Chapter Sixteen//Two hours

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Song of the chapter: Do I wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys

To be honest I love this playlist to death. Like I listen to it even when I don't write for this story. 

You can find these past few songs and other bomb ass songs on my spotify: notjustmuke

And also I have a YouTube channel hahahaha I hate that I love advertising or self promo please just fire me

and btw i am currently working on the trailer for this. it's gonna be lit

 Chapter Sixteen//Two Hours

While  everyone thought of their own plan Nathaniel was thinking blankly off to space. He couldn't believe that the girl he was getting so close to will have to be forced to spend eternity in fire. In worry. In everything that hell should be. No more going to the human world. The human world will seize to never existed. And Juliet would be forced to be a part of all the worry. 

Nathaniel wouldn't feel so bad if this all wasn't her fault. He regrets killing her on some point but in some other point he knew it was destiny. He knew it was meant to be like this. If that thought was trailing on his mind it was really obvious that Nathaniel is trying to gain his religious side back. He knows it's to late, although he wants to believe it can't be.  

"Why don't I take the west side and you take the east?" Dusty asks Lionel. They couldn't decide and so after breaking out of his thoughts Nathaniel finally broke them apart. His nose was twitching and he couldn't be more patient than ever as he is right now.

Nathaniel put Lionel on his left side while Dusty was still to his right and with a stern voice he says to no one in particular because he wants to start moving, "you guys we don't have much more time. Time goes faster now that we are in the 'station' and you know the world is um, ending."

Dusty nods and then asks, "what do you want me to do Sir?"

"Call me Sir one more time and we might have a problem okay? I am just like all of you. All of you might not realize it but you want to be on God's side so we are all the same in his image right now which I don't know if it is good or not. I need you to calm down," Nathaniel looks across the whole group, "I actually need all of you to calm down. We will do great. Now Lionel you take east with Dusty. You take down those guards but don't do anything stupid because they can send you to Lucifer and he will doom you."

Both of them men raise their hands up as if saluting and Nathaniel felt a little authority. The authority scared him that is for sure but as he went to the other guys he gave them each an order and he felt confident they can do this thing. They can go their separate ways but find each other again when they get to heaven. 

But just like everything that happens it won't go along that way. It all starts with loner. He was sent to the south side. Only having to distract one guard and then send him to make peace but not necessarily the best way. You see only the Lost Boy can actually do something like that but Loner always believed that maybe he had that power along. 

So Loner goes to the guard and about to make the attack but he was to loud. The guard goes to him first and startles Loner as he is taken by the throat with one swipe he is vanished into thin air and placed right on the feet of the devil. With that being said he is a goner.

The next that goes unexpectedly is Handley who is separated into two, literally. He gets doomed to hell and his trail to the way he makes a prayer for those who will still have to go through this. He closes his eyes and feels the bottomless of hell beneath his palms. His legs. then his whole body is full up in flame until Handley is nothing but ashes like he never existed on the earth.

After Handley goes no one is spared their life and they continue to fight through the guards. They get to the entrance together. Hand by Hand. Dusty, Lionel, and Nathaniel are looking up at the building. Suddenly right before Nathaniel goes to the lever he hears a whisper. 


He breaks out of the holding and both of the guys look at him in confusion. And both of them say remarks about not falling for whatever is happening.


There goes the whisper again. Nathaniel walks to the small opening and sees Walter from inside it. He waves the other guys to them and they all get Walter from the opening. 

"I've been hiding there four hours gentlemen. Where have you been?" Walter was speaking to Lionel and Dusty in particular. Both of the guys look at each other then at Walter.

"You see we found someone."

Walter looks at Nathaniel, 'you. Nathaniel it's to dangerous for you here. I know you got past the guards but the devil is more powerful than ever. Jaybird has been on his side all along and he has captured your Lost Girl. Without her you can't defeat him. Get out of here. Find her some way some how. Find her before Lucifer does and before he finds you."

Nathaniel looks down and then licks his lips across with his tongue, "you see Walter. Now I am not being cocky. But I think I am more powerful now. Combined with seven hell makers powers I am powerful. I already was. But now that my energy is all-"

"You can't defeat him or even stand up to him without her by your side. Find her and then try to get in touch with God. Trust me. I have done my research please."

Nathaniel looks at the other guys. Both of them nodded. They all hug, "thank you guys. Thank you so much for giving me this chance of saving you. Stay here okay? Don't try anything yourselves, alright? Promise me."

All of them promised. Nathaniel felt unsafe but he had to find Juliet. Walter was right. He needed to find his Lost Girl and then try to defeat the devil with God's patience and assurance. They will save the world. But now that there is less than one hour to go Nathaniel needs to find her and find her fast. 

Before it was to late and maybe it's late. Jaybird could have killed her by now but what if he is using her as a threat to Nathaniel. As Nathaniel makes his way to which he is assuming where they are he tries to gain his strength fully. He knows they are where he is leading to. He has this very weird feeling and he knows. 

He just hopes he is right. 

It's not long enough I know. But oh well. There are just a few more chapters to go. I promise quality beats quantity for this story. 

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