-Chapter Nine-

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I was dropped to the ground by Starscream as he transformed. "Go find the Autobots. Get the cube or we'll both be terminated along with that bug of a sparkmate of yours." He said before transforming again and flying off. I get off the ground holding my side and stumbled forward. Tear blurred my vision. What the hell was I going to do?

If I didn't listen to Megatron, Bumblebee would be the first one he would kill. And he would make it bloody and painful. I sniffled as tears fell down my cheeks. I didn't bother to wipe them. I needed to get the cube. If not for Bumblebee, then for myself. I couldn't let Megatron kill me. I have a family. They made not be my real family but I love them no matter what...and if I let him kill me...then it would destroy them.

As I made my way towards the center of the city I watched as people ran the other way. Away from where I was going. The sound of a jet was heard and I looked up to see Starscream flying overhead and towards the center of the city. I heard an explosion and I ran the rest of the way. Once I finally made it to the center I saw a huge tank running over cars. Military men stood everywhere and I saw the Autobots.

Sam stood in front of Bumblebee who was laying on the ground. "You have to get up." I heard as I ran over. "Oh my god..." I said startling Sam and Mikaela. "Bee..." I said taking his face in my hands. "What happened?" I asked. :Star-scream: Bumblebee said. I growled and looked up to the sky. Bumblebee chirped and I looked back down at him. I smiled sadly as I rubbed his cheek.

"How did you get back? We went to get you but Mega-" Sam started but I cut him off. "I hot-wired a car. I heard you all were coming here." This was a huge lie. I didn't even know the first thing about hot-wiring a car. :Are you hurt?: Bee asked making me turn back to him. The slight sting in my ribs reminding me of them. I shook my head. "I'm fine. We need to help you." I turned to Mikaela who had tears running down her cheeks.

"You see that truck over there?" I said pointing to the tow truck. She nodded. "I need you to go get it." Mikaela then ran off. I turned back to face Sam and Bee. My heart stopped when I saw what Sam was holding. It was the cube. "Um...." I said slightly shaking my head. "We're going to help you, Bee," I said turning away from them and starting to walk over to Mikaela.

:Sam: Bumblebee said looking at him. Sam turned to Bumblebee. :You can't-let-Dark-song-get the-all-spark: Sam narrowed his eyes confused. "What? Why?" He asked. :I fear-her father-got to-her-has-happened before: Bee said looking over as Megan walked back.

"Okay. Slow down!" I said as Mikaela pulled up next to Bumblebee and Sam. Sam climbed up on the truck and placed the cube down. I stared at it intensely. I could just take it and run. :Dark-song.: I looked away from the cube and back to Bumblebee. "Right...uh...wrap that around his head," I said.

"It's Megatron! Retreat! Fall back!" I heard Ratchet say as the Autobots ran back over. I turned and saw Megatron walk out from beside a building. He shot at Jazz and transformed. He flew at Jazz and picked him up, flying off. My breathing became heavier making my ribs hurt.

"Sam! Where's the cube?" A soldier asked running over to us. "It's right there." He said pointing to the cube. The soldier ran off and Sam continued to help Bumblebee. The soldier ran back over. "Okay. All right, I can't leave my guys back there so here, take this flare. There's a tall, white building with statues at the top. G to the roof. Set the flare."

Sam shook his head. "No." He said. "Signal the chopper and set the flare." The soldier said trying to continue. "No, no, I can't do this!" Sam said making the soldier grab Sam by the shirt and pull him down. "Listen to me! You're a soldier now! All right? I need you to take this cube. Get it into military hands while we hold them off, or a lot of people are gonna die." The soldier said handing Sam the Cube. He hopped down off the truck as the soldier tried to get Mikaela to leave.

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