-Chapter Two-

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I was woken up by my little sister yelling at me. "Get up! Get up! Were going to be late!" She yelled. "What's your rush? It's the last day of school." I groaned rolling over. "Exactly!" She yelled trying to push me off the bed. I ended up rolling over and falling off my bed and onto Bella.

"Get off of me!" She yelled pounding on my back. "Your so comfy though." I protested. "Megan!" She yelled in my ear. I got off of her and she bolted up the stairs. I smirked and got dressed. I put on a black shirt and blue jeans. I grabbed my black vans and walked up the stairs that lead out of my room and into the kitchen.

As I walked over to the toaster I saw my dad on the phone with work and my mom making him breakfast. "Mooomm please!" Bella begged our mom. "What was the question again, Bella?" My mom asked giving my dad his breakfast. "Megan made us miss the bus! Can you drive us to school?" Bella asked.

"Isn't the last day of the school year?" My mom asked. Bella nodded as I put some bread into the toaster. "Oh, you don't need to go. Here sit down and I'll make you two some breakfast." She said sitting Bella down. "B...but I have to go....All my friends..we planned to have a party and-and-" Bella was cut off by my mom saying, "Well they can have it without you. The only way you will be able to go is if Megan drives you, but I don't think she's going to."

Bella let out a loud sigh and slammed her head on the table. I sat down in front of Bella on the island as my mother gave us our breakfast. After I was done with my food I went into the family room and turned the tv on. After a while of watching the cartoons, I ended up falling asleep.


"Sire! Sire! Hurry up!" The purple and black robot child shouted excitedly. She turned to see her Sire walking at a slow speed. "Why don't you enjoy this beautiful day, Darksong." Darksong's Sire said catching up to her. "But I what to play, Sire!" Darksong wined. Her sire picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. Darksong giggled in delight as she padded her Sire's head.

Before they had made it to the park they ran into someone. "Uncle Orion!" Darksong yelled and got down from her Sire's shoulder and ran over to her Uncle. "Darksong! It is nice to see you this evening." Orion picked her up and held out his hand for her Sire to shake. "Megatronus. " Her Uncle greeted him. "Orion, nice to see you." Orion was about to say something when he got a call. He answered it. "Right away sir." Orion ended the call. "I have to get going, but I will see you soon little one." Darksong hugged her Uncle and he hugged her back. Orion placed her on the ground and with a wave left.

Darksong grabbed Megatronus's hand and continued to walk to the park. When they got there Darksong ran ahead and started to play. Megatronus walked up to her and watched as she played with her imaginary friends. "We must be careful, my friends, for there is a deadly monster nearby and...." She turned to Megatronus pretending that he was the monster. "Ahh! The monster!" Darksong then pretends to shoot her Sire.

"Oh no, you've got me! The all mighty monster!" Megatronus then continued to die and land on Darksong. She pushed him off of herself and put one foot on his head. "Yes on this very day I, Darksong the brave, have killed the mighty monster." Megatronus chuckled. Darksong then ran off to play some more as Megatronus sat down on one of the sets by the park.

As Darksong continued to play sword fight, she hears voices. "You shouldn't be here, freak!" She turned to see a group of boys surrounding a small yellow and black boy. His eyes huge with fear. She ran over to them and push her way in between the small boy and the group of boys that looked to be older than her. "Why don't you go pick on someone your own size." She shouted showing off her pointed teeth.

"Move out of the way, femme!" The one boy shouted. He looked to be the "leader" of the group. Darksong then punched him right in the eye. "How dare you!" The boy shouted. He came up to her and grabbed her arm. She bites the boy and he pulled away. The boy looked at his arm to see that she had drawn energon. She took a step towards them and they stumbled backward and ran off, but not before calling her a freak.

Darksong turned to the boy and held her hand out. The boy took it and she pulled him up to his feet. "I'm Darksong!" She held her hand out in to shake the boys. "M-my name is Bumblebee. Thank you f-for stopping them." Bumblebee said shaking the young girl's hand. "No problem!"

End dream

I was woken by my mom yelling to me. "Megan! Sam's here to see you!" I got up and as I walked to the door rubbed my eyes. "Hey, Sam, what's up?" I said my eyes half closed. "Your hair," Sam said with a laugh. "Ha, Ha, " I said before messing his hair up. "That's not very nice Megan," Sam said with a chuckle. "Any why, do you want to go to a party?" He asked.

"Errr...no," I said walking into my house Sam following. "Please, Megan come on. It will be fun." Sam said. "Uh-huh." I grabbed a piece of paper off the kitchen table and walked past Sam and back out the door. "Where are you going, Megan?" Sam asked as I crossed the street. "Don't you think you should have shoes on," Sam shouted after me. I walked up to Sam's house and to his car.

I open the car door and looked around. I looked at the steering wheel and saw the symbol I was looking for. I ran a fighter over it and felt the car shiver. "What the heck...."

"Megan, what are you doing in my car?" Sam questioned. I sat down in the car seat and looked up at Sam. "Look at this," I said pointing at the symbol on the car. "And then look at this," I said putting my drawing next to the symbol on the car. "What? You copied it off my car." Sam said. I shook my head. "No. I drew this before you got your car." I said

"Okay, then you saw it somewhere else, like a poster." He said. I just shook my head and placed my head on the steering wheel. "Is this your way of telling me you're going to come with me to the party." He asked. I looked up at him. He had a cheesy smile on his face.

I sighed. "I'm not going back to my house to get shoes, I think I left some in your house," I said getting out of his car. "Thank you, thank you. You're amazing." Sam said shutting the door behind me. I followed Sam to his house. "Megan!" I turned to the side to see Mrs. Witwicky standing up and coming over to me. "Mom..." Sam whined. "Oh be quiet." She said before hugging me. "Hello Mrs. Witwicky" She pulled away and held me at arm's length. "Oh, you look so beautiful. Doesn't she look beautiful Sam?" Mrs. Witwicky asked Sam. "Uh...Yeah, sure, mom. We need to get going." Sam said pulling me into his house.

"Where do you think you left your shoes?" Sam asked. I shrugged. "I don't know?" I said I looked around. "I left them in your room. My black flip-flops." I said. Sam nodded and headed up to his room. After a couple of minutes, Sam came back down and gave me my flip- flops. "Okay, let's go," I said putting my shoes on.

We walked outside and Sam walked on his father's grass. I walked on the path. "Thank you, Megan. At least someone appreciates my path." Mr. Witwicky yelled to Sam. I smirked as I got into Sam's car. As I put my seatbelt on, I felt the car shiver." You must be really cold, dude." I said. Right after I said that radio started to play. ' Ice Ice Baby'

"What the hell...." I said to myself. The music stopped when Sam walked over. "You have everything you need before we go?" Sam asked. I nodded and we headed down the street to pick up Miles. Miles leaned against the passenger door and gave me a cheesy smile. "Hey baby"

When Miles said that my seat belt tightens around me and the door swung open knocking Miles to the ground. "Just get in the car, Miles," Sam said with a sigh. I closed the door and patted the dashboard. "I love your car, Sam" He chuckled as Miles got in the back seat.

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