Chapter 2

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He was silent and then spoke out,

"Yes? I'll give you an autograph or a picture but please don't tell anyone I’m here.” He sounded panicked.

“Why would I want an autograph?” I slowly registered what he was asking and then it clicked; he’s famous and he thinks I’m a fan. Before he could answer me I then said,

“No I don’t want an autograph. Liam you seriously don’t remember me?” He studied as much of my face as he could considering it was dark out. I guess he realized something because he pulled out his wallet and his phone. He took out what looked like a small picture, from what I could see, from his wallet and used his phone as a light to be able to see the small piece of paper in his hand. He then smiled and then asked,

“Sirena? Is it really you?” He smiled at me and stepped towards me. He brought me into a tight hug. I felt a little awkward and he noticed my discomfort and let go. He held his phone in front of my face and the light shined, being able to see my face perfectly. That sweet innocent smile that was on his face disappeared and he was staring straight into my eyes and then I remembered that I had been crying so my eyes were probably red and puffy and my cheeks were more than likely stained with tears.

 “Sirena what’s wrong? I can tell that you have been crying.”

“Liam it’s nothing.” I said in a hushed whisper.

“Sirena, tell me.” He said in a demanding voice. I glared at him. Why was he telling me what to do?

“Why should I tell you? I haven’t seen or heard from you in seven years; you’re a stranger to me.” I said in a cold tone. He l looked hurt and then said,

“So our six years of being best friends means absolutely nothing to you? Sirena I’m not a stranger to you and you know I care about you. Whatever happened, you can tell me. Stop shutting me out. You don’t think I know that I didn’t talk to you for seven years? I had a reason Sirena.” I scoffed and said,

“I never said our past friendship didn’t mean anything but why should I tell you anything if I don’t know you. We were best friends; past tense. We aren’t anymore, so how should I know that you care about me? And what reason did you have to not communicate with me for seven damn years?” I was again becoming agitated.

“So that’s how you feel? That our friendship is over because I didn’t talk to you for all that time?” He looked so hurt.

“It’s not how I feel. It’s what I know.” I said in a monotone voice.

“Sirena I never wanted our friendship to end. I need to talk to you but this isn’t the place.” He looked around pointing out that we were still in the cemetery.

“Fine then. When and where? ”I asked.

“My place and now.” I hesitated to say yes but gave in and nodded my head. Then I heard Liam whisper,

“Will you tell me why you were crying?” I didn’t respond at first but then said,

“Yes but when we get to your place.” He nodded and again asked,

“Will you also tell me why you were at the cemetery at,” He checked his phone and said,”11 by yourself?” I let out a huff and said,

“Yes Liam but can we stop the 20 questions ‘till we get to your house?” He chuckled and said,

“Same old Skittles. You always became agitated quickly.” I glared at him but then smiled because it was actually really true and he remembered that about me after all these years. He then said, “So I’ll give you my address and you can meet me there because I’m guessing you drove here.” Realization hit me and I remembered why I was even her and how I got here; running. I have to ask Liam for a ride.

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