Log book entry 3

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I run through the dark woods, branches tearing at my legs. Where I’m running to is unclear, but I know I’m running away from something. I am clutching a torch but it seems to have run out of batteries. I hear my name being whispered again, the same whisper. “Lindsay. Lindsay. Lindsay…” I run out of breath, and am forced to stop for a minute. I hear a branch snap behind me. I turn around, but nothing’s there. I turn back, and end up face to face with him…

I fling my eyes open and sit up, covered in sweat. It was just a nightmare. I flip the bedside lamp on and glance at the clock. 3:00am. I rub my eyes. I really want to sleep, but I know after such a dream, I can’t. Instead, I stare straight ahead at the patio doors, straight through them. I think of the man Dieter told me about. Maybe he was making it up? Maybe it’s just a German tale I haven’t come across? But that’s when I see it. It’s no tree, because the house is in a clearing. It’s standing away from where the other trees are. There’s something there. It’s tall, unnaturally tall. Just standing there. It looks completely black due to the lack of light. I get up out of bed and dash over to the patio doors. I peer through the glass, desperate to see what it was. That’s when his pale face stares back at me. I spring away from the window. The face…isn’t a face. No nose. No eyes. Nothing. I dash over to my backpack lying on the floor, and pull out the torch. I race back over to the window but it’s gone.

This isn’t right. Not at all. I so wish I asked Dieter for his number. Not like that, but I need to talk to him. He knows so much about this Slendy guy. Much more than me. And now I actually know he exists… I need to tell someone.

Breakfast. I sit at the breakfast bar next to dad, stirring the cereal round in the bowl but not eating it. “What’s the matter?” he asks, pointing to the cereal. “Not hungry?”

“Remember I told you last night about the man with no face?” I say, not looking at him in the eye. He looks slightly alarmed but I press on. “I seen him last night. He was outside my room, staring in at me. I heard he kidnaps children and-“

“What on earth are you on about?” asks my mum, butting in. “What man?”

“A man, with no face. Children, they disappear. I seen him outside my window-“

“Lindsay, don’t be so stupid,” dad says, rolling his eyes. “You sound like you’re crazy”. Ouch. That hurt. I clearly can’t discuss Slendy with these two. They’re going to get suspicious. The only person is Dieter but I don’t actually know his address. He said he lives on a field across from the forest but he may as well have said he lives on Mars. I really need a map of the place. This place is so big, and it could be any field. Deciding to check his house out anyway, I stand up. “I’m…going for a walk now,” I say, and make for the front door but mum stops me. “Oh no you’re not, young lady,” she says, pulling on my shoulder. “Did you forget? It’s Wednesday, your tutor will arrive soon”.

There's Something in the Woods - A Slenderman Fanfic (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now