Chapter 18

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My eyes fluttered open drifted around the room. I saw that Chance wasn't in the room.
Slowly getting up I walked to his room to see if he was in there.

It was empty. Then going back into my room to see if he was in the bathroom. It was also empty.

I heard Chance scream.
My baby!!

Quickly realizing that Joe was here and remembering his temper from last night I ran down the hall into the living.

I stopped at the end of the hall.
Chance was running around the couch screaming with the biggest smile on his face while Joe was chasing him and growling and I could see the amusement in his eyes.

Joe finally caught Chance and started tickling him.
Chance was laughing so hard and laugh. Joe whole-hearted laugh fell in the rhythm of Chance.

I walked further in the living room and immediately Joe face went back to expressionless positions it's usually in.

Chance was still laughing, oblivious to my appearance.
Joe slowly and carefully put him down.

My eye never left Joesph. I sorta wished that he was still laughing. I've never heard him until now. His face looked so much younger when he laughed.

"Mommy your up. Finally." Chance said dramatically like I've been sleep for years.

"You almost missed Spider-Man!" He said pouting.

"I'm up now so we can watch together like we always do. Have you ate something?" I looked down into his big doe eyes.

"Yes mister Joe made breakfast." He said.
"He did, now?" I asked while glancing at him. He currently taking interest in the floor.

"Yes,Yes, it was good too. But not better than yours." He said rubbing his stomach. I chuckled at his action.

"Well, did y'all save any for me?" I was happy that I didn't have to cook.

My eyes rose from Chance as Jospeh entered the conversation. "Your plate is in the microwave." He said gruffly before walking into the bathroom.

I looked at Chance and he shrugged before going to sit on the couch.

I walked into the kitchen and saw that it looked like I left it last night. Spotless.

Opening the microwave and taking my plate out. I saw that he cooked pancakes, bacon, eggs, and French toast.

My stomach growled at the site. I grabbed the syrup and went and sat on the couch beside Chance.

Joe entered the room and sat on the opposite couch.

Spider-Man was on commercial.

"Mommy. Mister Joe said that in coming to live with you." Chance faced beamed with excitement and happiness.

I stopped chewing and put my plate down. I looked at him and saw that he was on his phone but I knew that he was on his phone.

He quickly looked up before returning to his phone. I know he felt my eyes burning holes in him.

I was livid. Like how are you just going to feel my baby head up with false promises. He didn't even know why Chance wasn't living with me. He was not apart of me or Chance's life so he had absolutely NO SAY SO whatsoever.

I got up from where I was sitting. And made my way in front of him. He looked up slowly at me with a raised eye.

My jaw clenched. "Can I have a word with you, Mister Joe."
He stood and followed me into my room.

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