*flips table*

9 3 2

Well... I got tagged by Hedgie-Role_Player... lets go!
1.a bird had shitted on my head...
2. We don't have grades, we have classes from one to 4/5/6 (it depends on your level) and levels like having vwo... I'm gonna go to vwo 2
3. My mother is allergic so we can't take pets in our home, otherwise we probably had a dog by now, so we have to bunnies in the backyard.
4. I tried to play Pokemon go, but first we thought my phone was to old, and then the game throws me out the game if I wanna catch a Pokemon.
5. My birthday is in September
6. I'm a girl (if you didn't know that)
7. I wear glasses
8. I have blue eyes
9. I lost my parents in the mall because i was looking by the post cards...
10. I'm living on a island.

And I tag...

All of you who reading this ^^ (if you don't want to I'm not gonna force yah!)

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