Chapter 4: Gotta Get Out

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And after 20 minutes of getting their musical things into Ashton's truck and avoiding drunk masses of hormones, we all ended up driving to the loft in downtown Sydney, in a large apartment building near the beach.

I felt my phone buzz, a reminder that it was 10:30. I sent a quick text to my dad so he wouldn't worry about me and call the police to find me. There was one time when I forgot to let him know I was coming home late, and long story short, I ended up with a team of policemen bursting in on a spur of the moment, late-night dress rehearsal for a musical I was starring in. The director never really forgave me... Needless to say, my father wasn't very happy either.

Hey, a friend of mine had one too many. I'm spending the night to make sure they're okay. Love you ❤️ xx

He replied with an "ok" and I smiled, knowing that I had that little detail ironed out and on lock. Maybe it wasn't the whole truth, but that wasn't going to be the end of the world.

"Hey Lace!" Ashton called, slapping the side of his car. I smiled and bounded across the parking lot, leaning up against the door of the truck while Ashton leaned down. "I almost forgot you're new here, so you can just follow me and I'll lead the way." He put on a mock superhero face and stuck his flexed arm out in a masculine super-hero type pose. I giggled at his deep "manly" voice before drumming my fingers lightly on the side of the car.

"Lead the way, Super-Ash." I winked and walked back to my car, finding a tatted blonde kid leaning up against the door. "Luke, Ashton said he would show me where it is; you don't need to ride with me."

"I want to. I was worried you might get lonely." Luke gave me a sarcastic pout and I smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"You sweet little nugget... Get in."


"You're into musicals?" Luke gasped distastefully, balling the word up in his mouth and spitting it out. I nodded, focusing on the city streets in front of me.

"Hell yes! I've been in a billion and at least seen all the other ones." Luke scoffed and I reached over to punch his shoulder. He held up his hands in a surrender, flicking his bangs off his forehead.

"I just didn't peg you as the girly, fluffy tutu, chorus line-y type..." Luke mumbled, watching Ashton's big red truck pull to a stop on the side of the street. Ashton, Calum, and Michael piled out of the car and waved me over as I parallel parked right behind them.

"Don't put me in a box, Hemmings." I teased, jumping out of and locking my car. I strutted up onto the pavement, lightly touching Michael's arm while waiting for Ashton to unlock the door to the condo. Luke stuck his tongue out at me playfully, which I simply retaliated with a wink.

"Like a box could even hold you." Ashton teased, fidgiting with his keys in the door. I laughed lightly and pulled my hair off my neck and into a tight ponytail. Calum's hand wound sneakily around my waist and he pulled me lightly closer to him. I leaned my head in the crook of his neck, responding to the affectionate invasion of personal space as he rested his cheek on top of my head. Ashton finally opened the door and we all made our way inside a pristine, chrome coffee shop. I was confused as to how this was the 'haven of inspiration' that Luke described in the car ride over. Michael picked up on my confusion and just smirked, opening a curious door towards the back. He held it open with a gentlemanly "Ladies first," and with a grand sweep of his arm, revealed a large set of stairs. I looked back curiously at the boys, who simply smiled and gestured for me to head on up. I took the first step before looking back, a bit afraid of what they were sending me up to. I then realized their eyes weren't focused on the stairs, more on me and my baby pink skirt.

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