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"They're coming back." A hoarsely distressed voice said from somewhere in the dark room. "If they are then we will be ready." Another voice said. It sounded somewhat the same to the first voice that spoke, but eviler somehow. The sound of footsteps was heard from outside of the room and then they fell silent. "...Are they-" The voice was cut off when the door to the room was blown off and a bright light shone into the room to reveal a purple and black femme. Her arms had been chained as well as her neck and ankles. The femme tried to back up closer to the wall she sat curled up against.

 A yellow and black mech ran in the room as well as a blue femme. "Darksong! Baby." The femme said falling to her knees next to her daughter. "Carrier? How-" Darksong started but stopped when her arms fell down to her side after the chains had been broken. She looked up to find her spark mate. "Bee..." She said. The yellow mech smiled slightly before ripping the chain off her neck as her carrier broke the chains around her ankles.

"It's going to be okay. We're getting you out of here." Bumblebee said before the sound of gunfire was heard outside of the room. Darksong looked out of the room before looking back at the two Autobots in front of her and nodding. Bumblebee picked her up and carried her bride style. Darksong's carrier was the first one out of the room, stasis lock gun out and ready to be used. "Songbird, where is Optimus?" Bee asked following the femme down the hallway. Songbird looked back at him slightly before looking forward again. 

"He and his team are going to meet us." She said stopping at a fork in the hallway. Two paths to choose from. She looked down the left path and saw at least four darkly painted bots running at them. She ran down the right hallway followed by Bumblebee and Darksong. Songbird jumped out of the way of a bullet that flew her way and she turned down another hallway.

"Do you know where you're going?" Bumblebee asked transforming his arm into a gun. Darksong clinging to his neck with her eyes squeezed shut. "I don't need sass from a youngling." She said pointing her stasis gun towards the Decepticons coming up behind them. Bee did the same and they both fired. Songbird hit the silver mech in the chest as Bumblebee hit a black mech in the face, both Decepticons falling to the ground. Songbird looked back to the hallway before her and she stopped suddenly, making Bee stop. 

His eye widening at who was in standing in front of them. "Megatron." She said with a growl. Darksong weakly opened her red and black eyes to see the Decepticon warlord. "Songbird. Bug. Where do you think you're going?" He asked taking a step forward making Bumblebee and Songbird step back as well. The two remaining Decepticons coming up behind them, guns pointed at their backs.

"And I see you're taking Darksong with you," Megatron said. Songbird got in front of Bumblebee and her daughter. "She is mine. Not yours. Especially not after what you have done to her." Songbird said narrowing her eyes at her spark mate. "I'd say otherwise. She freely joined my cause. She freely became one of my most loyal subjects."

"A cause that has killed Cybertron and thousands of cybertronians. A cause that is now killing your only child." Songbird said gritting her teeth in anger. "My cause is the right way. The Decepticon cause is the only way to rule Cybertron." Megatron said as more Decepticons showed up behind them and behind Megatron. "Are you too blind to see what you are doing? What you have done?" Songbird asked lowering her wings as a wave of sadness and pain went through their bond making Megatron flinch the tiniest bit. 

"Please Megatron. Let us go so we might have a chance at saving Darksong." Bumblebee tightened his grip on Darksong as her eyes started to turn purple bit by bit. "Darksong does not need saving. She is becoming stronger. She will be able to destroy armies. Win the war. I have not killed her for she is not dying. Darksong is merely letting Shattered take over, bit by bit." Megatron said looking over at his daughter.

Don't Walk Away: A Transformers Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now