Chapter One// the paintings

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Chapter One.

I look up at the old, disgusting, left behind cabin and moan to myself as I walk up the front stairs. They are creaking when I do every step and I think I will loose my mind at any minute. I don't know what my parents were thinking about moving to this place.

The cabin is in the bushes. No where's land. No cell phone service. No school within about fifteen miles and no neighbor for at least five. So I think that just asks for a murder to happen.

I circle around the car to get my luggage that I picked for the night and then walk back to the steps. My father, David, then passes me and raises his eyebrows.

"Well?" he asks as he makes me go around him and stop walking about half way through the front porch, "what do you think?"

He has a look of hope in his eyes so I let him down easy, "it could smell a lot better you know."

I believe I gave him a very mature way of looking at it. Because let's face it, this cabin has seen way better days.

"I think we can make it our own though, right?" my father asks.

I nod at him and then bring the box that I am holding up more to grasp it tighter. "Maybe," I state back even though I don't feel like it all.

My mother, Cassie, comes out of the house now and she throws her arms up in the air, "you guys we have to do a lot before we head out again. Juliet you need to get going and stop talking."

I raise my eyebrows at my father and then walk inside of the house with my box. I set it down on a counter in the kitchen and then look around the kitchen. The kitchen is pretty dusty and shows that it hasn't been used for a long time. The stove couldn't be newer than anything of the early nineties and there was no microwave. No microwave. What am I going to use to cook all my food? What do they expect? Me to heat my food on the stove with a pot?

Mom brings in some pots and then sets them down on the counter next to me. It causes me to jump up a little and then I look at her. She smiles and says to me, "you can use these tonight. We are going to get the microwave on this trip. I think we are planning to be back tomorrow afternoon. About oneish?"

I scrunch up my nose and then ask my mother, "you are leaving me here by myself, " I look around to cause even more of a dramatic effect and then add, "in an old cabin?"

She nods and then shrugs, "I guess so."

I look at her with a confused look. Is she crazy?

"Oh come on Ju.You are seventeen, I think you are capable of being by yourself for one night," she puts her arm around my shoulder and then pulls my side.

"No I think I will let the whole thing on fire," I say back to her.

We only live two hundred miles away from our other home so my parents are making a very long but fast trip there, pack more stuff, and then come here again. Maybe I will like to be here after all.

My mother kisses my cheek and then heads out of the door. I follow her out to the car and then shut the passenger door as she slides in.

She mouths that she loves me and I mouth it back to her. I wave goodbye knowing Dad will see me in the rear view mirror and then look at the old cabin again. I hear creaks and moans coming out of the house and it is the outside. And it isn't even dark yet.

Why couldn't I just live with my brother? Or my sister? No. Of course I can't because my sister lives to far away and she has her own family now. And my brother is trying to start on his life.

So I am stuck here. Living with my parents for the last school year. I know I might get in trouble but can college just come faster, please.

I walk up the stairs once again and just like the last time I groan.

I open the door to the front porch and it creaks very loudly. Kind of similar to my brother's car door when it has to be oiled. I get inside the house and start looking around.

When my parents bought the place they didn't let me look around with them, so technically this is my first time here.

I go from room to room and they all smell the same. Like dirt and as weird as this might sound, mayonnaise. If mayo even has a smell which I believe it does.

Every room was just like the other, they were all antique. They were all old and they all had a very interesting painting . The paintings were all different but they had this same meaning to them. The Reciance era.

One painting in particular in the smallest bedroom of the house is different than the rest though. There is a boy in  the painting. He is wearing a modern shirt, hoodie, jeans. He looks sad in the painting but his cheeks are very blushed out. His blonde hair looks dirty and all over the place as some land on the side of his head. It looks like he has bluish eyes but I can't tell.

And on the bottom there is a very small find printed signature and I have to squibt to see what the name was.

"Nathaniel Abraham Parker, 2016 age 19??"I say out loud. I go back up to look at his face to see if there was anything I could know about this kid.

This Nathaniel guy could only be like five years older than me by now, I wonder why his picture is even in here. Why would there be paintings of people in this home that has been vacant for years, supposly but there is a painting from only four years ago?

Is there secrets in this house that I may not know and don't want to find out? Are there certain things about this house that my parents didn't even know before saying yes to the property?

A/N exciteeeddd

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