Chapter 4

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I looked over to see Niall standing there with a big basket of chips and a pie; I mentally laughed. For some reason this only angered Cody even more and he put more force on his grip as he said to me,

“Don’t tell me what to do. Who the hell is that guy anyways? Your mine until I say you’re not.” I yelped in pain and tried to pull away. Niall rushed over to the register I was at and pushed Cody back but instead of him letting go of me he just pulled me with him. I finally had enough of this and punched Cody square on his eye with my free hand and he stumbled back letting go of me. Niall looked amazed. The manager rushed over to us and asked,

“What is going on here?” Really dumbass? Did you not just see what he did to me? I was about to speak but instead my Food Buddie answered for me,

“This young lady was just purchasing her items when this,” he pointed to a glaring Cody, “Lad started to touch her aggressively. And she ended up giving him a good knock in the eye as protection.” The manager looked convinced and he made his way towards a pretty beaten up Cody. Does he ever take a hint after each beating he receives? I looked over at Niall and said,

“Thank you Nialler.” He responded saying,

“It was nothing Sirena. But why did that guy do that to you?” This is going to be a lot to explain. I sighed and said,

“Well that guy is Cody. He is my ex-boyfriend since last night. He is still claiming me as ‘his’,” I made quotation marks with my fingers, “and he is not leaving me alone.” He then asked,

“Why does he look as if he was jumped?” I looked over at Cody and saw that he was talking about his nose, his eye, and about everywhere else he was punched. I then looked back at Niall and said,

“The nose is from me. The bruise on his jaw is from Liam.” I held up my hand to stop him from interrupting me and then spoke again, “I’ll explain later.” He nodded and then said,

“Well you sure are a feisty one. You have got a killer punch if I do say so myself.” The question I was wondering about popped into my head and I asked him,

“Wait, what are you doing here? Are you shopping or something? “He looked down at his basket and then said,

“Oh I was hungry and I was craving chips. And also the lads wanted to bring something because your mum was so nice to invite us over and since I have great taste in food they chose me. I chose Lemon Meringue Pie, I hope she likes it.” I smiled at him and said,

“My mom loves Lemon Meringue Pie. You do have a good taste in food. Well I have to buy drinks so I’m just going to have to get back in line wanna join?” He beamed at me and said a soft yes. I got my items from the register I left them and got back in line, yet again.

While we were in line Niall and I just joked around and I think I realized i really like Niall but only in a brotherly/cool friend type of way. Once it was my turn to purchase my items I waved at Niall, since he was after me, and said bye. Thank God the cashier wasn’t Cody but a really cute gothic dude (no offense to Goths or anything). I went to my car and drove home. Great I bet Niall is going to tell Liam about the whole incident. Wait why didn’t I report Cody when I had the chance? I am such an idiot.

Once I arrived at my house I just chilled in my room listening to one of my music playlists which consisted of Ed Sheeran, Demi Lovato, and Breaking Benjamin.

I was just finishing up homework from my History teacher and Sparky was in the backyard. After I had finished I decided to practice the piano piece from The Last Song since I was going to have to perform it for Mrs. Brusca, my Music Teacher. Since I didn’t have a piano in my room I went across the hall to an empty room where a piano and a small couch were located. After I was on the fourth line I heard footsteps but I thought of it as just noise and to ignore it. I really love this piece and I usually cry because I remember how Isabel and I would love to watch the movie together and this was one of those times that get me to thinking of her.

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