Chapter 6

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I did not just admit that to Zayn, best friends with Liam. I am such an idiot. Why would I just come out and say that to him if I hardly even know him? Karma is such a bitch; I bet that because I was reading Zayn’s mind my mind decided to let him know a little of what I was thinking.

Zayn must have seen me mentally panicking because he then blurted out,

“Don’t worry Sirena this is just between me and you. I won’t tell Liam or the other lads about this conversation.” I let out a heavy sigh and tackled Zayn in a hug. He was not expecting it because he let out a loud ‘umph’. He chuckled and awkwardly patted my back.

“Sorry.” I let go of him and sat back down in my seat.

“It’s no problem; your hugs are really warm and inviting.” I felt my cheeks become a few degrees warmer,

”Thanks Zayn. I have to admit you are really easy to talk to and here I thought you were just the shy, quiet one. “He held up his index finger and shook it in a disapproving way and jokingly said,

“Never judge a book by its cover Sirena.”

“Uhm if you want you can call me NeNaa or Skittles; Sirena just sounds too stranger-ish.” Yes I said stranger-ish. Then I heard ‘Let Me Love You’ by Ne-Yo start playing. Zayn jumped and tried to take his phone from his pockets and succeeded after a bit of a struggle. He excused himself and went outside leaving me in my living room alone. I checked the time on my phone and it read 3:25. Shit I need to get ready. After a couple more minutes Zayn came back in and said,

“I have to go and I got Perrie to come but I kind of told her it was because you are her idol and that you want some advice from her.” He said the sentence really fast but I could still understand him. But why would she be my idol?

“Zayn why would this Perrie girl be my idol? Is she famous or something?” He looked at me as if I was insane.

“You don’t know who Perrie is?”

“No. Should I?”

“Yes. She is Perrie as in Perrie Edwards.”

“From Little Mix?” He nodded his head and I bet he wasn’t expecting me to say the next thing that came out of my mouth.

“I know who they are and I have heard their music but not the biggest fan.”

“Well can u please just act like you are. And their music is really good. Why don’t you like it?”

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it but I don’t really listen to them a lot. But yea I guess I’ll try.”

“Ok well I have to get going because Liam needs us. So I guess I’ll see you in a bit?”

“Yea I guess.”

“And here hand me your phone.” I unlocked my phone and handed it to him with a confused look. Then he handed me his phone and told me to put in my number.

“So now I have your number and you have mine. I’ll text you tonight because I know that you might want to talk to me about Liam.  I blushed for no apparent reason whatsoever. I kissed Zayn on the cheek and he made his way to his car.

“Bye Zayn. It was nice talking to you.”

“Same here.” I guess I just made a new friend. I think Zayn and I are going to be really close friends and with that I rushed to my room and quickly jumped into the shower and cleaned up. I kept thinking about Liam and Dani. Are they still a couple? Wait who is Dani? Zayn did say that her full name was Danielle maybe I can check for her on the web. I finished showering and remembered that I forgot my towel. I’m the only one here so maybe I can sneak out and grab one from my closet. I slipped out of the shower and went into my room and quickly snatched one. I then heard footsteps that were becoming a little louder by the second. I opened my door to see Adriana going into her room.

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