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       I woke up to the smell of bacon, ever since I became pregnant im always hungry and I guess the baby is to.I put on my sweatpants and purple sweater but it felt a little snug against my stomach,  I walk downstairs and notice only Mariah, Esona, Andre, and james was in here and I remember the little episode that happen last night."Goodmorning everyone" I say looking down, "Olivia im sorry bout last night I was being an ass, your like my sis" Andre say giving me a crooked smile and I mouth its okay, I didnt want to open my mouth because I was scared I would start drooling from the aroma of the food. I quickly walk to the stove and get a plate full of bacon, waffles, eggs, and strawberries I turn around and notice everyone was starring at me and out of no where I just start laughin and everyone else joined in.

        Esona, Mariah and I planned a day to go baby shopping. put on the True jeans I brought and the tank top that showed my baby bump and brushed my hair into a neat bun.i still didnt see Justin nor his parents today, so I guess they went out. Esona decided to drive and I sat in the passenger seat while Mariah sat in the back . "Want to check out Baby R Us and pick out a few diapers and stuff until we found out the sex tommorw?" Esona ask and it made me feel good that she care "yes that sound great!". We finally arrived to the store and I immediately felt unprepared I found some cute baby bottles that have ducks on them and also 6 packs of diapers and baby whipes but we decided thats all for today until we find out the actual sex tommorw but I already know what im having.

    Mariah help me carry the stuff we bought to Justin room and that when I heared the shower running and knew Justin was in there. "Thats all?" I ask mariah "yup thats all" she say giving me a wink and I just giggle to myself. I take the diapers and bottles out the bag and out of no where I hear Justin walking behind me and I must admitt me look really sexy with wet hair and shirt off, "our baby going to have alot of diapers huh" he said in his beautiful melody voice "I guess so" giving him a peck on the lips. "Bae where were you this morning?" I ask stacking the diapers under the bathroom sink "I went running with my parents on the beach" I look down and wonder to myself if he was telling the truth. Out of no where I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and lost balance slamming my body to the floor "JUSTIN WHATS HAPPENING!?" I ask yelling then I heard voices around me but I was in so much pain it was hard to make out the words.



   Whats happening to me? Am I dieing? Where is she? Where is my baby?! Please somebody help me. God please dont let this be the end, I want to be with my family. I accept all the challenges you bring into my life, I accept it God just dont let this be the end.I want to be with my daughter Aqua. Thats it im going to name her Aqua since her father have the perfect Aqua eyes. Im ready to be a mother and bring Joy into my baby life. why do I feel pain? is she gone? please give me a sign? I cant loose her? if she gone then take me too.


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