the makeing¡

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     After everybody dried off and put back on there clothes it was the late afternoon and the sky was alrea. I hear my phone vibrate, it was my mom finally "hello mom where have you been, you been missing for a day and have not been answering your phone" I say panicking, "Olivia I been busy, where are you?" she say sounding very tired, "where am I ? where thr hell are you?!" I say very loudly that everybody start ro stare,"Who do you think you talking to, you may be turning 18 soon but I am still your mother and your still going to respect me!" she say yelling very loudly, "im sorry, I just been worried about you" I say sadly "Listen I know, I been M.I.A for the past couple of hours, but you have to respect me like it or not,but be home soon I miss you and I love you", "I love you to" I say back then hanging up.

   "is everything okay?" Mrs.Lola ask me "Yes thank you for asking" I say and I sit down next to Justin. "was that your mom? is everything okay?" justin ask sounding concern "yes she said she was busy, but im suprised she was so busy she didnt call for a whole day" I say sounding like im about to cry. "atleast she is okay" justin say, "I dont mean to cut this short but can we go get my car before it gets late" I say looking down "yea your rite lets go" he say standing up. "Thank you everyone for the wonderful day, I hope I can come back soon" "of course you can come back Olivia this is your home now, it was nice to meet you" Mrs.Lola say standing up "come back soon" Mr.Jeremy say stuffing his mouth wit a cheesburger, "Bye everybody" I say happily.

      As soon as me and Justin get in the car, I fall asleep and dream once again about us laying down on the beach under the starlight. We're holding hands laying on our sides looking at each other deeply in the eyes, "ooh I felt her kick.." i hear my self say and suddenly I wake up.

        We arrive to my car about a hour later "Thank you for everything" I say giving him a tight hug,  "No thank you" he say giving me a sweet kiss. I get In my car and put the key in the ignition and drove off thinking. It feel weird being this close with him only after 3 days of seeing him, feel like I known him forever. I barely had to ask him questions because everything he was about to say, I felt like I already knew.


           I pull up in my driveway and my mom car was uere but the lights were off 'she must be sleep' I think to myself. I walk into the house and go straight into the bathroom in my room.I took a hot shower and put on some shorts and a t-shirt, I didnt realize how tired  I was until I layed down.Then slowly I drifted off and started dreaming.

        We was on a beach again and I was holding my belly "Justin she kicked again" I said happily rubbing my huge belly,"yes love she must hear your beautiful voice" he said staring at my belly. "I love you"we said at the same time laughing at each other, We tilted our heads up and stared silently at the clouds. "Olivia I need to tell you something,that might change our lives" he say nervously "is it time?" I say suddenly feeling scared.

       Suddenly I woke up and looked at my clock it was 9am, then I noticed I was sweating 'what is happening to me' I rush into the bathroom "WHAT THE HELL!" I say practically yelling. "Olivia whats wrong or you oka..what the hell!" we both say staring at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was bright red,my skin tone had a tan looking color to it, and my face look it had make-up on it but it wasnt any. "Your phasing hunny"my mom said softly , "wait you about the werewolf stuff" I say feeling so suprised she never told me about my self ,"yes im a werewolf to, I didnt want to tell you yet but thats when Ms.Jackson called me and told me everything" she say with a smile "why u never told me? how cant you tell me about myself and who the hell is Ms.Jackson" I say yelling "Im sorry hunny and you may know her as Lola" she say. It felt like everything was adding up, No wonder my mom wasnt worried about me where abouts because she talked to justins mom. "Olivia your gonna be a beautiful wolf sweetie and then a beautiful leader, get dress we're going to the Jacksons house" and she walked out my bathroom. I stood in the mirror a few more seconds then took a shower,I got out feeling a little bit better. I threw on some black denim jeans and a black blazer, with a black tank top and a gold chain with gold earrings. I went in the mirror I looked hot, my black outfit brought out my firey red hair and thats when I notice my eyes was hazel, the gold earrings made them pop. "Ready to go,Sweetheart your beautiful" my mom say stareing at me "Thank you mom, I get it from my mother wolf" I say trying to make a joke.

      Before we left I grabbed in apple not realizing how hungry I was, "sweety we can take my car today" thank God she said that because I forgot to stop by a gas station last night. I get into her car and looked down at my Iphone and notice justin text me 2 hours ago:

JUSTIN:hey beautiful

ME:Awwe Goodmorning Im in my way now cant wait to see u :) XOXOXO


   I sat back in my seat and just enjoyed to car ride to go see my wolf. We arrived about 40 mintues later it was alot of cars in the yard, we get out and went straight to the door and ringed the doorbell. "Lola so nice to see you!" my mom say excitedly "Cresha it been a long time, come in come in!","Nice to see you Mrs.Lola" I say shyly "Olivia call me Lola , Mrs make me sound old and oh my darling you look stunning! wait until justin see you" Lola say and thats when I started to blush. We walked into the backyard and everybody see to stare at me surprise. I notice it was alot of people here about 50 people all dressed in black, 'wow I really fit in for a newbie' I think to myself 'No you look even better' I hear Justin say in my head and I look up and there he was dressed in all black standing in front of me.       "Hey you , Whats up with everybody in black?" I say sounding flirty, "The pack colors, Olivia you Look beautiful im happy to have you as mines" he say staring in my eyes, "And im happy to just have you" I say pulling him into a kiss and suddenly I hear everybody around us clapping , I knew I was blushing so I looked down.          

            Then suddenly I felt some strong masculine arms my waist "how you move so quickly?" I say in shock, "how you move slowly?" he say teasing me.I looked around the yard and noticed a boy staring at me "who is that?" I asked Justin "My brother" he said low as a whisper, "You have a brother" I say feeling so suprised "yes I do and I dont like how he is staring at you" Justin say pulling us to a table full of delicious food and thats when I realized I was starving. The Shrimp looked wonderful and the cheeseburgers do to and then I saw a chocolate cake and I felt in love, I noticed Justin fixing a plate of shrip, a cheeseburger and a big slice of cake. "Here you go" he said with a beautiful smile on his face "I would ask you know I wanted these things but I already know what you going to say" and I did know what he was going to say. We walked over towards a table full of people and thats when I noticed are seats was in the middle of the table, I sat down and started eating. The shrimp was so good I ate 2 and thats when I noticed my tongue swelling , "Justin whats in the shrimp" I say panicking "salt, pepper, garlic- oh my Olivia your allergic to garlic!!" he said loudly,my vision was starting to get blurry "Olivia sweetheart whats wrong!!" I hear my mom say "Garlic" thats all I could get out and thats when everything turned black.

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