First test: 50m dash
"Well crap. I hate running." I mumbled.
"Why's that?" Eijirou asked.
"I'm just really bad at it. I have bad stamina." I replied.
"I'm sure you'll do fine. At least you don't have to go first. It's going by class order I think." He said scratching his head.
"Oh okay. That makes me feel a bit better.""Runners! On your marks! Ready?" A robot standing by the track said. First up were Asui and Iida. When the starting gun fired, Iida practically blasted off using his quirk. It looked like there were jets in his calves. He obviously crossed the line first.
"3.04 seconds!" The robot announced. Asui jumped the whole way, being she was a frog. She finished shortly after Iida with a time of 5.58 seconds.
As Eijirou said, they did go in class order, so when it was my turn, I went with Hakai.
"Runners! On your marks! Ready?" We both got ourselves set and waited for the gunshot. As soon as it fired, I took off and got a pretty good start, but Hakai got ahead of me and made the ground shake as she ran.
"4.34 seconds!" The robot called as she crossed. "5.62 seconds!" It said my time. When I stopped running I bent over and panted. "This is...why I h-hate...running." I said in between breaths.
"Hey, are you okay?" I heard Hakai asked. She walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah I'm...fine. Being a snake just sucks...I only have one working lung." I explained standing up straight.
"Woah! Is that legal?!" I heard someone yell. "She nearly destroyed the track!" Someone else said.
What? I turned around and glanced at the track. There were indentions in the track when she had ran and cracks surrounding each footprint.
"Hehe, oops..." Hakai said rubbing her neck.'Geez. Her quirk is crazy powerful.'
Test 2: Grip strength
We were given a strength scale to measure how strong our grip was. What we had to do was hold it in one hand and squeeze it tightly. Before Aizawa showed up, I went up to Eijirou to talk for a bit.
"Hey Taya! Your quirk is so cool! You took off like a bullet as soon as the gun went off!" Eijirou said with wide eyes. I smiled at his energy. "Yeah, but I could barely breathe afterward." I replied.
"Oh yeah. Why is that?" He asks.
"Well, because of my quirk, I only have one functional lung. That's why I have bad stamina. Anyway, I never got a good look at your quirk. What is it again?"
"Hardening. I can harden any part of my body. And it's super sharp!" He said hardening his hand into what looked almost like a spear.
"That's pretty cool!" I said. I noticed Hakai walk up to us with a concerned look on her face.
"Hey Hakai, where'd you go?" I ask. She glances to her side before looking back at me with a small smile. "Oh nowhere. I just stopped to tie my shoe on the way."
'Not the most believable excuse, but I won't question it.'
"Hey, you destroyed the track earlier. That was so cool!" Eijirou says from beside me. I laughed quietly at his enthusiasm before realizing I should introduce them.
"Oh Hakai, this is Eijirou Kirishima. He sits next to me in homeroom. And Eijirou, this is Hakai Odayaka. She sits in front of me in homeroom." I said. They go to shake hands but Eijiro quickly pulls back his hand with a squeal. "My hand won't fall off, will it?" He asks timidly, causing me to start laughing.
Hakai doesn't seem to be fazed by his question. 'I wonder if she gets that a lot.'
"No, my quirk doesn't effect living organisms." She says smiling softly. Eijirou sighs dramatically before shaking her hand with a smile.
"Who wants to go first?" Aizawa asks walking up to our group.
"I'll go first!" Eijirou states taking to grip scale from our teacher. He stares at his hand and hardens it, putting all he can into the test.
"What's his quirk?" Hakai asks me.
"He can harden any part of his body."
When it beeps, he grins at his score. "78 kilograms. Not too bad!" He praises himself.
"Hakai, you wanna go next?" I ask.
"Su-" "Hold on." Aizawa interrupts taking the scale from Eijirou. "You're going last on the rest of the events. Don't need you breaking things before the other students get a chance to participate." Hakai sighs in shame as Aizawa hands me the scale.Having Snake as my quirk helps because snakes have good constriction so I got a score of 209 kilograms.
