Chapter 7

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After the dramatic event that occurred earlier that night. I sat on the floor quietly trying to get myself together because I was slowly loosing hope.

It was currently 12:00 and I haven't heard the maid yet. I was growing anxious.

Quickly clearing all the negative thoughts out my head I quietly went down stairs and went into the kitchen and got a glass of milk and went and sat on the patio.

I let the scenery calm me. As the stars watched me and the slight breeze shook the trees that made the rustling sound that was relaxing and gave me a piece of mind.

I then heard the front door open and from the patio I could see the maid walk into the houses and head for the stairs. I stepped back inside and walked into the kitchen to wash my glass out. As I was drying the glass she walked in startling me because I saw her go up the stairs.

"You could've left it in the sink darling." She said.
I gave her a warming smile. "Oh I was just cleaning up the mess I created." I told her in all honesty.
She nodded her head and turned to leave.

"Umm... Excuse me? Do-Do you by chance have a phone I can use." I asked her with hope in my voice.

"Yea sweetly, here you can use it just put it on the table once you're done I'll get it." She said while handing me the phone.

I thanked her and quickly called Ace.
It rung for a few seconds before he picked up.

"Ace!" I said excitedly.
"Rose?" He said a little shocked.
"Rose where are you I've been worried sick. Got me stressing looking all over the city for your ass." He said. I chuckled.
"Ace I'm fine I'm with Joseph the one I asked you about I-"
"Joseph Starling. THE Joseph Starling. Bitch that's one fine piece of meat gurl. I'm so proud of you got you a nice glass of water." I blew out a breath from his overdramaticness.
"Ace it's not like that. He brought me to his home now he won't let me leave. You have to come get me. PLEASE." I said now feeling slightly overwhelmed.

The line got quiet for a few seconds.
"Babygirl are-are you saying that he kidnapped you?" He asked shocked.
"Yea kinda." I stated. "All I remember was that I was really sick and I went to work the next morning and I remember feeling really bad and the customers had me running all over the place. Then I guess I passed out and I woke up at his house." I rushed out.

"Do have any clue of where you are?Can you look out the window and see anything a street or store or something?" He asked.
"No we're  surrounded by trees." I said.

He blew out a breath.
"Fuck." He whispered to himself. He sounded fustrated.
" Has he hurt you." His voice was a little edgy.
"No Ace." I told him. He blew out a breath of relief.
" I miss you Ace." I told him.
"Aww I miss you too pookybear." He said in a cute baby talk voice. I chuckled at him. A small smiled formed on my face from him trying to lighten the mood.

"But I really need to get home because they're gonna force me out of my apartment soon if I don't have the money for rent. And I need to get back to work before I'm fired." My voice cracked when I finally said my worries aloud.
"Okay Rosey Imma do my best to find you. I promise me and Chance will find a way." He told me. I felt a warm and comfort them as I knew that they were going to try to find me.

Suddenly I felt the phone being took out of my hands. My comfort quickly vanished as I quickly turned around to be faced with the master himself. Joseph.

He had anger written across his face as he hung the phone up on Ace. I was shocked I didn't know what to do or say. He walked toward me and I looked down not wanting to face him. He grabbed my face and slowly but softly made me look at him. Some how even though he was furious he was delicate when touching me right now.

I gasped as the sound of the phone being thrown to the wall scared me.

"Why did you do that?" I mumbled to him.

He didn't answer me instead he pulled me toward him and then flipped me onto his back. I let out a scream as that was unexpected from him. I started thrashing around and he acted as if he was gong to drop me and I stiffen.

I was scared to move because his grip wasn't that tight and I was scared he would drop me and he was now walking up the stairs and I didn't put up fight no more.

We quickly made it to the top of the stairs. He dropped me onto the bed. When I looked around I saw that this wasn't the room I was sleeping in. Instead it look liked his room.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the door slam. I jumped and looked at him. He was glaring daggers at me.

"I want to punish you so bad right now it's unbelievable." He said as he slightly laughed but it was such a dark laugh. I'm scared shitless right now.
"Stop looking at me like your so innocent and pure when I just caught you red handed. Talking, pleading for him to find you. HIM!" He growled out. I flinched from how agreesive his words were.

He didn't speak for a couple of seconds and all I heard was his ratchet breathing.

I looked at the floor as he scowled at me. When I did look back up he was in my face I jumped back and started to crawl toward the head of the bed.

He grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to him as he crawled over me. I started to cry as he looked at me.

" Please don't hurt me I said." I begged. I whimpered when I felt his lips connect with my neck. He softly sucked on a spot which made me clench my thighs together. He was aware of that action and he used his legs to spread my legs apart and then he started to suck hard on that spot which made me gasp as I arched my back toward him rubbing my breast on him. He groaned as he softly bit the spot and made me moan. He then got off me and stood up looking me directly in my eyes.

"I would never hurt you muffin."

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