Chapter 5

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'Princess Raven?' A small voice calls from the hall outside. 

I get up off of my bed and go to answer the door. 

A female elf stands there and tells me Alethea wants to see me. 

'Can you take me to her?' I ask, knowing I'd never be able to find the queen myself. This place is far too big and unfamiliar. 

The elf nods and silently leads me down the tree a little way. 

I follow her into a large room with a long, leaf shaped table in the middle and a throne on the far side. In the throne sits Alethea as she reads a paper document. 

'Your Majesty?' I ask as I approach, leaving the elf who escorted me here. I watch her hurry from the room out of the corner of my eye.

Alethea looks up. 'I would rather if you called me Alethea' she says, abandoning her paperwork and moving over to the table. 'Sit.'

I nod and take the chair to her left, feeling a little nervous as to why she would call me here. 

'We have some news from Zaraeli.' 

I immediately sit up straighter. What could it possibly be? I hope everyone is well in my kingdom.

'King Adalric is moving his army to the border of Zaraeli near Bronwen's empire. He believes that she has you imprisoned.'

'Please, Alethea,' the name feels strange on my tongue, 'may I send word that I am not there, that I am safe?' 

Alethea considers this for a moment. 'Yes, you may. We don't want Zaraeli going to war for no reason.'

I nod. 'Thank you, Alethea.'

'Go now, write to them. I will send someone to collect it in half an hour,' she says. 

I thank her again and race up to my room. When I'm inside, I find paper as well as an ink-pot and quill. I sit at the small table near the door and scribble a message. 

Dear King Adalric, 

I am safe and far from Bronwen's empire. Though I cannot tell you where I am exactly, I can tell you this: I am unhurt and not a prisoner of any sort. Tell mother and Phillipa too, I do hope that neither of them are terribly worried. I do miss you all very much but I promise that I will return to Zaraeli soon. Do not worry for me, I am perfectly fine and will remain so.

Your Loving Daughter, 

Princess Raven of Zaraeli

I sit back and let the ink dry before an elf comes to collect the letter from me. I can only hope that it makes it to my father in time to stop any attack he may be plotting against Bronwen. 

For half an hour I await the arrival of the elf who is to take the letter away. Once he comes an goes, I find myself with nothing to do and decide to wander around my room to pass the time. When I don't find anything of interest, I sit by a little window in the corner and watch the elves go about their business outside. Upon hearing a knock at the door I rise to open it, only to see Alexander. I slam the door in his face. 

'Really?' He calls, sounding rather annoyed. 

I refuse to give him a reply. That man kidnapped me and I refuse to tolerate him.

'I'm sorry for kidnapping you,' he raises his voice at the end to make it sound more like a question. I frown although he cannot see me. Does he expect me to accept that as an apology?

I hear him sigh on the other side of the door I have closed between us. 'Your Highness, I deeply apologise for kidnapping you,' he says. 'I hope you can find it in your kind, generous, forgiving heart to accept my most sincere of apologies.'

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