"209. Hmm, I could probably kill a wild boar with that."
Saying that earned me many weird looks. "What? A girl's gotta eat." 'Not sure what the big deal is.'
"A whole boar?" Someone asks.
"Yeah, my dad's not big on sharing." I'm still getting a bunch of stares as I hand the scale to Hakai. After she shakes off her shock, she puts her all into the test...and practically shatters the scale.
"S-sorry.." She says handing the broken scale to the teacher who scribbled an infinity sign on his paper. I glance over to see Eijirou pouting. I reach up and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey its okay. Your score was really high!" I say trying to comfort him. "No it wasn't!" He says as if he were going to cry.With the next three tests, there wasn't really a way I could use my quirk to gain any amazing amount of points, but I did decently well without using it. What really surprised me was Uraraka when she did the ball throw. She used her quirk to remove the gravitational pull on the ball and it made it to where it never landed. Up next was Midoriya. He focused his quirk into one finger and launched the ball into the air. It landed at 705.3 meters, .1 meter further than Bakugo's.
"I can't believe I only threw 52 meters..." I say with a pout.After the ball throw was the long distance run. I nearly collapsed at the word "distance". When it was my turn, I tried my best to go slow enough to where it wouldn't be as bad, but I had to stop three quarters of the way through and walk the rest of the way. When I finished, I collapsed and I could hardly breath. It took me a bit to recuperate from that. I don't remember much of what happened. I probably blacked out for a bit. All I remember is Kirishima carrying me into the gym for the last two tests.
Finally the last test came around and I knew I could get a great score on this one. Test eight was the sitting reach. My stomach was practicaly on my thighs as I pushed the lever as far as it would go. I'm pretty sure I got the best score on that test.
When everyone finished, Mr. Aizawa called us back into the courtyard to show us the scores.
'Whoever is in last is going home. Please don't be me...' I crossed my fingers in hope that it wouldn't be my name in the last place column."Alright, time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea on your standing already. I'll just put up the whole list. It's not worth going over each individual score." Aizawa says and pushes a button to display all the scores.
1. Momo Yaoyorozu
2. Shoto Todoroki
3. Hakai Odayaka
4. Katsuki Bakugo
5. Tenya Iida
6. Fumikage Tokoyami
7. Mezo Shoji
8. Mashirao Ojiro
9. Eijirou Kirishima
10. Mina Ashido
11. Ochaco Uraraka
12. Taya Hanzo
13. Koji Koda
14. Rikido Sato
15. Tsuyu Asui
16. Yuga Aoyami
17. Hanta Sero
18. Denki Kaminari
19. Kyoka Jiro
20. Toru Hagakure
21. Minoru Mineta
22. Izuku Midoriya'Phew! I did well enough to place twelfth.' I glance at the bottom of the list and frown.
'Poor Midoriya...'
"And I was lying. No one's going home." Aizawa says with a grin. The whole class stares at him in silence. "That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests.""WHAAAAAT?!" The class yells in shock.
"I'm surprised you all didn't figure that out. I'm sorry, I guess I probably should have said something." Momo says sympathetically.
'That would've helped...'"That was pretty nerve wracking, huh?" A guy with black hair asks.
"Nah, I'm always down for a challenge!" Eijirou says confidently."That's it. We're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read over it before tomorrow morning." Mr. Aizawa says. He pulls out two slips of papers. "Midoriya, Hanzo." I flinch when he hands me the paper.
"Take those and head to the nurse's office. I want her to take a look at both of you before you go home. Things are going to be tougher tomorrow when your actual training begins. Make sure you are prepared." He says walking off. I sigh as he leaves.'This year's gonna be tough.'

Stronger Together
RomantizmTaya Hanzo has always wanted to be a hero despite her odd quirk. Once she begins attending Yuuei, she meets many new friends, including a spiky red head who always seems to lift her spirits. Each hardship she'll go through will get her even closer...