Chapter 3

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I woke up to a very intense head ache. Then my alarm clock went off and I wanted to fucking scream. The pain got ten times worser. I had to go to work today and my rent needed to be paid soon and I can't afford to miss any days now.

I slowly slide out of bed to get ready for my daytime job and As soon as I got on my feet I felt light headed and dizzy. I sat back down for a little bit.

I glanced at the clock and saw that I needed to start getting ready or I'll be late and the last thing I want is to be interrogated by my perverted boss.  He stays flirting with me and I avoid him the best way I can. So If I am late today I know that I would have to go to his office to talk to him and try to explain why I'm late. I didn't need to get a write up anytime soon. Yet, talking to him only ended up with me feeling drained and disgusted because his response is usually just him flirting with me.

I dragged my body to the bathroom and looked at my brown skin that started to look dull. I then quickly jumped into the shower with my tooth brush and tooth paste. So it'll be faster to do my hygiene.

I then put on my uniform and put my curly hair into a bun. My body was still extremely tired and my throat is sore. I knew I was catching a cold from last night's ran in the rain. So I went in my medicine cabinet and took a two pills just to get through the day.

I grab my water bottle and a granola bar with a banana and ran to the bus station.

I got to my job with five minutes to spare. Clocked in and quietly went and and got my notebook to start taking orders.

I looked to see how many people were in my section. I made my way to table 11 and started my work.  It started to get really pack more than normal. Sherry hadnt put anyone in my section yet so I wasn't as busy for now.

"Rose," Mr. Blackmond said. He looked at me with hunger. Which made me very uncomfortable especially since he's my boss and he's older.
"Yes," I said with a blank face.
"I need you to go to the second floor since you are better serving people than anyone else. Midny will take over your section." He said while he just look at my body the whole time.
"Okay," I replied. I brushed past him and made my way upstairs. This is were all the rich people sit. Most of them don't like getting harassed while they ate so when they get a reservation they always get it in the reserved part of the restaurant. And since this restaurant is very popular we have a lot of rich people coming in and out of here often.

This isn't my first time working up here. If I don't have to work at the hotel some nights I do overtime at the restaurant and usually I be up here serving the snobby, picky, over dramatic, and inconsiderate rich folk.

I forced a smile on my face and went to the section that I was assigned and saw an old couple. They were so cute. The man was currently whispering somethings in the lady ear that made her blush. I took my time walking to them not wanting to ruin their cute and adorable moment. Since I was walking slow the manager, Carlos, saw me and waved me over. I sped walk to him.

"Hey Rosey, are you feeling well." He said with concern drawn on his face.
"Yea I'm okay." I said.
"Are you sure because you look pale and your nose is a little red and I'm pretty sure u sound stuffy." He said while raising an eyebrow.
"Carlos I'm fine," I said.
He sighed then nodded his head. I took that as my que to leave so I turned around and quickly made my way to the lovely couple.

The rest of the morning is spent taking orders left and right.

It was currently lunch time. I'm still upstairs and It's getting really pack. I was almost running across the building to get to everyone. I told you they were inconsiderate and I had tables calling my name as I walked by trying to get to other tables. I was getting really hot. My body started to feel worse than it did at first.

I was making my way to the table of two men that were sitting way in the back waiting patiently. I stopped right infront of them
"Hi my name is Rose and I will be your waiter today. Can I start you off with anything to drink." I said this while looking down at my notebook looking for an empty page to write their order down on. I noticed that I haven't got any response so I finally looked up. And I took a deep breath when I seen him analyzing my face. His eyes suddenly slants at the sight of me. Making my anxiety jump a little bit. I ignored his looks and plastered a smile on my face.

Then man sitting on the opposite side started to speak. "Umm, Yes can I get a glass of lemonade please." He said while giving me a warm smile.
"Sure can." I said while writing his order down.
"And you sir?" I said putting my attention back on him. He didn't say anything he just looked at me like he did the other night except this time it was more intense. As almost it had a hint of anger involved.

It began to get really awkward quickly.
"I guess I'll leave and let you come back to give you time to decide." I said. I turned around to walk away I felt a hand grab my elbow. I looked back at him with an raise eyebrow. This the second time this man has put his hands on me and I slowly felt myself get agitate. " I'll like a glass of water." He said. I tremble under his gaze and from the vibration from his voice.

I nodded my head. He let my arm go slowly. I quickly left to go check up on all the other tables. Some was agitated and had a attitude. Then I started to run all over the place again to please everyone.

Currently all the other tables were content for now and I went and fixed the drink for his table. As I made my way over there my body felt like it was going to give out on me at anytime. I shook my head lightly to wake myself up and regretted it immediately. I started to feel really dizzy. I kept walking and and I got to their table. I took the lemonade off the tray then the glass of water. Before I could get my notebook out of my pocket a hand grabbed me.

Shocked, I looked at him with wide eyes. I felt even more light headed. I closed my eyes to try to simmer down a little.
"You need to go home and rest," His voice was demanding and low. I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"Why?" I ask totally confused.
He clinched his teeth together and his jawline looked more than define.
"Your obviously sick and obviously stubborn and didn't want to stay home and rest so you brought your ass here making it more worse. So you need to take your ass home and get some rest." His tone was the same as well as his octave. It was still low but from his facial expression and they way his said the statement was intimidating enough to me me flinched.
"I-I-I'm fine sir. I promise." I said. I was okay I was just dizzy and hot that's all and my medicine was wearing off so my nose was stopped up and my throat started to hurt again that's all.

His eyes were green at first but then they turn dark green now. The base of his voice shook rumbled off the tongue. I knew that he was getting more and more agitated. "I don't like liars, so don't fucking lie to me."

I decided to ignore him because I knew that he wasn't going to let me win and I needed to get their orders so I can get back to the other customers. I put my attention on the other man and said, " Are you ready to order sir?"

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