Chapter XVI: The Unbareable Days

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That same I night I sat by my window. I wondered when Dianna would appear. I looked at my clock, it was almost midnight and there was still no sin of her. I decided I should think my life through. I wasn't sure why, but I actually felt a little more alive for the first time. It was a strange feeling to me, since I was never really understood and nobody took care of what I had to say; ever since Dianna came into my life, that had really changed. She actually appreciated what I did and told me that she relied on me and that I could and should rely on her. No one else ever did that for me.

I grew up being the Malfoy's kid - the little pointed-faced, blond boy that was learnt to get whatever he wanted whenever he wanted from his father. I always got everything only from the material side of life, though - I was never really familiar with the sentimental side of it.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, trying to push those feelins far, far away in to my mind. I then looked at my clock once more - it was half past twelve and there was still no sign of Dianna. I sighed in exasperation and walked over to my bed. I lay down and stared blankly at the ceiling. I took a deep breath and let my eyes close, believing Dianna had either forgotten about her coming, or she had been disturbed by somebody, not being able to come. Next thing I knew, I was fast asleep.

The next morning I was woken up to someone playing with my hair. I turned around to see who it was, only to find Dianna. 


I sat up and tried to focus my eyes on her. "Good morning to you, too. When did you get here?" 

"Last night. I came here around one o'clock, but you were sleeping, so just lay down next to you. It was sweet, don't worry." she reassured me, kissing my cheek.

I smiled. "I'm happy about that."

She stood up from my bed and fixed her clothes and hair. "Now... If you don't mind, I have to get cold." 

I raised an eyebrow at her. What could she mean?

"I need to distance myself from you. You know that. This was our last night together, remember? I'm leaving now." 

That was when I stood up, too. "No! You aren't serious!" I raised my voice.

"Oh, but I am. I don't want this, either, but I have to. I am not the person in charge of my life."

"But you have to be!" I screamed. "Don't do this to me again, please!"

"I'm sorry." she spun her wand and before I knew it, she was out of my room, my sight and for my biggest fears - my life. 

I sat on my bed and took my head in my hands. I let out a loud sigh and I didn't know what to do. I was feeling like a wreck and it was all only begginning. Why was it so hard for me to let go?

And to think I thought it was hard for me then - things were getting more complicated by the second, but I never really knew that.


Basically Day One was awful. After she had gone to her room, I didn't really get to see her that often. I thought she wouldn't be that serious, but she was. She never talked to me and even avoided eye contact. I didn't know what to do, I always tried to get her to notice me, but all of my tries were useless - she wasn't giving in easily.

Day Two was just as bad. She was still ignoring me, though she was also getting ready for the dinner that was going to happen at Day Three.She had picked out her dress on her own, unlike the times when my father would choose it for her, and she was going to go with a side braid. Don't ask how I understood - I had been eavesdropping her everywhere she went. 

Day Three finally came. I thought she would get weak and come to me, but she never did that. Not in the first half of the day, that is. The night came by quickly and the soiree was up. I was getting ready in my room, fixing my tie and my Slytherin pin. I was determined to talk to Dianna at some point, though I wasn't entirely sure when that point would come.

"Draco, would you please hurry up?" I heard my mother say to me through the door.

"I will be there in a minute, mother." I promised, checking on my looks one last time. Sure enough I looked good, the girls down there would all look me up. But I didn't care about them - there was only one girl that was sufficient for me - Dianna. Her stunning hazel-black eyes staring up at mine. Hers hidden slightly by several loose strands of her dirty blonde hair. Her cat-like eyes... Her beautiful, beautiful eyes...

"Draco!" my mother screamed once more. "How many times am I supposed to come to call you?"

"I'm coming, mother!" I sighed and left my room. The soiree was down on the underground ball room and I hurried so I could find Dianna. I took the large staircase down to where it splits into two separate staricases. I stood on the the balcony in the middle of the two sets of stairs as I looked for her. Just as I had lost my hopes and had started walking down on the left side, Dianna appeared out of seemingly nowhere and she took the right side. She was wearing a yellow cocktail dress and her hair was pulled into a side braid, just like she said it would be. 

The sight of her made my heart sink - it took me back to the first day I had met her - she appeared out of nowhere, she wore her hair in the same 'do and she was so close to me, though she seemed so distant.

She didn't seem to notice me, though. She was walking steadily down to join the other guests. I rushed after her, but just as I stepped into the crown of people, she seemed to have disappeared. I looked around and just when I thought I had noticed her, someone patted my shoulder and made me turn around to see who it was. To my biggest disgust, it was Pansy.

"So, Draco, you searching for anyone?" she asked me, keeping her hand on my shoulder.

"Go away, Parkinson. Let's try not to make scenes in the middle of this party, too." I took her hand off of my shoulder.

"Oh, poor Draco... You figured out that what I told you was true, didn't you? she smirked.

"So? That doesn't mean Dianna doesn't have feelings for me, does it?" I tried to sound sure of myself, my I spoke shakily.

In responce, Pansy pointed at something happening behind me as she said: "Sure enough she does feel something towards you. But maybe she feels something stronger towards him"

I turned around to find that Pansy was pointing towards my father. He was wearing a dark blue tux, typical for tim. He was carrying our family wand -  the cane-like elm wand my family has passed on for centuries. He was walking steadily towards Dianna. My heart shrank even more just then.

"She doesn't have feelings for him, Parkinson." I managed to say. 

She snimckered. "Since you say so..." she walked over to them as fast as she could. I ran after her just so I could stop her. 

"Pansy!" I yelled out to her. It was too late.

She was already with my father and Dianna. Worst of all, I was there too.


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