Chapter 20

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"Go get in the car I got the bags." Joseph said. I nodded and walked further into the crowd of the airport.

I don't know why but Chance seems heavier when he's asleep.
"Crap." I said aloud just thinking about the assignment that I didn't submit online. The whole week I was down there I got my professor to send me all the work they were doing in class. I couldn't afford to get behind but I forgot to do my latest assignment.

I looked around the airport looking for Greg but I didn't see him or Buffy anywhere.

"Oh come on." I said still looking around. My feet hurt and I think my body is too tired to have strength, making Chance feel like a ton right now.

Then I saw Joseph last name huge on a sign and quickly made my way over to them.

When I go to the car I noticed that Greg wasn't there but Buffy was.

"Hey." I said. Buffy smiled while the new man nodded and open the door for me.

Trying to lay Chance in the seat but giving up after he wouldn't loose his grip on me.
I then text aunt Kas that we got here safely.

Buffy got in the car. After he got situated he looks back at me before the driver slowly pulled off. I was slowly confused on where Joseph was and why we didn't wait on him.

I hope he didn't get hurt or something. Maybe the bags were taking longer than expected and he order Buffy to take me home instead. I was too tired to really worry.

So, I reclined and slowly started to relax into the seat realizing that I was stressing over nothing.

10 minutes into the drive Chance must of gotten uncomfortable because he started to move and change position while laying on me. I just laid there while I became his human pillow and bed.

It took us 30 mins to get back to the house. Which is weird because the night I ran off I don't remember it being that long. Maybe because Jay was trying to kill me with his driving and my adrenaline was higher than cloud nine. I slowly slid out the car before looking at the mansion that I ran from.

I made my way to the room that I was sleeping in and laid Chance down. I took off his shoes and jacket. I did the same to myself and laid down and took a nap.

I sighed from the immediate comfort and sleep that my body received.

"Mommy." My belly was poked.

"Wake up Mommy." I was poked again.

"Hmm?" I was still tired.

Chance was poking my stomach over and over again while calling my name.

"I'm up baby." I gathered up the strength to open my eyes.

His face was so full of life and excitement.
Before he could say anything Joseph walks into the room.

His bass voice bellowed to our ears.
"Chance didn't I tell you to your mother rest." Chance was was blushing slightly letting me know that he was shameful of his misbehavior. Him blushing only occurs with certain situations and being in trouble is one of them.

He looked down with sadden eyes. "I wanted her to see my new room. I'm sorry mommy."

At first I was confused when he said new room. I made eye contact with Joseph and  raised an eyebrow waiting on an explanation. Chance was quiet and no longer excited anymore.

"Aww it's okay munchkin. Come on show me your new room." His excitement climaxes.

He grabbed my hand and drags me out the door that Joseph was still occupying. His silence irritates me sometimes.

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