Chapter 16

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"So Liam what would you say to going to the Halloween dance with me?" No, it just sounds stupid; how about if I ask him if he's going to be busy on Friday. Yeah, that will sound alright I guess… I kept on practicing a way I could ask Liam without sounding desperate but not wanting to sound like I didn't care. Okay let's try it again...”Hey Liam so what are you planning on doing Friday night?" Ugh no that sounds way to preppy. "So Liam-"  "Sirena!" I jumped at the sound of my name and spilled orange juice all over the table. "Shoot," I uttered to myself. I quickly turned to see who called my name and it was JayJai. What the hell? How did he even know I was here? I waved at him and grabbed some napkins and did the best job I could of cleaning up the mess I formed. JayJai sat across from me and just watched my actions.

“Y’know you could help me out here.” I joked but his expression stayed blank. “Earth to JayJai! Are you there?” I stood up and quickly threw away the wet pieces of paper in my hand. When I sat down he still was just quiet and this has only happened like two other times and it was because he had lost a bet and had to be quiet a whole day and the other was because he lost his voice while we were having band practice. I started clapping my hands in front of his face and the third time he grabbed my hands and put them down on the table. Well, talk about weiiirrrddd. He finally stopped staring at me like a stalker and got to talking.

“What happened to your cheek?” I felt my cheek and was brought back to the memory that happened less than an hour ago. I was thinking to myself whether I should tell him or just let it go? Maybe I should just let it go because there’s really no point in telling him right?

“Oh nothing I had just…uhm… gotten hit with a ball today during p.e.” Oh great he knows what classes I had today and p.e wasn’t one of them.

“But you didn’t have that class today and you didn’t have practice for either of the sports you do. Why are lying?” Gosh why does this guy have to know me so well? Oh right he’s my best friend…

“Well I kinda- okay promise me you won’t try and do anything irrational.” I pleaded while holding tightly to his hand.

“I promise.” His voice was somewhat like a monotone and it was truly scaring me because he was usually so jolly (like Santa Claus).

“Josh was somewhat drunk and lashed out at me for acting like a tough guy. He slapped me. But I reported him and I’m sure he’s being questioned which reminds me that I might have to go in for questioning later.” His facial expression didn’t change but he did have a look of sympathy which is something I didn’t want.

“I’ll go with you later on if you want; just text me babe. Are you okay?” Yet again I was asked this question and I do believe I am okay. Can’t it just be left alone; I mean if a guy were to have gotten hit by another guy it would have been brushed off why should it be any different for me?

“Yeah I’m fine don’t worry about it. I’m supposed to be meeting Liam here any minute and I was going to try and ask him to the… uhm… dance with me.” Yet again I started to overthink the way I was going to ask him and I was slowly progressing to changing my mind. JayJai’s facial expression changed and his face brightened up and he was smiling warmly at me. “So you finally got the courage to ask him? We all know what his answer will be.” His smile put me at ease and calmed my mind and a huge amount of courage took over me just by his way of words. This guy was seriously my best friend and there was no one in the world to replace him. Every negative thought left my mind and I was smiling without worries.

“Actually before you made me spill my juice all over the table, I was contemplating how to ask him and the more I thought about it the more I convinced myself NOT to ask him. But for some strange reason I have the courage to go through with it.” I smiled at him and gave little hints with my eyebrows when I spoke of my change in attitude and he definitely understood the hints; he just gets me.

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