Chapter XVII: The Kiss

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"Draco. Such a pleasant surprise to see you here! Your mother said you weren't feeling like coming from what she heard of you." my father said to me.

"I really wasn't. Mother is very smart to have noticed it just by my lateness." I said, avoiding any eye contact at all. I could sense Dianna doing the same thing.

"Cheer up, you two! Have a drink, dance a little!" my father poked me and Dianna in the ribs. This made us both jump a little. "Go on, the music isn't that bad." he pushed us to the side so we could actually dance. Pansy was smirking and I could tell she was holding back a loud laugh. I just turned to Dianna.

"Shall we dance?" I tried sounding like I wasn't about to mentally break down. She still looked down, though. "Come on, people are watching." I told her. She sighed, though she took my hand. I walked her to where everybody was slow-dancing and placed my free hand on her hip and my other in her hand. She placed hers on my shoulder and we started dancing.

"Why are we doing this?" I asked her. "Keeping this distance."

It took her a while before she answered. "I told you already. I can't afford losing everything because of you. I'm sure you don't want to, either."

"I already lost everything when you started keeping a distance from me." I told her, looking away. She turned my face towards hers and our eyes met. They met for the first time since a while. I felt something that surprised me - that electric shock that ran between us the first time we met. She didn't look away this time - we were looking into each other's eyes for a long while. I traced my fingers down her face. "I don't want to lose everything twice, Dianna" I simply whispered.

"I... I..." she bit her lip, looking away. I shook my head and sighed. She looked up at me once again. "I miss you." she finally said. I leaned in to kiss her. We were centimeters away. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven centimeters. Six. Five. There she was, eyes closed, ready to kiss me. Two...

"Mind if I interrupt?" I heard a familiar voice say cheerfully left from us. I rolled my eyes. Great.

"Father!" Dianna hugged him.

"My little honey duke!" he said, kissing her forehead. Not exactly what you'd expect from an escaped from Azkaban mentally disturbed villain, but he definitely seemed calm around his daughter.

"Please, stop calling me that!" Dianna giggled.

"You have to change, pumpkin. You're up in five." he told her.

"Why didnt you tell me earlier?" Dianna panicked.

"I didn't want to chime in on you two" he motioned the hand he held his glass of white wine towards me, then back at Dianna." he winked at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you going to perform?" I asked Dianna. She nodded. "What are you singing?" I asked her once more.

"Well... I... Uh... You'll see." she said, picking up the downer parts of her gown in her hands and rushing up the stairs. I looked back to see Dolohov, but he wasn't there anymore. He was with the Dark Lord at the big table where my father and my mother were seated. Aunt Bellatrix was there, too. Thorfinn Rowle was sitting next to Antonin... Pretty much all of the Death Eaters were there. I went to sit with them, feeling awfully stupid since I was the only one that wasn't a Death Eater. Knowing that the day that was about to come Dianna was leaving with all of the people at that table, except for my mother, who was staying at home just because of me, I was feeling a little anxious to get marked. I was bound to think about that at dinner while Dianna was performing. Everyone was talking, though I was thinking about how much better my life with Dianna would have been if either she wasn't a follower... Or I was one.

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