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I could see my breath as I exhaled. The streets of Wolverhampton were actually quiet.I could hear the sounds of my feet pounding on the gray concrete.It was said to drop thirty degrees today.All i had on were two pieces of fabric, I was freezing. I looked up at the gloomy sky;it looked so peculiar today.

I started thinking about the movie we were going to see,Finding Nemo; by we, i mean Isabel and I.We did invite Liam but he is in bed with the flu.We weren't going to go but Isabel being Isabel talked me into going with her.I remember our conversation yesterday. Liam had wanted to wait and go next week so we could all go together but Isabel really wanted to see it today and Liam gave in when he saw her puppy dog eyes and didn't argue with her.

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw the cinema in view.I ran the rest of the way because I couldn't wait to go in and feel the warm air.

I ran through the automatic open doors and instantly felt the heater.I sighed from pleasure.I swear my hands were turning purple but there back to there normal body color.

I arrived at the cinema at around ten AM and the movie was suppose to start in about twenty minutes.I went to the ticket booth and bought the movie tickets.I then went towards the condiment section and bought a soda pop and some candy.

"Can i please get two packets of skittles and sour patch kids?Oh and a Dr.Pepper and 7-Up please"

"Of course. That will be fifteen dollars and twenty cents."

"Oh my gosh,is candy really that expensive.Ugh ok you go."

"Thank you Miss. Enjoy the movie."

"Thank you. Have a nice day."

I, then, put the candy in my bag and held the two sodas.I walked towards the door and sat on a step in front of the door to be able to feel the heat and try not freeze to death.I guess I am just going to wait for Isabel; she told me this morning that her Dad was going to drive her here.

About twenty minutes past and Isabel was no where in sight.It had started to rain and I was becoming a little damp.I wanted to see if she was at all close because the movie was about to start.I checked my back pockets for my phone and I didn't feel anything.I face palmed myself because i remembered I left it on my bed after I called Isabel,this morning, to check if we were still on for the movie.I decided that I would wait for another ten minutes and if she wasn't here then I would have to run home and get my phone to call her.

Ten minutes had gone by and she still wasn't here.I had finished my soda while waiting so I threw it in the nearby trashcan and put the other one in my bag.I then ran home as fast as my feet could carry me to my house.

I arrived at my house and ran straight into my room and jumped on my bed and looked for my phone.I finally found it on the floor under one of my pillows.It had 52 missed calls?!Liam had called me 15 times.My mum had called me 20 times, but wasn't she at her job? My dad had called my 17 times.None were from Isabel. I started to become really sick and I was being really skeptical at the moment.I immediately dialed my Mum's number and it rung twice before she answered.

"Mum what is wrong?Why is everyone calling me?"

"Honey,please calm down.Are you at home?"

"Yes i'm at home.Why aren't you answering any of my questions?"I raised my voice a little and I was on the verge of falling over.

"Sweetheart,your Dad is going to pick you up.I will explain everything once you're here."

"What is going on?Where are you?" I was really becoming impatient.Why was my mum acting this way?

"I'm at the hospital,love.Your dad is on his-"before she could even finish her sentence I heard a familiar honk outside.I looked outside my window and saw my dad'd car.I said bye to my mum and hung up my phone and dashed out the door towards my dad.I jumped into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut.

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