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  After my almost suicidal incident happend I started to appreciate life more.Aqua is 3 weeks old and more beautiful and my birthday is a month away today was January the 13th and my birthday is February 15th.

  "Goodmorning beautiful" Justin whisper in my ear and right away I get butterflys in my stomach. I open my eyes and see Justin holding a tray of food which consist of; bacon, eggs, chocolate chip pancakes, glass of orange juice "Wow breakfast in bed thank you Justin" I say takeing a sip of fresh orange juice "I dropped off Aqua at your mother house today" he say as he sit the tray on my lap, "why?" I ask becoming curious "we need a break Olivia I want this morning to be special" he say planting a sweet kiss on my lip.

  The rest of my morming was perfect, we made love and it was powerful and just wow, just hard to explain.I swear I heard him growl and it turned me on even more but then I remembered on my birthday I'll be turning into a werewolf.

  I layed in bed thinking about how my life would change,"would I kill people? would I eat raw meat?" would I hurt someone I love?" I thought to myself then I started thinking about Aqua "would I hurt her?" my heart started to ache. Thinking about hurting Aqua brought tears to my eyes "are you okay babe?" Justin whisper in my ear "Yes just thinking" I say trying to hold back tears "about?" he ask and kisses my shoulder "my phasing" and as those 2 words come out my mouth I broke down into tears and Justin didnt say anything he didnt have to. He pulled me to his chest and held me and kissed my forehead and cheeks.

  It was about 6 o'clock when my mom brought Aqua home and she was sleep. It felt weird not having Aqua here but it gave me and Justin times to our selves and trust we needed it. "Sweetheart your glowing,hope you not trying to give me another grandchild" my mom say and I started to blush "not yet Janet" Justin say hugging me from behind and we all laughed.

  My mom left 30 minutes later and I was relieved because I didnt want to hear another one of her embarrassing outburst but Justin was actually entertained by her company. I decided to cook spaghetti and it turned out great, and for dessert lets just say Justin got another Round 2 from this morning.

I dont know why Aqua been sleeping alot lately and barely eating, as a mother I knew something was wrong. "Justin I think we should take Aqua to the doctor's tommorw" I say "why whats wrong?!" he ask and he started to get anxious and panicky "She been sleeping alot and barely eating baby im worried" I say to him and I notice he started to calm down but got worried also "okay we'll take her in the morning, get some rest love" he say to me and I close my eyes thinking about my baby then my thoughts drifted off to my mystery guy.


  I woke up with a smile on my face the next morning, remembering how spectacular my day was but my smiled started to fade as I remember me and Justin are taking Aqua to the doctor's. I looked over to my side of the bed and notice Justin was already out of bed and Aqua was not in her bassinet. I took a quick hot shower, brushed my teeth and through on a navy blue sweater and black jeans with my blacks vans, I didnt my hair into a nice doughnut bun but made sure I left some baby hair out.

  I walked into the kitchen and saw Justin dressed, he had on a navy blue sweater with black jeans as well and the gamma 11s Jordans. I looked into his arms and notice Aqua was sleep she had on a pink sweater and white pants and a white hat and gloves. "You 2 look wonderful today" I say walking over to Justin and giving a kiss on the cheek and Aqua as well "Goodmorning Love" he say "How long she been asleep?" I ask him "probably when u got out the shower" he say putting Aqua pink coat on her and I knew it was time to leave.

  We arrive to the children hospital about an hour later and Aqua was still asleep I sat in the backseat with her while Justin drove."Love I'll check us in" Justin say, I took Aqua and went into the waiting room that held only of few other baby's but alot of kids. I just knew it was going to be along wait right when I sat down Aqua woke up "hey mommy's angel" I said in my baby voice and she started to smile and I was happy to see her smiling "awwwe look at my girls" Justin say sitting down "hey babygirl" Justin said in his baby voice and I couldnt help to laugh, "Aqua Jackson" the nurse called out "wow that was quick" I say to justin as he gets Aqua baby bag "well the doctor is a friend of the family" he say and I couldnt help to laugh.

  "Well I dont see anything wrong with her, all the test I took came out perfectly normal" Dr.Jordan say to us "Im not saying its normal for how she sleep and eat so I decided that you should keep her overnight for we can observe her ourselves" as those last few words left his mouth my heart sunk we never went a whole entire night wothout her. "Only one visitor is allowed to stay so im going to leave yall alone to talk" Dr.Jordan say as he left the room "Olivia im not leaving you home by yourself,just stay tonight and I'll be here first thing in the morning to take my beautiful girls home" Justin say and I didnt argue, I love whe he take control when im to weak.

  Justin left when Visiting hours was over, and I was sad to see him leave even if it was only one night. Aqua and I layed in the hospital bed and watched lifetime movies ,nurses kept coming in the room to check her fever and heart beat and everytime they did my heart would skip beats, and not in the good way either. I notice my phone was ringing I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Lola "Hey sweetheart hows my grand baby?" she said sounding worried "the nurses keep saying she fine I hope she is though" I say looking down at Aqua who is starring at the TV  "she is sweetie just have faith but I'll call you guys later or text you love you and give Aqua a kiss from me" Lola say "okay love you too" and I hung up. My mom called 5 minutes later "hey mommy" I say trying to sound happy "oh honey how is she?" my mom say also sounding worried but I couldnt hold it any longer I broke down crying "mommy im scared" I say in between sobs "oh baby its okay everything well be fine, you'll be home tommorw just stay strong for her dont let her hear or see you cry beause your giving off negative energy and we dont need that" she say "I understand but she starting to fall asleep I'll call you when she wake up I love you" I say "love you precious" she say and then hang up. I look down at my phone and saw Justin text me:

Justin: hey love didnt want to call, since our angel might be asleep

Me: hey baby Aqua just fell asleep

Justin:  oh how's everything?

Me: nurses keep saying she is doing good

Justin: that's great Love but you should get some beauty sleep

Me: cant sleep without you :(

And it was true I couldnt sleep without having Justin cuddling beside me, but cuddling with Aqua felt the same but in a mother and daughter relationship way.

Justin: same here love its lonely without my Queen and princess

Me: It's lonely without my prince but im copping just fine with my princess

Justin: lol I love you to the moon and back

Me: I love you to neptune and back

Justin: I love you forever

Me: and ever

And I know our love will never stop for our family, princess, and eachother because what we have is going to last forever matter of fact its going to last for infinity.

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