a long moment, because when I asked her my question, she just sighed and laughed. 'Whatever you please, Draco, what sort of a question is that?' she giggled. I just fake-smiled, biting my lip. The rest of the night was just as exciting as the beginning - I went back to my fellow Slytherin, while Dianna went over to 'chat' with my parents, smiling over at my father. 

A week passed and we were getting ready for the Christmas Ball. It was the 24th of December. Dianna was sleeping, so that meant that only I was actually getting ready. To be honest, I never really wanted to go to this shenanigan party or whatever it was going to be. I only pretended to be excited because of Dianna. Don't worry about our outfits - my father sent in another package for me and Dianna. I didn't want to know what he was making her wear this time, but I couldn't help thinking about how slutty she would look and how stupid I would feel for knowing that that dress was actually from my father, not from me. You see, if I were the one in charge of my girlfriend's dress for the soiree, I would have chosen something with a lot of cleavage, yes, but long to the ground. A long cocktail dress in dark blue, perhaps. Something elegant and sophisticated, not trashy and revealing. I was just happy that nobody knew that my father was sending us out clothes. In that case, I would be the simpleminded little boy my 'girlfriend' is using for a cover-up, since she's obviously  dating my father. That would be the headline: "Draco Malfoy, a proud Slytherin, finally found love and it turned out feigned. The girl was just taking advantage of the poor Head Boy, when she was secretly seeing his father.' I could hear them forming in my head. But I was getting tired. It was late at night, so saying it was the 24th in the beginning of this paragraph was wrong. It was about two or three o'clock in the morning, so technically it was the 25th. I decided I needed some sleep, so I took off the suit my father sent me and just laid down on my side of the bed and fell asleep systematically.  

The next morning I was woken up by a happy-looking Dianna sitting in my lap, straddling me. 'Good morning, to you, too, beautiful. If this is how you want to start today, I sure am not complaining.' I smirked. She rolled her eyes and shrugged. 'Guess what day it is today?' she said enthusiastically. 'Friday?' I purposely pretended to not understand. 'Wrong! I mean right, but still wrong! It doesn't answer my question correctly!' she squealed. 'Oh, yeah, it's the Christmas Ball today... Oh, for the love of Merlin - it's Christmas! How dull am I not to remember?!' I continued teasing her. 'Dude!' she started screaming in her cute British voice 'It's my birthday, you idiot!' she finished. 'I knew that, silly, I just wanted to tease you a little.' I winked and she laughed, leaning in to kiss me lightly on the lips. 


'Draco!' I could hear Dianna calling me from inside of the bathroom. She was again getting ready there. 'Yes?' I answered. 'Could you please come help me for a minute?' she asked. I got inside the bathroom wearing again a short dress, though I couldn't quite figure out how tight is was, since it wasn't zipped. I immediately understood why she was calling me. The zipper was on her back and she couldn't reach it properly, so she obviously needed my help. I zipped her dress only to find out it was just as tight as the previous one my father had given her. She surely looked prefect in it, but the thought of my father sending it to her was the thing that was bugging me. 'So, how do I look?' she asked. 'Amazing.' I whispered in her ear. I could hear the thumping of the music. What am I hear for, tell it straight, I'm trying to build a wall - - I didn't know the song,  but it was catchy, even though I was never really a big fan of music as it is. 'Are you ready?' she asked me. I nodded. She bent down to put her heels on and took my hand. We again walked graciously through the corridors and to the main hall, where everybody was gathering. The teachers were dancing, except for Snape, he was never much of a dancer, or an emotional person. Or a normal person. Whatever... As we got there, Crabbe and Goyle came over to us. 'Bravo, Draco!' Goyle said, motioning his hands in order to show me that he was congratulating me on Dianna's outfit. 'Actually, it was his -' she started saying, but I interrupted her. 'Thanks, Goyle.' I turned to face Dianna after I thanked the goon. 'Are you crazy?' she asked me, taking a drink from a guy passing by with a tray of glasses of champagne. She drank some, then put it on another guy's tray, turning to me. 'Let's dance, Draco.' she said, putting her hands behind my neck. 'I don't really dance.' I confessed. 'But you did at that bash of yours. Besides, it's my birthday, and I want to get down with you.' she said, grabbing my hand and taking me towards the others dancing. The song's chorus was very suiting for a little bonk soundtrack, but I kept that last thought to myself. We danced and kissed (mostly kissed), but then the song ended and McGonnagall went up to the microphone. 'May I have your attention please?' she asked and we shut up. 'Thank you. Well, hello to everyone, I hope you are all having a good time, don't over-consummate the alcohol, kids!' she laughed. 'Alright, the Frog Choir is going to perform a song for you, so please welcome them!' she said, looking towards a group of girls, walking up the stairs to the stage. They fixed their microphones and started singing. 'Boring...' Dianna said a little loudly. 'As if you could do any better.' Pansy whispered somewhere from behind us. Dianna smirked. 'You'll see, Parkinson.' Dianna rushed over to the stage. When she got next to it, she started talking to Larissa Jackson, the "DJ" at the party, about something. Larissa nodded and she and Dianna waited for the the choir to finish their song. When they did and were walking off of the stage, I climbed up on it. 'This one's for you, Draco.' she winked, mouthing 'I love you.' Then she began singing a familiar song. 

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