Chapter 1

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So I've decided that I will be updating every second day! Time of day will vary but it will usually be between 5 and 8 pm (Western Australian time) because that is when I actually have time.

Anyway, enjoy the first official chapter :)


Kneeling on the stone roof of Castle Zaraeli, my storm grey eyes are cast downwards while my long, dark hair is gently blown into my face by the breeze. I look up at the sun setting over the mountains on the distant horizon. The orange light it bathes the world in makes my creamy skin appear almost golden.

For the entirety of this day, I've managed to dodge everyone in the castle. I hate being stared at, whispered about and disrespected by my people. I really don't need all that, especially today out of all the days in the year.

'Raven?' A male voice sounds behind me.

Tearing my gaze away from the beautiful sunset, I glance over my shoulder at a young man. His chestnut brown hair is cropped close to his head while his hazel eyes stare down at me. I can't help thinking how much he looks like his father, Sir Nicholas.

'Why are you up here, William?' I ask, an eyebrow raised.

He frowns at me. 'Didn't I tell you about the celebrations to tonight?'

I turn my head back to look at the sunset. He did tell me but I chose to ignore him. I hate social gatherings, in fact I despise them with every little bit of my soul.

'Raven you know you have to attend!' He reminds me. 'After all, it is your party.'

'I know, Will,' I sigh.

'Look, your parents only ever make you come to this one party every year. It's not so bad, is it?'

He's right. A few years ago my parents told me I only ever had to attend one party every year, my birthday party. Today was my sixteenth birthday. The fact that this is the only party I have to go to this entire year will help me get through the night. It always does. Slowly, I rise to my feet and make my way over to William.

'Come on, Phillipa has already gotten your gown ready in your chambers,' he says. 'You just have to go get ready, come to the feast and dance a little.'

The way he says it makes it all sound so easy and I suppose it is. Or at least it would be if I wasn't the shunned princess of Zaraeli. Ever since Queen Bronwen's attack on the castle six years ago, my people had turned their backs on me. They said I was going to be their downfall, that because of me, Bronwen would kill us all. But I have done nothing to them, I don't even understand why the conquerer Queen was even after me. Thankfully she hasn't sent any men to Zaraeli in years, as far as I have heard. Perhaps my father is covering up reports of her men so that the people don't blame me more than they already do. I try being as nice as I can to them but it is extremely difficult when everyone around you either hates or fears you. They whisper about me, inventing a new reason why Bronwen wants me each time. Some say I have magic she wishes to darken while others believe I am already allied with her and the whole attack was actually planned by me. But how could a ten year old plan such things? Not one of these rumours is even close to being true, that much I know.

'Are you coming?' William calls, pulling me out of my train of thought.

I nod, tucking my thoughts away into the back of my mind and following him back into the castle. A little way into the maze of passageways, we part ways. He returns to his chambers to finish preparing himself while I make my way back to my own.

I enter my rooms filled with silver, gold, precious jewels and ornate furniture which I find rather impractical. In one corner of the room, I spot a middle aged woman with light brown hair which is turning silver with age and light blue eyes. I smile as I step towards Phillipa, my handmaiden.
'Princess Raven, where have you been all day!' She cries. 'You should have been here two hours ago so that you could have bathed before the party.' She steps away from me, her eyes studying me, trying to decide whether I am clean enough.

I open my mouth to speak but the older woman cuts me off, ushering me into my bedroom.

'Never mind, let's just get you into this dress and ready for your birthday celebration,' she says.

There is not another person in this castle like Phillipa. She is rather bold, a trait which anyone else would scorn. I however quite like this about her, it makes her who she is. Phillipa is very loyal too, she even helps to suppress the rumours of me amongst the servants. She is there when no one else is, too and doesn't judge me. I can be myself around her.

I look at my bed to see a royal blue dress laid out there. It has long, draping sleeves and a low back. I allow Phillipa to help me into it before she skilfully braids my thick hair and hands me a pair of shoes to match the gown. I put them on and turn to her.

'You look absolutely beautiful,' she tells me, placing a plain silver tiara on top of my head.

Giving her a smile, I step towards the long mirror across from the bed. Phillipa is correct, I do look beautiful. Though I have never been one to stand before the mirror and admire myself for hours, I do know that if I was, I'd be there all night long. As usual, my handmaiden has outdone herself. I wish there were words to express just how wonderful she truly is.

'Thank you Phillipa, your work is incredible!' I exclaim.

'Oh, there are others which can do far better than I can,' she dismisses.

I shake my head. In the mirror I can see that she is blushing, causing me to smile. 'Don't be so modest, the entire castle knows just how talented you are.'

Smiling a little, Phillipa practically pushes me out of the door. 'Hurry, or you'll be late,' she tells me.

Turning around, I begin to walk to the ballroom where I know everyone will already be. I slip through the door and into the crowd, not wanting to have a grand entrance as any other princess would. There are knights, lords and ladies everywhere, talking in pairs or large groups while others have already begun to dance. I can see my parents sitting upon their thrones at the far end of the room and cut through everyone towards them. Before I can get anywhere near them, someone stops me.

'Your Highness!' A lady cries, rushing up to me. Thankfully no one notices as I don't want a roomful of people staring at me.

The lady stops before me, her shimmering green dress is almost the same colour as her eyes. Her golden hair is pinned on top of her head in a coiffure of curls while a fake smile is plastered on her face.

'Oh, Princess Raven I'm so glad I caught you. I haven't seen you in years!' She exclaims. 'We used to be so close when we were young. I just wanted to wish you happy birthday.'

I match her smile and nod. Lady Marie and I have never been friends or even anything close to friends. As children we despised one another and made no effort to hide it. 'It's good to see you again, Lady Marie,' I lie. 'But cannot talk, though I would love to.' With that, I step around her and walk towards my parents only to be stopped by another person. At least this time it is William.

'I'm glad you decided to attend,' he says.

'I thought I had no say in the matter. You, Phillipa and my parents made it perfectly clear that I had to,' I remind him.

He smiles. 'Very true. You did have to come but I am glad you didn't try worming your way out of it.'

'Believe me, I would have tried if Phillipa had of let me speak,' I tell him, returning the smile.

Laughing, William extends a hand to me. 'Care you dance, Your Highness?' He asks.

I glance at my parents once more and then back to him. After a moment of consideration, I take his hand, accepting the invitation. Together we waltz gracefully amongst the other dancers until the final songs is played and my father announces that the feast will begin shortly.

Enjoy? Vote and comment if you did :)

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