Chapter 6

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This is the second part of a double update. Please ensure you have read Chapter 5 first and if you have, please continue reading :)

I look to the sky and see that the clouds are beginning to turn pink and orange while the sky behind them darkens. The sun is beginning to sink over the horizon while the moon is rising in the east.I have to return to the elves now, I've been away long enough. I spread my wings, push myself off the forest floor and fly away, still not quite understanding how I do. I hover before my window and grab the window sill, tucking my wings away as I pull myself through to get inside. I close the window and sit by it for a while. Soon, an elf knocks on my door.

'Would you like to have your dinner in here, Princess Raven?' The small, young elf asks, sticking her head inside my room.

'Yes,' I tell her and she leaves. Ten minutes later the elf returns with some bread and soup. I eat by the window, still looking outside. I wish I'd grown up here with the elves, where I could go out in the forest and not have to be around so many people all of the time. It would have made growing up a lot easier, I think. Perhaps Bronwen wouldn't have found me at all and even if she had, I don't think that the elves would have hated or feared me as my people did. Also, I wouldn't be a princess, lightening the weight on my shoulders. I would have lived such a carefree life here. I would be free.

When I finish eating, another elf comes to collect the dishes. After that I am left alone for the night. I change into a nightgown I find in the wardrobe. It is very different to mine obviously, the clothes here weren't made for me like the ones back in the castle. There are no lights so my room is completely dark. I lie in my bed and try to sleep. Every time I almost fall asleep a part of me wakes me up, not wanting to have another bad dream. It is then that I realise just how much I miss Phillipa, she always knew how to help me fall asleep. But my caring handmaiden isn't here, so I just lay there on my bed instead. With nothing to do but think, I wonder about what the dream meant again.

Earlier I had come to the conclusion that it was just a dream and meant nothing. Now, my mind is leading me to doubt that. I want to believe that my sleeping mind was bored and decided to imagine what the future could bring. Unfortunately, my bored mind is leading me to believe that it is likely that Bronwen herself wanted to scare me, I think she is powerful enough to send dreams and visions to others. Perhaps she decided to warn me that she was still after me but I know she is, I don't need a dream to tell me that. Bronwen is hunting me, she has been for years and I know she won't stop until she has me. I also know that, until Bronwen is defeated, I am a danger to everyone around me. Maybe it was a good thing my people feared me.

There was no other theory I could think of, so I left it at that. It was best not to dwell on it, for it would only cause me to worry and that was not something I needed right now. I worry too much as it, I always have since that attack. I've worried about the future and what kind of Queen I'll be. I've worried if my people will even allow me to become Queen. I've worried about the opinions of others more than anything and I know these wings will just increase my worry when I do eventually return to Zaraeli. So I will let it go, I decide. Not worrying for once will do me a lot of good.

Just after midnight, I finally fall into a dreamless sleep and I am grateful for it. I haven't been able to sleep like this in so long for recently, every time I fall asleep I have a nightmare about some terrible beast hunting me and killing me. Those dreams were worse when I was younger, I would wake up screaming until my voice was hoarse and my throat burned as if it was on fire and yet I still had haunting images in my head. Over time they had faded away, giving me restful nights such as this one every now and again. Still, I don't get enough sleep as I should but I know it will be worse later, one day when I am Queen.

Sunlight shines in my eyes and I sit up in my bed. Not at all recognising where I am, I let out a small scream. Seconds later, I can hear footsteps approaching my room and suddenly the door bursts open. I look up and see Alexander in the doorway, a worried look upon his face.

'What's wrong?' He asks me.

I shake my head, remembering the events of yesterday. 'Nothing. I just forgot where I was for a moment.'

Alexander walks over to me, sitting on the side of the bed, right next to me. 'Are you sure?'

'Yes, I'm absolutely fine. Now leave me alone,' I say, trying to push him off. He may have apologised yesterday but it doesn't mean that I have forgiven him, that I will ever forgive him.

Alexander gives me a doubtful look but gets up and goes to leave anyway. He pauses in the doorway, glancing over his shoulder. 'I'll be back in half an hour for your lesson. You had better be ready by then.'

Should I take part in this lesson? There is nothing better to do today and Alethea did want me to learn from him so I decide that I will and climb out of bed. Slowly, I bathe and change into a dark green velvet gown with an open back which I find already laid out for me on the bed when I return from the bathroom. I look around for some shoes but the elves don't seem to wear any so they must of assumed I wouldn't. I give up and sit by the window to wait for him. I'm not left to wait very long, for a knock sounds on the door a few moments later. Without having to check the door, I know its Alexander.

'Come in,' I call, not bothering to go open it for him, there are no locks on these doors so he can get in. It seems that he was going to anyway because the same moment I do, Alexander enters the room. I rise to my feet and turn around to face him.

'Good, you're ready.'

Yes, I know my memory is terrible because had to do another double update. I will get there though, it just might take my brain a while to process the fact that I have to update every second day. I promise you that I am setting a reminder on my phone so hopefully, I won't forget again for a long time. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these two chapters :)


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