-Chapter Eight-

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I opened my eyes slowly as blinding light shone in my eyes. "It's awake." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes wide as I remembered what happened. I was surrounded by people, some held guns. I went to stand up but was stopped. I looked down to see I was strapped to the wheelchair. "Let me go! Please!" I shouted trying to get out of my restraints.

"Are they ready?" One man asked. The other man nodded and double doors opened. I was pushed through. The room was cold and huge. Right in front of us stood a huge Decepticon. As I remembered him...Megatron. "No...no, no, no! Wait!" I said eyes huge in fear. I felt a strong pulling at my chest from him. It made me want to go closer.

Megatron seemed to feel it too as the ice keeping him asleep was starting to crack. The white fog stuff that was pouring over top of him stopped. "We're losing pressure. We're losing pressure! We're losing NBE-1!" Someone over the loudspeaker shouted. Ice fell off Megatron as his eyes turned on showing off an angry, evil red color. My breathing became heavier as I looked down at my restraints. Some were in the back of my mind I knew I had to get out. I had to get away from him. With inhuman strength, I ripped my arms and legs out of the leather straps and get out of the chair. The men that had wheeled me in long gone.

Megatron moved and the ice shattered and fell to the ground. "I am Megatron!" He growled and started to wreak the things around him. He stepped off the platform he stood on and looked around. I started to back up. He looked down at me and smirked. I took this as my cue to run in the other direction but I didn't get far before Megatron picked me up. Pain peaked at my heart. "Well, if it is Darksong." He said squeezing me a bit. I let out a pained yelp. I looked up shakily and met his red eyes. Megatron never left eye contact with me as he started to walk out of the room.

"How long as it been Darksong?" He asked. I shook my head. "I-I..." I said not knowing what to say. "A- long time?" I questioned. Megatron narrowed his eyes. "I h-honestly h-have no clue w-who you are...sir...and I-I-" I was cut off when he squeezed me tighter. I could feel my bones cry under the pressure as I let out a whimper. "Why do you lie?!" He growled. I shook my head but before I could say anything he talked. "Why are you in holoform!?" He asked squeezing me more. This time I heard a sickening crack as one or more of my ribs broke making me scream out in pain. Tears welling up in my eyes. Megatron loosened his grip and moved me so I was lying in the palm of his hand.

"I-I...don't know..." I croaked out. Megatron had stood walking when he had made it outside. He picked me up by my shirt and put me at eye level. "Have Autobots found you?" He asked. I nodded making Megatron smirk. "You are of more use to me in this form then I thought."

Megatron turned to look at another Decepticon as he transformed near him. "I live to serve you, Lord Megatron." The con said. Megatron placed me down rather roughly and turned to face him. "Where is the cube?" Megatron asked him. "The humans have taken it!" The silver con said.

"You have failed me yet again Starscream..." Megatron said making Starscream back up a bit. Megatron growled and picked me up again. "Take Darksong into the city. Make sure the Autobots find her. You will get me that cube, femme, or I will rip the flesh off you human bones. And just to make the deal sweeter, I will let you watch as I rip your beloved bugs spark out." Megatron growled and I nodded eye wide with fear. He threw me through the air making me let out a scream. I landed in Starscream's hand with a pain filled groan. I sat up and held my side. "My liege...wasn't Darksong terminated? This tiny, fleshy, weak human couldn't be her." He said poking me in my side making me hiss in pain.

"No. She was not terminated. Now go before I rip you apart!" Megatron growled. Starscream nodded and transformed around me. I let out a scream as I landed in a seat. Starscream took off and I gripped the seat tight. I looked out the window turning to hold back tears. "What's wrong with you?" Starscream asked. I looked over and then back to the side. "N-nothing...nothing's wrong...I'm fine," I said wiping a tear that fell quickly. "If you are Darksong. How did you turn human?" Starscream asked. "Uh...I don't know...I didn't know you guys existed until a while ago..." I said rubbing my upper arm. Starscream didn't say anything. I looked back out the window to see the city was just in front of us.

"Remember what Lord Megatron said. If you don't get that cube, your beloved bug gets it."

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