Stalking me won't solve the problem.

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Chapter twenty-two.

If I were to describe my relationship with Richard, I would say its bittersweet. It was a mix of love and pain. It resembles a drug and I’m a drug addict experiencing withdrawal. THAT is how precise I could explain how we worked.

Some might think its bad…I mean the word ‘drugs’ do have a bad impression on people, but drugs are what we use to cure illness. Medicines are drugs too. Have you ever thought of that?

Clearly, it’s not completely bad or good.

Hence, the reason for my confusion, Richard is my drug. I just haven’t decided he’s good or bad yet.


The evening shift went smoothly, with Richard being a total stalker of course. Brad stopped by to get a slice of cheesecake and a cup of coffee. He didn’t talk much but I could tell he wasn’t ignoring me.

The new me like meeting new people and finding my own place in society, unlike when I was in a pack, I had no one to order me around.

Holy pickles, it feels divine.

Before I knew it, closing time arrived and I quickly finished up sweeping the floor then went to get my things like my purse, scarf and coat. I bid the others goodbye and stepped out. The strong wind almost blew my scarf away. It was mid autumn and the chill is really kicking things up. The sun had set, it was fairly dark out.

I rubbed my palms together and shove them into the pockets of my coat as I walk back to Maddy’s apartment.

“Cold?” I jumped slightly, clearly didn’t expect that coming. His husky voice was directly behind me.

“Richard, stop being such a creep.” I huffed.

“Are you cold?” He asked again and I shrugged. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.” I felt the weight placed on my shoulders. I noticed it was his coat, he and his damn chivalry.

“I don’t need it, here.” I took it off and held it out to him. He was merely wearing a long sleeved shirt. I didn’t want to admit that I cared. He pushed it back to me.

“You wear it.” I can see his nose starting to redden. I know every bit of Richard there is and he absolutely cannot stand the cold. I know his nose would redden and he would start sneezing like a trumpet. I also know that he catch colds easily, which is silly for a werewolf and he’s an alpha.

I sighed, placing the coat onto his shoulders. “Don’t be a gentleman, Richard. I don’t catch colds as easily as you.” I shoved my hands back into my pocket and continued walking.

My phone suddenly rang.


“Ashley! I don’t think I’ll be home tonight.” Her voice sounded a bit too happy.

“Sure, why?”

“Umm…I have something to take care of. Make sure Lucy gets into bed in time.” I could almost heard the blush she was sporting and I forced back a laugh.

“Okay.” Maddy hangs up and I put my phone away.

I forgot Richard was beside me until he decided to talk. “Isn’t it dangerous for two young girls to be at home, alone?” My head whipped his way.

“How did you know about Lucy?” I frowned, his lips formed what seems to be a small smile.

“I had to know about everything going on around you.”

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