All the greatest teen love stories happen at the mall

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If you don't like transgender people you should probably not read this. Just sayin. Or do. Whatever, your life.

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are riding in Weiss's car. It's a nice sports car with enough room for everyone. That's good because Weiss drives Blake and Yang to and from school. Yang is in the front seat talking to Weiss about something Ruby can't understand and Blake is sitting next to her staring out the window.

'Please don't be there. Please don't be there. . .' Ruby prays. She doesn't want any of the other girls to know about her maybe soulmate. Especially her sister. She has her reasons. Reasons only like five people know.

"We're here." Weiss says as she parks the car."Since we're at the mall we should do some shopping."

Yang is the first out then the rest. "I'm down." Blake nods and Ruby copies her. She has never been a fan of shopper but it could detract from the task at hand. "Looking around could give us a higher chance of running into Ruby's future bf." She stands corrected.

"What do they look like?" Blake asks. Unlike the others she's not jumping to the conclusion that Ruby's love is a guy. As a bi girl herself she knows better. But let's not get into that. . . Yet. . . ;-)

"Ummmm. . ." What should Ruby say? Oh, she's got it! "You know what guys? Don't worry about. Let's just focus on shopping and if we happen to see them I'll tell you. Okay?"

"Okay, let's just go in already. It's kind of chilly out." Weiss says. Ha, the ICE queen is cold. Oh, irony, I missed you. The girls all nod and walk in. Nobody noticed they didn't lock the car.


The girls have been looking around for a few hours. Luckily the all remembered their money this mourning. Well Ruby always hides her money in her math book. So far only Yang and Weiss bought anything because neither Blake nor Ruby shop at the stores they went to.

"Okay, where should we go to next?" Weiss asks as the girls walk out of Style 16. Blake and Ruby almost died of all the pink. Yang, who is a tomboy partyer, didn't have a good time either but she found matching tee shirts that she's gonna get for her and Blake when she's not around. They say Bee FFs with a bee under the letters. One has is mostly black the other is mostly yellow. They have a pun and their favorite colors! They're perfect!

"Let's go to Hot Topic." Blake suggests. She'll bet anything that Ruby will agree. Most of what Ruby wears to school is either gothic or nerdy. Blake's style is a mix of hipster and emo with a little bit of gangster left over from her past.

"But, Blaaake, that place scaaares meee." Yang whines. She doesn't like the creepy clothes. Some of the tees there are funny but that's all that's good. Also it smells like cheap hair dye. Let's just say it isn't her favorite.

"She's right, we shouldn't go." Omg! Ruby agreed with her! Her life is great now! "But not for those reason." Oh. " The Hot Topic here isn't every good. The one in Whitebird Mall is so much better."

"I didn't know there was one in Whitebird." Blake says.

"Well it's pretty new, but trust me, it's great. They even have cyber punk fashion." Blake and Ruby begin to talk on and on about gothic sub cultures. Yang and Weiss glance at each and sit on the closest bench. They're gonna be here a while.

They're still talking when a voice calls out," Ruby Rose? Is that you?" Ruby turns to where it came from and is greeted by a jump hug from Penny. "Omg! I haven't seen you since Nora spilt that strawberry milkshake on my dog!"

Once again Ruby forgets about the other three. "Penny! I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been?" She hugs her back and blushes a lot.

"I've been good. How have you been?" The two are still hugging. Blake steps back and stands next the other two. They are confused but she gets it.

"I've been okay. It's so good to see you again." She blushes again. She just realized she's been hugging penny all this time and lets go. "Sorry." She mumbles.

"It's okay." Penny blushes too. She's not very good with social things because she's been home schooled most of her life. She didn't even realize it was weird to hug for that long.

Blake clears her throat. "Ruby, we'll let you catch up with your friend here. If you need us we're be in the food court." The others don't move so she bushes them towards the food court.

They sit at the closest table near the entrees. Blake crosses her legs and rests her chin on her hands as she stares at her friends intensely. "Hurry up and say what your thinking."

"What the heck was that?" Yang speaks first. "I didn't know Ruby. . . Why didn't she tell me she. . . Hold on I'm gonna text my uncle real quick." She pulls out her phone and messages Qrow, Did you know Ruby likes girls?

"Not to judge or anything but why was that guy acting like a girl?" Weiss asks. Her father keep her in a bubble so she isn't really in the know of things he doesn't like.

"The proper term is Transgender and she was probably born a guy but felt like a girl. Or is just cross dressing for fun. Probably the former though." Blake explains.

"Okay, I think I have heard of that." She's heard her father talk bad about it. "So Ruby's bi then?" She look over to Yang, but she just found out about this today.

"She's pansexual. Pansexual means not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity." Thank you Google.

Qrow texted back as Blake explained, Yea. I finally have somebody to teach my killer ways with the ladies. In fact I gave her a lesson a few months ago. Qrow remembered wrong. It was the beginning of last school year when Ruby thought she MIGHT have a chance with Weiss.

Yang doesn't know that. She jumps up. "We need to get to Ruby and give her real dating advice before she does what Qrow told her!" She runs up and the girl hurry to fallow her.

They get to Ruby in no time. "Sorry Ruby something came up so we gotta go!" Yang picks Ruby up and throw her over her shoulder. "Nice meeting you, Penny!" She hurries away.

The two, once again, hurry after Yang. It's a thing they do. Penny smiles and says to herself,"Ruby's friends seem nice."

"Um, Yang, what are you doing?" Most people would be more confused when their sister suddenly picks them up, but this used to be a common thing. Plus Nora will still pick her up like this.

"I'm not gotta let you blow your chances with the love of your life by following Qrow's advice." They made it outside. "We're gonna teach you how to get a girlfriend the girl way! Right guys?"

Blake and Weiss finally caught up. "Yea sure. Where did we park? I need to sit down." Blake says out of breath.

"Right over-"Weiss stops when she realizes the car's gone.

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