3 | Moonlight Dormitory

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THE DARKNESS was her sanctuary, her comfort from the cruel reality; but this one, which was surrounded by scarlet drops of fishy smell on my nostrils, it’s far different from the darkness that has embraced her for years.

“Why do you have to do it?!”

With a cracking voice, she stuttered in both frustration and fear that keeps making her submit. For her front view are countless corpses from people with the intention of the unknown.

From my perspective, it seemed as if the man who remained to stare at her didn’t give them a chance to say their purpose and quickly cut the root that made them take their last breath in a frigid place of the basement, based on the settings I’m seeing right now.

Brick walls in jet-black, no windows nor door could be seen that it’s suffocating to look at. It feels so frigid, the darkness is engulfing me but that small luminance from our surroundings is enough to make me grip on a thin thread that would pull me deeper into the abyss if I let go.

I roamed my eyes and found those two people in this dream, a woman who’s struggling to breathe from crying nonstop, who remained watching him with scorned eyes, and a man with a stare enough to freeze their surroundings.

Jaw clenching as if he didn’t like what he just heard, he spat. “Are you asking me why I killed those people?” He devilishly smirked. His eyes are glowing from the wall lamp that’s surrounding the place, for their reflection of flames keeps glimmering from his eyes.

This feels so ominous and eerie, with tiny droplets from water that keep plummeting from above. I stood there, invisible in their sight, and was watching another terrifying drama again.

The same nightmares that would never lead my senses even if it's done. Those dreams that I could still feel, despite when I wasn’t the one on their feet.

The dangerously handsome man chuckled, his voice is so deep as if from the abyss. It echoed in this suffocating room that brought shivers to my body.

“Are you blaming me for their deaths?” He spat like venom, yet his voice has a mixture of hurt that he’s trying to hide with his stoic looks.

The scorned woman who was engulfed by fear couldn’t feel it, for her eyes, he’s a monster.

“You could’ve just spared them!” She shouted while crying, as if it could solve the problem.

The man looked at her with disbelief— he couldn’t believe how she had the guts to say those impossible words and it’s written all over his face. His face became crueler and is now staring at her as if his gaze is enough to bury her alive.

“They’re threats for your safety. I’ve done it to protect you yet it seemed as if I did something wrong.” He chuckled again, this time, pain is visible on his face.

The woman took a sharp intake of breath, yet because of petrified feelings, she couldn’t think properly. Her trembling increased so much that I was a little worried. She looks as if losing her mind any minute from now, and even though I wanted to help her, comfort her, and make her feel at ease, I couldn’t.

For this is another dream of mine.

“Why can’t you let go of these stupid humans, who always done nothing but to harm you and our chi—”

I jolted and was fully awoken by loud knocking from the door. Groaning in annoyance, I sat down on my bed, clutching my face in frustration from the feeling of reaching the climax, and stopped in its middle and not continuing it.

Letting my comforter fell on my bed, exposing my naked upper body that I bear no care at all; I was so ready to shout at Auntie Rose for waking me this early and make her stop from continuously knocking from my door when what I heard is from an unfamiliar, sweet voice, not her careful one. 

He's A Monster ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon