Chapter 21

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Wrapping a plain brown cloak around my shoulders to hide my wings, I sneak through the dark passages. Only hours before, the knights left to go attack the enemy camp holding my people against their will. My dark hair was in braid to keep it out of my face and underneath the cloak, I wore a white tunic covered by shiny metal armour which had to have a hole cut at the back for my wings, brown pants and brown leather boots. I had Phillipa to thank for the outfit, she had pulled some strings to ensure I wasn't going to ride into battle completely defenceless. Around my waist, a leather belt held two swords, one on either side of me. I was sneaking out to the stables, where a horse awaited me.

I made it into the stables and found a stable boy holding a bay mare by the reins. She was already saddled up, ready for me to ride off immediately. 'Thank you,' I told the boy and held out a piece of silver. 'Here, for your help.' He took it, smiling up at me before hurrying away, leaving me with the horse. Placing a hand at the back of the saddle while my other takes the reins, I put a foot into the stirrup before propelling myself up into the saddle with the other leg.

I look to the open stable doors and nudge my horse forward into walk. I wait until we are out of the way of buildings before kicking her into a gallop. We race through the forest, heading in the direction my knights would have taken. I could have flown to them, I would get there faster if I did but Malcolm had told me I shouldn't, otherwise everyone in the castle would see someone flying and know it was me. At least on the ground I could be anyone leaving the castle and the court members who weren't going into battle, like Frederick, wouldn't know until they noticed me missing or until I returned victorious.

I turn my mare down a shortcut so that I will reach my knights and join them in battle sooner. I reach them two hours before dawn, an hour before they launch their attack. I quickly dismount, vaulting myself off of her back and go to find Malcolm. He is with several other noblemen, going through the battle plan and looks up to see me, excusing himself form them. He walks over to where I await in the shadows, unseen by the others.

'So you did come,' he says.

I nod, 'I couldn't leave you all to fight my battle. Yes, we're only up against her forces in the camp and not Bronwen herself, but I still have to be here.'

'I still wish you'd stayed in the castle, where it's safe. I mean, what if you die in this, who would rule the kingdom? It would go into anarchy and make it easier for Queen Bronwen to take over,' he reminds me.

I shoot him a look. 'You think I'm going to die?' I ask. 'I can defend myself you know.'

Malcolm sighs, shaking his head, causing his black mane to fly around his head. 'I know you can. I'm not doubting you, Raven. I'm just worried,' he admits, running a hand through his hair.

I smile, feeling a little touched at his concern for me. 'I'll be fine,' I assure him, placing a hand on his shoulder. 'If you want to, I'll stay near you the entire time so you can keep an eyes on me, okay?'

A smile creeps across his face. 'I'd like it if you would,' he replies.

'I will,' I promise him, returning the smile. 'Now, I should probably go prepare myself. Which group will you be in?'

'I'm part of those surrounding the camp and keeping everyone inside,' he tells me. 'So we won't be doing most of the fighting but we have the hardest job; making sure no one gets past us.'

Nodding, I draw my hand back and turn away. I glance over my shoulder at him before I walk away. 'I'll see you soon,' I say. I make my way back to the spot where I left my horse to graze on the green grass under a tree. I pat her pretty brown neck and play with her black mane as I wait. I glance up at the sky to see the position of the moon. It has almost reached the horizon, meaning we are about to attack. I remount my horse and walk her over to where Malcolm's group will be gathering. Before I reach them, I make sure to pull the hood over my head. I don't want anyone to recognise me yet and try send my back. I found Malcolm and halt my horse beside his black one.

'Not backing out?' He asks.

I look at him. 'You make it sound as if you want me to,' I tease, knowing very well that he does.

'I don't want you to get hurt,' he replies. 'Just stay close, okay?'

I nod in reply as the knights around us begin to ride away, stationing themselves around the camp so that no one can escape. Malcolm and I stay where we are, unable to see the camp through the trees but we know it's there. With my left hand, I hold the reins tightly while my right hand rests on the pommel of one of my swords, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. I can hear the fighting begin as the sun makes an appearance. Two of Bronwen's men crash through the trees, racing towards us. I pull my sword form its sheath and run one man through with it and slice the other's throat before my companion can even move. I turn to him in my saddle with a questioning look on my face. 'So, do I need protecting?' I ask.

Malcolm looks from me, to my sword, to the dead men lying bleeding on the ground and back to me again. 'Whether you need protecting was never the question. It was whether you needed to be watched out for or not,' he replied.

The corners of my mouth twist upwards into a smirk. 'Sure,' I say as I hear cries of pain coming from the direction of the camp. I glance towards the sound and then back to him in worry as I see a giant cloud of smoke. I hope that they were he cries of the enemy but I know that it's not, not with that fire. The next group of people to come crashing through the forest are our own. They're bleeding and in pain, two of them are even missing limbs while the others have a few burns. No, this cannot be. We're being forced into retreat but how—why—is this happening?

'It's the demon Queen! Bronwen is here!' One man cries. 'We must escape back to our Queen and tell her the news!'

I shake my head, lifting my hood back to reveal my face. 'I am your Queen,' I tell them. 'You can run, take the injured to safety, but I will remain.' I turn to Malcolm with a sorrowful expression on my face. 'I'm sorry,' I apologise in advance as I push my horse into canter, straight towards the cloud of smoke and the battle we were losing as well as my enemy, Queen Bronwen.

Next, she'll be fighting Queen Bronwen! Yay! Will she win or lose? Only I know 😈 (Well, me and a few friends who are helping me edit the whole thing) So, I updated pretty early today but hey, I'm on school holidays and I'll probably forget about it later. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote and comment!

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