Chapter 8

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~ I would never hurt you muffin.

My eyes burned into him as his did the same. Whatever he just did to me had my body going into overdrive. It was a tingling sensation all over and I didn't want it to end.

I felt his thumb slid under my eyes. He was wiping away my tears but they just kept coming.

"Why are crying muffin." He asked. If I wasn't crying I would've laugh from him at his failure of trying to make his voice soft when speaking to me.

"Answer me ..........please." He said.
"I- You scare me and now your confusing me and you won't let me go home. I'm about to get evicted from my apartment if I don't pay my rent in two days. I've missed way to many days from work then I can afford and I'm highly upset." I rambled out to him.

He lifted my face to meet his. We were so close until I saw the imperfections on his face that made him so much more sexier.

His eyes held a deeper emotion. One that I could not recognized but I knew it was powerful.

"I'll take you home tomorrow." He said in a hush tone with reassurance lacing it. I nodded my head and in my head in his chest because I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

His rough hands pulled me closer to him and then he engulfed me with his big frame. His grip tighten around me .

I went to sleep listening to his heartbeat pounding steadily in my ear.

~ I woke up with a thick cover smothering me. It smell so delicious. I buried my face in it and sniffed. My eyes fluttered around the room. This was not the room I've been currently sleeping in.

I got out of the bed and looked for Joseph. As soon as I walked into the hallway a big buff man stood beside the door.

"Perrywinkles." I muttered to myself from being frightened. His face was stern and serious but his eyes held humor and joy from my reaction.

"Mr.Starling has requested for me to inform you that he had some business to care to and that you need to get dressed and Mr. Hades will address you to your home." He spoke calmly and sternly while holding eye contact.

I nodded slightly before I headed to the room I was usually in.  I immediately saw the clothes that was folded nearly on th bed. I grabbed them and headed for the bathroom.

~I manage to do my hygiene in 15 mins and when I walked  into the hallway the same man was standing beside the door.

"Follow me." He stated and walked off. I followed quietly. As soon caught up to him and follows step. He led me to a expensive looking car and opened the door for me and then got in the passenger side.

I got comfy in the back.
"This is Mr.Hades Miss." He informed me. I took a look at the driver and slightly smiled at him. He was buff and stern looking but at the same he came off as a big gummybear.

"You don't have to call me Miss. You can call me Rose and Hello Mr.Hades." I said looking between the both of them.

"Well." Mr.Hades started to say. "since I can call you Rose you can call me Greg."

I then gave him a warming smile.
"Hi, Greg." I said. He chuckled at me and the big buff men lips twitched ever so slightly if I would of blinked I would've missed it. Nice to know that they found me amusing.

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