32 | Who Killed Them?

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The sounds of crickets, the strong breeze that's slamming through my closed glass wall, the deafening silence, and the eerie atmosphere in the nighttime are making every fur in my body stood as if someone's eyes are locked with me right after reading those letters in my table, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe everything.

With my gazes straight at the pile of letters, the strong scent of roses could be smelled throughout my room as the light from my lamp is enough to give luminance to this darkness since the sun has already set and it's already 8 in the evening.

My hand, which is holding another letter, is trembling so bad, just like how the cold feeling in my body keeps intensifies until I found myself shivering in frigid feeling inside me.

The only one I haven't opened yet since there isn't any number written at its back, which I also just noticed from the two I've received before as if someone wants me to read them in chronological order. My heart is pounding loud as my body felt cold from the letters I've just read, and it's not dumb not to know what's the message that the letters are telling me.

Dear Allison,

How are you today? I've heard that you were mourning. No, everyone knows that you are after the loss of your only family. My condolences. However, in those days you were gone, something happened and I don't know if you're now aware of it. But let me tell to you.

Ms. Bernabe, our homeroom teacher, is found dead. Her body was found in the woods, and you know what's suspicious? A woman from another class was also gone missing on the same day Ms. Bernabe was known to resign as our homeroom professor, and when they're found, their face was burned as if they were soaked in acetone, which seemed as if intentionally erased their face.

It's the same thing that happened to Robert, which is where another man from another class got missing, and when they've searched in the woods, they're found dead as if gone tortured. The reason why the class couldn't tell you is that you're new and you don't know what's happening inside this devil's cage. Even those students that are minding their own, were involved in the game of someone who did it.

And what's worst? There are bite marks all over their body, the reason why the night students are busy right now, as all of them are getting interrogated by it. The school is in strict precautionary measures right now, and it's the reason why the time for us, humans, to have our dinner is earlier than before.

I'm telling you this because I don't want you to be left behind. We're inside the devil's cage and we don't know if we could escape from here, alive. The only thing that I could say to you is that those people that are dead are innocent ones.

Don't let their deaths be forgotten.

And don't die in vain.

Your only companion,
I wish you the best xx

As my gaze looked through the pile of opened ivory paper, which, I could see those first letters forming into words that brought terror in my being.



s the morning comes, the first thing I've done was to go to Neithan who was smiling when he saw me, but later faded as concern replaced in his face at the sight of my anxious expression.

He's A Monster ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon