-Chapter One-

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"Cheer up Sam," I said as I patted him on the back. "I thought your report was....really good!" Sam gave me a look and I smiled. "I really did think it was good! I'll wait outside for you." I said as I walked out of the classroom. Sam report had been on his great great grandfather. While it had been good, he had also tried to sell his grandfather's old stuff which didn't turn out well.

I opened my locker and grabbed some of the papers I had sketched on during class and added them to the newer ones. They were all of the robot creatures I kept having dreams about. I shut my locker and made my way towards the door. I had almost made it outside when I was pushed hard and fell to the ground. My drawing fell all over the floor.

I hurried to pick them up as I did I heard laughter. "Are these all the friends you don't have?" I looked up to see Jenna and her friends holding some of my drawings. I picked up the last paper that was on the ground and stood. I tried to grab the drawings she had, but she moved and I missed. "Give them back, Jenna," I said.

She held one up. "Is this where you got the idea for your tattoo?" She asked. Her friends snickering behind her. I pulled my sleeve down, covering my birthmark up. The reason everyone thinks it's a tattoo is that it is in the shape of a demon-like head. "It's not a tattoo. It's a birthmark." I said sharply.

She dropped all the papers she had except one. "Oh, this is priceless. You made yourself a little family because you know you're a freak to your real family. Look, girls, This is her dad, The one with wings is her mom, and that's her. So sweet." She turned to me again and with a smile ripped it in half.

"Let's go." She said and walked off. I got to my knees and picked up the half ripped drawing. "Megan guess what....What happened?" Sam asked as he came over to me. "Nothing. It's nothing. I just dropped my papers." I said picking them up and standing up, facing him. "Tell me." He said.

I looked down at the papers in my hands. "It was Jenna and her miserable friends, but it's fine they didn't do anything too bad," I said looking back at him. "What happened? Did he give you an F?" I questioned. Sam shook his head and smiled widely. "No, he gave me an -A!"

"That means you can get.." I was cut by Sam saying, "A car!" I smiled as we walked out to his dad's car. When Sam saw his Dad's car he ran over to him. I walked over and greeted his dad. "Hello, Mr. Witwicky" I got into the back of his car. "Hello Megan, Let me see. You're waving it to much."

"It's an -A, but it's still an A," Sam said trying to convince his dad. "Okay, Okay it's an A." His dad said. Sam cheered and got into the back seat with me. His dad pulled out of the school parking lot and drove to wherever Sam was getting his car.After a couple of minutes, his dad pulled into a Porsche lot. I patted Sam's arm and he looked up. "No way. Dad." His dad laughed and drove out of the lot. "That's not funny, Dad," Sam said.

"Hey, maybe you're getting an even better car, Sam," I said trying to cheer Sam up. But oh how I was wrong. We pulled into a lot that looked like a junk yard. "You've got to be kidding, this place looks like a car junkyard," Sam whined. "At least you're getting a car, Sam," I said playfully hitting him on the arm. "I didn't what a half a piece of junk," Sam said messing my hair up. "Hey!" I shouted as I tried to fix it. "Lady, and Gentlemen. What can I do for you?" A man asked coming up to us. Mr. Witwicky replied, "I'm here to buy my Son his first car."

"And you chose ol' Bobby here to buy from? Nu-uh we're family now. Uncle Bobby B, baby! Uncle Bobby B." Bobby said shaking Sam's hand. After that, we started to walk over to where all the cars were. Sam walked over to a yellow and black Camaro. I walked up to the car and put my hand on it. I felt a shock go through my hand and then a vision of some kind flashed before my eyes.

"I'm Darksong!" A purple a and black robot child said. She held her hand out in front of her to the yellow and black child in front of her. "M-my name is Bumblebee. Thank you f-for stopping them." Bumblebee said shaking the young girl's hand. "No problem!"

The vision ended and I looked back at the car. "Bumblebee?" I whispered under my breath. Slightly pulling my hand away from the car. "Hey Megan," Sam shouted getting my attention and I looked up. "Come get in! The seats feel nice!" I walked around to the other side of the car and got in. As I sat down the seat started to warm up. "Did you turn on some kind of seat warmer?" I asked Sam. He shook his head. "No."

"How much?" Mr. Witwicky asked Bobby. Bobby came around and looked at the car. "Well considering the semiclassical nature of vehicle and custom paint job," Bobby started but he was cut off by me saying "Wait. The paints faded."

"Yeah but it's still custom," Bobby said trying to still sell the car. "So it's custom faded? That makes no sense!" Sam said. "I wouldn't expect you two to understand, five grand," Bobby said. "I'm not paying over four grand. Sorry, Sam." Sam's dad said. Bobby bent down and said through the window where I was sitting. "Come kids get out of the car."

With a sigh, Sam got out while Bobby was trying to sell the other car next to us. I was about to get out of the car when the door opened by itself and crashed into the car Bobby was in. "Megan!" Sam shouted. I put my hands up in surrender. "I didn't do it! I swear!"

Bobby got out of the car looking shaken and continued to try to sell Sam a car. I again tried to get out of the car, but the door slammed shut. "Cover your ears." Oddly enough I listened and covered my ears. The car let out a high pitched sound making all the other car's windows to shatter. Bobby let out a startled "Four grand!"  

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