Chapter 11

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We all turn a little shamefully to see Alethea standing in the doorway, emerald eyes blazing like green fire.

'I expect you all to act your age, not like children!' She snaps when Alexander opens his mouth. Out the corner of my eye I see William smirk and I can tell he wishes to repeat what Alexander was just saying about saints and royalty. 'While I was downstairs I heard the most dreadful news and when I return here to share it with you, I find you bickering as if you were all five years old!' Alethea continues.

I straighten up, hoping that this 'dreadful news' doesn't have anything to do with my family. Alethea notices this and gives me a sympathetic smile. 'No Raven, don't worry,' she says softly. I breathe a sigh of relief, sinking back down into my seat.

'There was a body found in the forest. One of Bronwen's disguised as one of our own,' Alethea says, coming around to the head of the table where she usually sits.

'Do we know who killed the man?' Alexander asks.

Alethea shakes her head. 'No. Whoever it was could be either working for or against Bronwen. They do kill their own. The person was careless though, if they are working for her. The body was left out in the forest for us to find.'

'Do you wish for me to find out who it is? You know I can easily track down this killer and figure out who they are working for,' Alexander reminds her.

Alethea nods her consent. 'Of course, that's why I brought it up. I also thought that Raven and William should know, the killer could potentially be after one of them.'

I nod and excuse myself from the table to go to my room. I hear someone following me and soon after hearing the footsteps, a large hand wraps around my wrist, pulling me back into a solid body.

'It was you,' Alexander whispers in my ear.

I squirm in his grasp, trying to get away. 'I have no idea what you're talking about.'

'You can't have forgotten what my Queen said already, could you? Many suspect your friend but I know it couldn't have been him, he never left his room last night. But you did.'

'Just let me go, Alexander,' I beg but he does not. Instead, he steps around me and drags me into his room. Inside, he closes the door, locking both it and all the windows before releasing my wrist.

'Now tell me, what it is that you did last night?' He questions.

I had known earlier that he wouldn't let this go so I had prepared and explanation for not being in my room the entire night. Of course, they only tell a version of the truth. 'I went to my room after dinner and went to bed. I woke up early this morning and flew around the tree for a bit.'

He smiles a wicked sort of smile which sends fear shooting through me. 'Don't lie to me. You know what I can do,' he threatens.

I swallow, remembering the guards at the castle. Their bodies... I shudder a little at the thought. 'What do you want me to tell you?' I try.

'You know exactly what I want to know, princess. Not giving me any straight answers proves that.'

I shake my head. I know what he's talking about, I do. But to give him the answer he wants... I can't do that. I just can't. So I stand there, not backing down.

'There is only little more time before I lose my patience. You might want to hurry in giving me that answer,' Alexander warns.

'Please don't,' I whisper, backing away from him until my back is against a wall. The windows and door are locked, there is no escape. He could use his magic on me and hide my body, saying I ran away. No one would ever know and everyone trusts him.

He frowns at me, possibly a little surprised at the terror in my voice. 'I wouldn't...' His voice trails off as he takes a step back. 'I will find out, Raven but I would never hurt you to do so.' He unlocks the door and holds it wide open, allowing me to leave.

I dash out of the room, relieved. I go into my room and sit by the window, a little puzzled by the fact that he just let me go like that. A man like Alexander usually stops at nothing to get what he wants.

That evening, Alethea cancels dinner in the dining room, telling everyone to eat in their rooms instead and lock the doors. She doesn't state her reason but we all know it's because she fears the killer might come out again tonight, possibly after one of us. Both she and Alexander are down in the throne room with Alethea's most trusted guards, trying to catch this killer and keep everyone safe at the same time.

I thank the elf who brings my dinner up to my room before she leaves. I take it and kneel on the floor by my bed to eat, not that I eat much anyway. I pick at the baked potatoes and salad, not feeling hungry at all.

After Alexander let me out, I sat in my room just looking staring into space and wondering what things were like back in Zaraeli. Did my father still search for me? Was there a single person who even missed me? If they knew about my wings, would they kill me? Would my father still call me heir to the throne? There were so many questions in my head and many of them would go unanswered for now or maybe even forever.

I leave my food on the floor, not wanting any more of it. This room suddenly feels like a prison and I need to get out. I crawl out of the window as I always do and leap away from it, flying off into the starry night sky.

Landing beneath one of the smaller trees in this forest, I feel myself being watched. When I glance around I don't see anything but I know someone's there. I walk through the forest a little way and the feeling eventually fades away. Whoever or whatever was there is now gone and I am alone.

Through the quiet, dark forest I continue on. Just how quiet it is right now little unusual but I can't allow myself to be caged up in that room of mine right now. I don't care if Alethea says there's a killer somewhere in the forest, I'm alone for the moment and there is no one after me so I am safe. For now anyway.

For the rest of the night I do not see anyone or hear anything following me. I wander through the giant trees, not returning to the elves' tree until dawn. Tired, I climb back through the window and don't bother to change clothes before slipping into bed. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the soft, soft pillow. Again I do not notice the man in the dark corner of my room, watching me with suspicion in his dark brown eyes.

I have a whole bunch of other stuff to do so you get an early update today! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment :)

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