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    I awake in a dark room, fresh tears in my eyes after hearing Justin and my Mother's voice.'Life thank you God for another day'  I say in my head knowing God can hear me. At first I didnt notice where I was and then I notice im in a hospital bed hooked up to monitors and I start to panick wondering if im still pregnant then I notice a machine attach to my stomach thay look quite bigger 'how long have I been hear' I thought to myself.I saw that the wire was leading to another machine thats showing my baby heartbeat. I reach for my phone that I notice was on the night stand and I dialed Justin's number and after one ring I hear him on the other line "Hello?Olivia?Is that you my love?" he was panicking, "Its me, I need you" my voice sounded so weak "I'll be there in 10 seconds" then there was click and then I heared the door open and close. "Your awake, I been so worried I didnt know what to do. The docter said Aqua is fine , your body was dehydrated" "im sorry Justin, I didnt mean to put you through this" I say tearing up "Love its not your fault but good news is we're having a girl, bad news is you been hear for a week" he say giving me that perfect crooked smile "no wonder my belly look bigger" and we both start laughing "Im going to tell the nurse your awake and we should be out here tommorw" "good because im ready to get in your bed" I say winking and again we both started laughing.

     My day was full of test being done it was so overwhelming my mom came by twice and called 4 times, I was so glad to hear her voice.She told me how she went up to the school and told them im going to start homeschooling but Justin will return back Monday. I got sad because half of our day will be cut short but as long as he get his education for our baby then im fine. "Ready to go ?" Justin ask as I finally finish packing up my things at the hospital since I been discharged "yes but can we stop by wal-mart first I want to look at baby clothes" I ask "of course love". we walk into wal-mart and I headed straight to the salad bar "How old is she?" "I dont know but she seem young, this generation these days our a mess" "yes she should be a shame of her self" I look over and notice to middle aged woman was starring at me "What?! I may be a teenage mother but im proud and not ashamed! aren't yall to old to be worried about me ! Shut the hell up and stop hating, Old bitch!" I yell and there mouths fell wide open "Olivia calm down love," Justin turn and face the old woman "We're trying, give us credit for that" is all he say and we walk away.As soon as I saw the baby clothes rack I fell in love, I start grabbing everything I see thats blue. We enjoyed every minute of it, we probably bought atleast 40 outfits,Justin wanted to go to Lowes to get the paint. "Olivia look at this color ?" Justin say sounding excited "wow, whats the name of it?" "Aqua" thats when he pulled me in and gave me a long tingling kiss and after that I felt butterflies in my stomach then remembered I was pregnant. "Lets get it and the cotten candy pink" he whisper in my ear "okay" and all I do is smile.

       As we pull up to the familiar mansion I start getting sleepy "dont worry love, the family said they'll let you get your rest before they overwhelm you with questions" I start laughing "Thanks and I just realized that im sleepy, im going to shower need help with the stuff?" I ask "Nahh im going to get Andre to help me go ahead". I walk into Justin room and notice a note on the dresser "Went by the store and bought bigger clothes enjoy ~Lola XOXOXO♥" I read to myself I went through the clothes and they seem to look perfect, well more then perfect.I grab a new pair of yoga pants and tank top and wemt into the bathroom and showered. As the water run down my skin and down my belly I felt movement, Aqua must like the shower to.I got out the shower and brush my hair down around my neck since I been wearing buns for a while. "Justin I felt her!,I felt Aqua move!" I jump into his arms thats great love but werewolf babies grow faster then human babies" he tell me "no wonder im only 3 months and im already feeling slight movements,but tell your mother thank you for the wonderful clothes" he start smiling "im also going to tell her you look sexy in it" he wink in walks out the door. I notice there was a chicken salad on the nighstand and knew it was for me with grape juice and my prenatal vitamins. Man was I lucky.


       I barely could sleep so I decided to go downstairs and make some warm milk. "Olivia! sweetie in here!" I hear Lola call out and notice there was a party in the backyard "im not dress" I say feeling embarrassed "its okay its the first of December and every first of December the entire pack gather up and tell wolf stories" she say pulling me outside where everybody else is.Justin come up to me and pull me away without words he help me sit down on one of the logs but right away my back start hurting "Aqua mommy want to sit down" I whisper to my stomach and I guess Justin heard me because he started to get his panicky look. I started to get more uncomfortable and I guess James noticed and brough me a seat cushion "Thank you" I whisper to him "your welcome prego" he say to me in a deep voice and I start to laugh.

            The fire started and Jeremy dad who sat 3 seats down from me begin to talk "There are 32 but not for long, I know everyone here know about the new addition on its way,her name is Princess Aqua she will be her in 6 more months please stand future king and queen" Justin grabs my hand and help me stand, everybody started clapping.Jeremy started to speak again "every first of December we meet to talk about the past but the feeling of loosing my daughter in law and granddaughter had me thinking about the future, soo instead of us talking about the past lets talk about the future.are pact will grow stronger, are family will grow bigger more love will spread and as I stand here king of this pact are focus is princess Aqua and Loyalty, if your not loyal then here is your chance to leave, no one? good next meeting will be next friday you all are dismissed from my control". "Wow this stuff is serious huh?" I whisper to esona on my left "yes,Justins Grandfather is about to tell the stories" she whisper back. A short skinny man came  and set next to Jeremyand begin to talk "Victor the oldest wolf in our pack, he hunted with members from different packs, his fur was black as the night eyes green as a frog was not a killer but he wasnt afraid to kill I was 22 when I met him he was so bright and confident and I wished to be like him.He made me promise to be a powerful pack leader and thats what im trying to do but Victor may be the longest to live but he was a lonely man he couldn't produce kids and never found a mate, he got lonely and finally he died because he didnt find a love.Thats why I stress for everyone to find a mate, im not finishing this story until Princess Aqua is born your dismissed".

      I started to rub my belly and thinking about my daughter being born brought tears to my eyes "my princess, my baby, few more months sweety only a few more I love you from mercury and back"  I say looking down at my belly not caring who heared "I love you from the moon and back" I hear Justin say "I love you from neptune and back".

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