Chapter 23

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She didn't kill me but I find myself later wishing that she had. I'm bound by invisible bonds, restricting me from doing little more than breathing. Bronwen orders her men to take me back to her castle. They carry me-for I cannot walk-to a clearing in which a horse-drawn prison wagon awaits me. I let out a dry laugh as I am locked inside, thinking how well prepared Bronwen was when she came to ambush the ambush I had planned. She had thought of everything, knowing that I would fail and end up her prisoner.

I sit on the floor of my tiny, portable cell as we begin to move. Leaning forward, I rest my head on my knees as I am rocked back and forth by the steady movement. I close my eyes, allowing myself to fall asleep until I am jolted awake as we pass over a bump in the path we are on. I wonder what is happening back in Zaraeli now. Has someone taken charge of my kingdom? Is anyone going to try rescuing me? No, not one of the people in the castle cared, not even now I am Queen. Phillipa was the only one but she couldn't come after me even if she wanted to. It would be foolish to try anyway. Even if someone was to care, travelling to Bronwen's castle to rescue someone is a suicide mission.

As I am transported to her castle, I feel weak and powerless. I succeeded in putting out her fires, proving myself as strong. But I had allowed myself to be captured, even if I hadn't intended for her to, it had still happened. Now there was nothing I could do but wait and see what she decided would be my fate. Perhaps I would be killed, maybe I might be forced to serve her as countless others had been. Or would I be returned to my kingdom after a while? I had no way of telling what she would do. Bronwen was completely unpredictable.

Then there was Thorn, her son. A man who under the name of Malcolm had wormed his way into my court and pretended to be my friend. I had put my trust in him only to discover he was a spy. He hadn't betrayed me, I'd betrayed myself by being to faithful. I had wanted a friend and I had gotten one, how had I not seen through it? No one wanted anything to do with me, ever. I had been blinded by my own desires. So now I was paying the price for my foolishness.

For the rest of the journey I sit, contemplating all that had gone wrong until we at last arrive at the castle. The wagon door opens as night falls-for we've travelled all day long-revealing a man against the starry sky who slings me over his shoulder as though I weigh nothing. As I am carried though the castle, I notice that everything, the floors, walls, ceilings and furniture are all darkly coloured. I can't help thinking that Bronwen channels her inner darkness when decorating. I am dropped to the floor in her throne room, at the foot of Bronwen's throne. Lying on the floor, I look up at her. She looks intimidating up there, staring down at me with those amber eyes. I notice her wardrobe change, from that simple black gown to a more elegant dark purple one. A black crown rests upon her head, sitting atop the loose dark auburn hair as is hangs around her shoulders. She smiles at me, a twisted smile.

'You look well, Raven,' she comments. I glare at her, knowing I look everything but well. My face and clothes are covered in ash while most of my hair has fallen out of its braid. 'Don't worry dear, my servants will fix you up. After that, you may attend dinner with my son and myself.'

I'm very confused. She is unpredictable, always doing the unexpected. She's inviting me, her prisoner, for dinner? I feel my bonds loosen, allowing me to pick myself up of the floor but still restricting me from using magic. I don't try resisting as a serving girl comes forward to help me up before guiding me away at Bronwen's request. We don't speak as I follow her to a closed door in one of the many halls. She opens it, revealing a bedroom. Two over girls are inside, waiting to clean me up.

An hour later, I am clean and dressed in a dark red gown with my hair piled up on top of my head. I look ready for a royal feast, like the ones my parents used to hold. This reminds me of what I need to do. I need to defeat Bronwen and I need to do it soon. I am escorted to a grand dining hall where Bronwen and Thorn are already waiting at an oak table filled with platters loaded with food. My mouth waters as the aroma of it all hits me. It smells delicious.

I sit down opposite Thorn, on Bronwen's left. Sitting back, servants fill my plate with a mountain of food I know I will hardly even touch. At Bronwen's indication, I pick up a silver fork and spear a chunk of potato with it. Slowly, I bring the food up to my face, sniffing it to check for any hint of poisoning.

'I wouldn't poison you, dear,' the other queen assures me.

Still, I am reluctant to put anything in my mouth. After a moment, I open my mouth and bite the potato off the fork. I chew, swallow and to my surprise, she was right, there was no poison. But I still don't eat anything else, not feeling the need to. I'm just not hungry. For the rest of the meal, I sit silently, looking down at my hands in my lap. I glance to the knife lying beside my plate a few times, debating when I should attack her with it. Once I know no one is watching me, I slip it of the table and place it on my lap.

Just before the meal is over, Thorn looks over at me. 'Where's your knife?' He asks.

My head shoots up, knowing that now they know I'm preparing to attack, I need to act quickly. So I do, reaching under the table with the knife and plunging it into Bronwen's abdomen. She gasps, her face paling and her hands clutching at her belly while I feel her blood ooze onto my hands. I smile, the monster can bleed. I feel myself being pulled away by her men as other-including Thorn-rush over to her, trying to help. But Bronwen pushes them all away, pulling the knife out and rising from her seat, waving a hand over her wound to heal it.

'It's not going to be that easy, Raven,' she tells me before turning to those who hold me. 'Lock her away, I've given her a chance to not be caged but she's ruined it.'

As I am dragged away, I look down at the blood on my hands. I may not have killed her but I injured her. Bronwen may have healed herself but the next time I go for her, she will receive a wound no one can erase with magic. Next time, I'm going for her heart.

Another early update, hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

I can't believe how close we are to the end of the book. I honestly hadn't realised that until now when I went to upload this chapter. Wow.

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