Log book entry 7

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His face is just centimetres from mine. I scream in shock, and make a dash for dear life. But it’s no use, because a horrible tentacle shoots from his back, and wraps itself around me, squeezing me tight.

I don’t get up until later today. Mum had a phone call, and unfortunately, my tutor can’t make it. When I say unfortunately, I mean I’m so happy I just lie in bed until ten. When I finally drag myself up, I take a shower in my en-suite. When I step out minutes later, I glance at myself in the mirror. I look a bit manic, really. My hair looks darker. It was always dark brown but now it’s positively black. And I’m so pale, I look as white as the marble floor. I pull out my make-up bag and attempt to retrieve some natural colour. I stare at myself in the mirror, patting my face with a make-up brush. It looks too orange, like I’ve just drowned in spray tan. I go to turn the taps on, and notice a massive spider in the sink. I spring back, scattering the make-up everywhere. “Dad!” I yell, not taking my eyes off the thing but backing away. “DAD!” Eventually, mum walks in, and I remember dad is at work.

“What is it?” she asks, looking impatient. I point at the massive black arachnid occupying the sink. I can see all the hairs on its leg from here! “Spider,” I tremble, nodding over at the sink. Mum rolls her eyes, looks into the sink, and looks back at me. “Lindsay, there’s nothing there,” she says irritably, folding her arms. “What is all this nonsense with you seeing things? Hmm?” I dash over to the sink and see for myself. There’s nothing there. I begin looking round manically, underneath the sink, in the cupboard under the sink, even behind the sink. “But I swear…” I am interrupted as mum gives me a massive speech on how I keep seeing things, it isn’t right, am I okay? I don’t listen to any of it though. I just keep thinking about how much Slendy is messing with my head.

After just lying around most of the day, I decide to go and see if Dieter is out in the woods. I step out, ready to explore, when it starts pouring it down. “Great,” I mutter, as I go and fetch my rain jacket. I walk to the stream, my wellingtons splashing on the soaked grass. To my surprise, Dieter isn’t there. I begin to panic, but then I remember it’s raining, so he probably wouldn’t be out. Although it’s lashing it down, it also feels quite peaceful. The river has got much deeper, so the stepping stones are underwater, stopping me from crossing it. Instead, I sit on the riverbank where me and Dieter sat just the other day. I wonder if he’ll teach me fishing?

After about ten minutes, I get too cold, and decide to head back. I jump up, brushing any grass or mud off my backside. I glance across the river -to the place Dieter told me not to go- and notice someone else across there. I immediately think it’s Dieter, but closer observation shows it’s a little girl. I stare after her, wondering why she’d be in this faraway forest, all alone. And then unfortunately, I realise why. Although the stepping stones are now unusable, I jump into the river, waist height in water, and wade through it. I manage to pull myself up the slippery bank, but after I do so, the child is almost out of sight. I dash over to her, screaming at the top of my voice. “No! It isn’t safe!” I scream, hoping against hope she understands me. “No!” I cry. “Nein! Um... stoppen!” she doesn’t listen though. She just carries on, red ponytail swinging in the harsh wind, leaving little footsteps in the mud. I dash over to her, yelling, throwing stones, but she doesn’t turn around. She just keeps going. Eventually, I manage to catch up with her in a small, dark clearing. I throw my hand on her shoulder and pull her back. “Nein,” I croak, my voice sore from screaming. “Don’t go there! It isn’t safe!” For a few seconds, she says nothing. Then she turns around and stares at me, and I notice her eyes are red. Red?! She screams at the top of her voice, making me back away carefully. This is seriously the kind of character you’d expect in a horror film. I manage to slip over in the mud, and fall onto my back. Groaning, I force myself up. But the girl isn’t there. I stand up frantically, sending the world swooping, and I notice the footprints aren’t there either. It’s a trap. The girl wasn’t real. I start to panic, and notice how late it is. It’s gone almost pitch black. Such a good job I bought my torch. I whip it out of my jacket pocket, flick it on. And discover him right in front of me. Standing eight feet tall. Blank face staring down at me. Tentacles ready to grab me.

I scream, and turn away from him and run. I don’t know where to run. I’m in the middle of the forest, at night, completely lost. I try and point my torch in a straight line, but it wobbles everywhere, showing me quick glimpses of trees, rocks, the floor. I risk flipping my head round, but he’s gone. I come to a halt, looking all around me. He isn’t there. I go to whip out my phone, but soon realise that I left it charging at the house. How could I be so stupid? Scared of even the trees, I stumble back the way I came, and in fifteen minutes come across the same clearing the hallucination lead me to. I can work my way back from here, but I have a feeling Slendy is still lurking. I dash back, the rain still pouring down, numbing my hands and face. Eventually, I make it home. I rush into the house, but soon notice it's empty. This scares me a bit, because not long ago mum was here, and dad would have been home by now. This makes me lock all the doors, all the windows. Turn every light on in the house, in crazed fear that Slendy will come and get me. I lie on the large sofa, trying to watch the huge television on the wall. But it’s pointless, because I don’t understand anything. Everything is in German. Frustrated at this, I decide to watch a DVD instead. I walk over to the shelf built into the wall, and skim-read its contents.

No good. All of them seem to have some sort of murder or horror in them. In the end I settle for The Hunger Games. Usually it’s one of my favourite films, but I can’t get into it tonight. In fact, whenever someone is murdered, I have to keep twisting my head round, just to make sure there’s nobody there. It gets to the point where Katniss blows up the pyramid of supplies, when I can barely keep my eyes open. I really don’t want to fall asleep on my own. With my parents gone, and my recent encounter with Him, I feel so vulnerable. I struggle to keep awake, pinching my arms, slapping my face, but eventually, I drift off.

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