"That's a wrap! Super work! You really stepped up to the plate. And we didn't have any major injuries except for Odayaka and Midoriya. You should be proud! Excellent first day of training all around." All Might praises us with his normal smile.
"It's nice to hear some encouraging words after our hometown class. Mr. Aizawa was kind of a buzzkill." Tsu says with everyone's agreement.
"I'm happy to bring such staggering positivity to my Alma Mater! That's all for now folks! I should go check up on your classmates' progress. Now watch how a pro exits LIKE HE'S GOT SOMEWHERE TO BE!" He yells as he runs down the hall very quickly.
"Wow! He's so fast!" Kaminari says.
"Aw, I'll never be able to run that fast," Ojiro says sadly.
"Move." Bakugou orders as he pushes Ojiro out of the way. Everyone is quiet as he walks off.
"Where's he going?" I ask.
"Dunno. Maybe he's going to see Odayaka. Maybe to apologize?" Eijirou suggests.
"Apologize? Him?" Kaminari asks.
"You never know." Eijirou shrugs.
"I guess we go back to change now?" Uraraka asks.
"I would assume so," Iida replies as he begins walking back to our classroom. The rest of us nod and quickly follow after him to change back into our uniforms.After all our afternoon classes are over, I decide to stop by the nurses' office to check on Hakai. Midoriya had already been released and he stopped by the classroom before everyone went home.
I knocked on the infirmary door a few times and waited for an answer.
"It's open." I hear someone say from inside. I smile and push the door open to see Hakai sitting up in the bed.
"Hey, how's it goin'?" I ask.
"Oh, I'm swell." She replies with a fake smile. I give her a confused look and her smile turns to a genuine one.
"I'm just kidding, I'm alright. Just sore is all." She says. "How were the rest of the fights?" She asks as I sit in a chair next to her bed.
"They were awesome. Right after yours, it was Shoji and Todoroki versus Tooru and Ojiro. Within five minutes, Todoroki froze the whole building and claimed the weapon." I looked at her and she seemed intrigued so I continued. "After that, I was with Tsu and Tokoyami against Sero and Eijirou. We had a strategy to sneak up and get the weapon while the others fought. I was sneaking around trying to find the weapon, but right before I got to it I ran into Eijirou and we fought. He used the tape on me so I lost, but Tsu managed to get the weapon using a sneak attack."
"So your team won?" She asked. "Yep."
"That's awesome. Wait, what happened to your nose?" She asked. I put my fingers on my nose and felt the strip of tape from earlier. "Oh, this? I kinda ran face-first into Eijirou." I explained.
"Using his quirk? Ow.."
"Yeah, he's super strong. I'm actually not surprised I lost. You know what he said to me?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose. "What?"
"I tried to use my fear eye thing but it didn't work on him. He asks me if I was trying to win him over with my 'cool tongue tricks'! Can you believe that?" I asked.
Hakai burst into laughter at my question. "It almost sounds like he likes you." She said.
"What?! Don't be ridiculous!" My cheeks started heating up slightly. "He's only known me for like, three days!" Hakai shrugged. "Eh,"I cross my arms and pout. "Well, what about you, huh? I heard you're on a first-name basis with Bakugou." I raise an eyebrow to try and get a response from her.
"Are you kidding? He almost killed me, and you think he likes me?!" She asked surprised.
"Well, I did see him carrying you earlier," I said thinking back to about an hour ago. I had glanced out the window to see Bakugou walking with Hakai in his arms almost curled up to his chest."What?! I don't remember that!" She shouts with glowing red cheeks.
"You didn't look like you were much for arguing against it, and I didn't look like he minded having you in his arms," I say with a smirk. She pulls the pillow from behind her head and buries her face into it.
"Stop it." She says into the pillow.
"Come on, I'm only teasing. You started this you know." Hakai sighs dramatically and slams the pillow into her lap. I giggle at her embarrassed outburst and stand from the chair. "Well, I should probably head home and let you get some rest. I heard you're gonna be back in class tomorrow, right?" She nods. "Great, then I'll see you tomorrow." I open the infirmary door and wave.
"See ya," she says.I start walking down the hallway to go home when what Hakai said started going through my head.
"It almost sounds like he likes you."
'You're crazy Hakai.' I smile and shake my head. I've only known him since school started, so it wouldn't make sense.
I walk out of the front entrance and see a tall redhead leaning against the wall looking at his phone.
"Eijirou? What are you still doing here?" I asked walking up to him. He looks up from his phone and quickly pockets it.
"I saw you going to the nurse's office so I thought I'd wait for ya so you didn't have to go home alone." He explains. "You and Odayaka normally walk together, right?"
"Yeah, but you really didn't have to wait for me," I say with a smile.
"I know, but it's not manly to let a girl walk home alone." He walked past me and elbowed my arm. "Come on, you're gonna have to tell me where you live, cause I have no clue where I'm going." I laugh at him and hurry to catch up.
"This way, Dork," I say with warm cheeks.We walk in silence for a while as I lead him down roads leading to my house. I look up at him and notice a scar over his right eye.
"Where'd you get that?" I ask. He looks at me and raised an eyebrow.
"Get what?"
"Your scar," I say pointing to my right eye. He closes his eye and traces it.
"Oh, this? It was when I was three and my quirk manifested. I rubbed my eye and my hand hardened and it cut me. Kinda stupid, I know." He explains.
I giggle at the thought of a tiny Eijirou accidentally cutting himself and crying to his mom.
"Don't laugh at me." He wines.
"I'm not! I promise!" I say still giggling.
"Yes, you are!" He argued crossing his arms. I laughed and pushed his arm gently. He chuckles and pushes me back gently. A plan quickly forms in my head, so I stumble holding my arm. "Ow.."
"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Eijirou asks stepping closer to me. My smirk returns and I quickly turn and push him to the ground with a giggle. I turn on my heel and quickly start running down the road. I turn my head to see him standing with a grin.
"You chose running as your escape plan?" He asks with a laugh. "Super smart." He starts running after me and he quickly gains on me.
'Shit he's right. Why'd I run?'
I try gaining speed, but I couldn't get away. Large arms find themselves around me and I'm pulled into Eijirou's chest. "Got ya!" He says with a chuckle. I giggle and try to catch my breath."OI! Get off of my baby girl!"
I look to the right to see my mother standing on my front porch with a frying pan in her hand. Her hair was flowing like water like she was preparing her quirk.
"Mooom!" I shouted. Eijirou gulped and jumped back from me with a blush growing up to his ears. "Sorry Mrs. Hanzo ma'am!" He said in a high voice.
I groan and glare at my mother. Her eyes shift to me and her glare softens and she pulls the pan to behind her back and her hair settles to her shoulders.
"It's alright, I thought you were trying to abduct her or something." She said with a smile. Eijirou rubs the back of his head nervously. "Well, I'd better get home. See you tomorrow, Taya."
"Alright. Thanks for walking me home Eijirou." I say smiling. He smiles back. "Anytime." He waves as he walks off. I wave back and walk inside.
"Really mom? Your 'baby girl'?"

Stronger Together
Storie d'amoreTaya Hanzo has always wanted to be a hero despite her odd quirk. Once she begins attending Yuuei, she meets many new friends, including a spiky red head who always seems to lift her spirits. Each hardship she'll go through will get her even closer...