Chapter 2

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He was just looking at me with confusion then when he saw that I wouldn't respond it turn into anger. He stalked toward me. His steps where wide and confident. Now we were face to face and he asked me the same question.

"What the hell are you doing in here." This time his voice was lower. I felt the anger from his words in waves so strong a vase shook a little.

Cringing in the inside. I took in a deep breathe to calm my nerves because if I didn't I would stutter and whisper my words making him not understand me. I don't want to make him any angrier.

"Chelsie told me that we were low on staff and that I was needed up here. I knock but there was no answer." I stated calmly.

"That doesn't give you a reason to just come in." He said and his voice getting more intense everytime he spoke.

"I know but if you really needed me and I had left I was going to get in trouble. I actually need this job sir, so I was not about just up and leave without completing my task." I tried to reason with him.

He was about to say something else but I cut him off.

"Do you need me or not sir?"

His eyes turn from the dark green that was just slowly coming back to its original color too what look like black in a matter of seconds. I couldn't tell if it was from the lighting or if I was hallucinating. I wonder if this is the owner or a worker of the owner instead.

"Don't cut me off ever again and don't forget that your in my hotel working for me."

Welp that answers my question he's definitely my boss. After he finished talking we just looked at each other. I didn't know if I can leave because he hasn't answer my question yet.

This silence was to much to bare and his stare was too intense for me to hold for a long time. So I just turned around to leave since I guess I wasn't needed. I open the door and before I could get my other foot out the door I was snatched back and I heard the door slam. My body was then pushed into the wall. I gasp as fear rose in me.

Met by his intense glare again. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe to calm my nerves. I was suffocating in his anger that surrounded him. I didn't make eye contact with him and I felt his grip on my arm tightening.

He growled out, "Look at me."

I slowly did with all the courage I had left. Then once again I cracked under pressure and look at his other facial parts.

"I'm guessing you don't know how I function so I'm being very patient and nicer to you. Don't walk away from me if I haven't dismissed you. I demand respect from everyone and anyone."

I just listen and made notes as he talked.

"Yes, I do need you. Follow me." He said calming down a little. He let me go and started to walk. I followed close behind him. Making sure not to piss off this bipolar man.

He lead me to the kitchen and I saw that it was a mess. My mind immediately started to wonder what the hell did he do to mess up this beautiful kitchen.

"One of my stupid staff members was supposed to be cooking me a meal but as you can see that they didn't know what they were doing. So you won't be seeing them anytime soon." He stated calmly like he wasn't just the hulk a couple of seconds ago.

I was hesitant to speak because I didn't want to say the wrong thing and set him off again. Making sure that I choose my words carefully and my tone of voice I said, "You want me to clean this, correct?"

"Yes." He said simply. At this very moment when he said that I heard his accent but I couldn't decipher what it was.

"Do you also want me too cook you something to eat too?" I ask trying to make sure that I understand him fully. It seem to me that he had to think about it for a moment.

He then replied with, "Yes."

I nodded my head then made my way back to the door. To grab my cart. I felt him burning holes in my back as I grabbed my cart and pushed it towards the kitchen.

I took my earphones out and put them in my ear. I started to mop the floor. Never looking up from the floor I saw his expensive black shoes retreat out the kitchen.

I was cooking while cleaning to make the process go faster. I never looked up from what I was doing but I still felt his piercing gaze on me. As I walked around the beautiful kitchen humming to the tunes currently blasting in my ears.

I finally looked up and saw him in the dinning room watching my every movement. It felt like he was studying me. I made eye contact with him and quickly went back to my job so I could hurry and leave because my shift was almost over and I have to get up for school tomorrow.

It took me about 40 minutes to clean up the whole kitchen and finish his food. I was fixing his plate for him hoping that I gave him the right amount. I took it over to the dinning area and careful sat the plate down infront of him. He didn't say anything just looked at me like he has been for almost an hour now. I covered the food but left it out incase he actually wanted seconds.

I started to pack all my belongings. While I drank some of my water that I brought with me I heard his smooth angelic voice.

"Thank you." He said looking at me with bewilderment.

"Your welcome."

I made my way out the door. I quickly went and put my stuff back up and change out of my uniform. I had to catch the bus to get home. I knew that since I was late I was going to have to run all the way home because I hated walking in the dark and plus I needed the exercise.

I quickly ran to the bus station but as I was running I heard a cackle and and a loud crash. Then the sky started to fall. I huffed in annoyance from the rain that came out of no where.  I made it home around 12:30. Took off those clothes. To tired to do anything else I want to sleep just like that.

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