Chapter 19

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As I walk back to my room after speaking with the spies, I cross paths with Malcolm. He gives me a pitying look once he sees me before walking over. 'Don't,' I warn, knowing he's going to ask about William but I can't talk about it right now, not while this hole in my heart.

'I was just going to ask how it went with the spies,' he tells me. 'So, what did they say?'

Sighing, I stop walking to turn and face him in the hall. I was glad that there was something else to talk about because I really needed to take my mind of his tragic death. 'The people were taken from their homes by force and told their families would be killed if they didn't join Bronwen's forces,' I relay the information my spies had told me only minutes before.

Malcolm nods. 'It sounds very much like them,' he says. 'Well, what are you going to do about it? I know you said before that you would go storm the place, but you're not really going, are you?'

'No, of course not. Only someone as stupid as Frederick would,' I reply. 'We're going to attack but we're not going to just march up and invade. We're going to be clever about this, so that we can break apart the forces gathered there without being detected by any of their people outside this one group. The first to know will be the people who bring the supply wagon, when they find the bodies strewn across the ground.'

'Gruesome,' he comments. 'You will be seen as a strong and fearless Queen after this. Outside kingdoms will stay well away or flock to make alliances will you. Your people will be grateful and your court will look up to and respect you, all of us, even Frederick. The only thing that could possibly benefit you even more would be if you were to join us in the battle, but you cannot.'

'Who says I can't?' I ask, shooting him a questioning look.

Malcolm glances up at me, surprised. 'Your Majesty, you're not seriously considering coming with us? I mean, can you even fight?' He shook his head when I glared at him. 'You know I didn't mean it badly... I know you are a very powerful and capable young woman.'

'Look, Malcolm, you can't tell anyone. I mean it,' I warn. 'The court would not approve of this at all. You can't say a word.'

He nods. 'So tell me, Your Majesty, how do you plan on attacking our enemies?'

I grab him by the arm and drag him halfway to my room. For the other half I allow him to walk by himself but he has to more run after me, for I walk very quickly. I lead us into my room and pull out a map of the enemy camp which spies had previously brought while reporting. I spread it out on my desk of sorts and showed him the battle plan. 'We're going to station knights here, here and here,' I point to each spot as I speak, 'the rest of us will wait here.' I move my finger back to the first spot I pointed out. 'This group will attack first while this group, which will be the largest, surrounds the camp to ensure no one can escape. That group will create an inner circle around the camp.' I explain the rest of the plan to him and he leaves shortly after to attend to some business.

I clear my desk and sit down at the chair just as Phillipa enters the room with a tray. She places it down in front of me and I began to eat the chicken soup. As the first bit of it touched my tongue, I closed my eyes but not before a tear squeezed out. William's favourite dinner was chicken soup. I brush the tear away with a hand and open my eyes to see Phillipa looking down at me. I put the soup spoon down seconds before bursting into tears. She wraps her arms around me to comfort me.

'Shh dear,' she soothes. 'You're okay, you're okay. You couldn't have done anything to change what happened. None of what occurred was your fault, so don't you dare think otherwise.' She held me until my sobs turned to sniffles and then until the sniffles went away.

'Thank you,' I tell her, giving a small smile. 'You're the best, Phillipa.'

'You know I love you, dear. If I can help you in any way, let me know,' she says.

I nod, then an idea comes to mind. 'There is one thing,' I say. 'Could you find me some armour, please?'

'Armour?' Phillipa laughs. 'Why would you need armour? It's not as if you are going to fight with the knights when they go to attack that enemy camp!' She stops, staring at me. 'You're not, are you dear?'

I put a finger to my lips which is all the answer she needs.

'Oh no, dear. You can't! You're our Queen now, too!

'I know. That's exactly why I do need to. My people need to see that I will fight for them, not hide behind these castle walls. I need to be a strong leader and show Bronwen it too.'

'That's what this is all about, isn't it?' Phillipa asks. 'Bronwen? You want revenge for William.'

I give her a small nod as confirmation. 'I do need prove myself to my people but yes. My main reason is Bronwen and avenging Will. He didn't deserve to die at all and I will make her pay because of it,' I held a hand up. 'Don't try talking me out of this, I am going to do this, okay Phillipa?'

To my surprise she nods. 'I know I can't talk you out of this. You're dead set on it, I can tell. So what I will do is get you some armour. What kind of maid would I be if I sent my queen into battle completely vulnerable to all attacks?' She asks.

I smile, a real smile despite all that has happened today, despite all the pain and sadness brought upon me and others. 'Thank you, Phillipa.' She returns my smile and leaves the room, leaving me all alone. I look down into my bowl of soup and begin to eat again. As it warms my insides, I remember William, my dearest friend, my brother in everything but blood and the man I would have been happy to spend my life with.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

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