You mean bitch!

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Hopefully, this can pass as the next chapter since i did it nonchalantly. Not my best work but fingers crossed, its good enough. Not edited, when have i ever edited a chapter before posting? Please...try to enjoy.

Chapter twenty-nine

"Okay Sally, i'll see you in a bit." I dismissed my trusty little worker, she is such a darling. I swear her managing skills are spectacular, with those i have no doubt she would have some kind of successful wedding planning business or something. I would hire her for any event. It was nearing midnight and i was sweaty and hungry fron the run i shared with Richard. It was amazing, having a moment under the moonlit sky is the most romantic and personal thing between mates.

I entered the my room, already reaching for the towel when i caught glimpse of the white paper placed on the bed. Smiling, i picked it up thinking it must be one of Richard's tricks again. He's full of suprises. I unfolded the paper and as i read, i lost my smile bit by bit.

Dear Ace,

Gosh, how long has it been since we last spoke? I hope you're well and healthy cause i certainly am. I'll have you know Dyron's been treating me like a queen. We're living quietly among the humans and they are really nice to us, Alice. The neighbours especially, they took us in immediately like we're one of their own. I'm really happy, like i finally got out of that cage i call home. For your information, i've even started working, it doesn't pay much but it helps us get by and it gives me something to do in the morning. Dyron works until late at night to support us and the newest addition to our family.

That's right, i'm two months pregnant but Dyron told me he can already tell during the first two weeks. He said i smell, the nerve of him. He hated the fact i'm working while i'm preganant, but when did he ever had a say in the matter. We decided to call him or her jelly bean for now. Jelly, say hi to auntie Alice. I'm so excited, Al. I feel like i'm floating! But i'm nervous too, what if i'm a bad mother? I don't know anything about raising babies. I really wished you were here, you always know what to do. I miss you.

I wanted to write you a letter earlier but the timing was never right but tomorrow night is the mating festival, Dyron can sneak in and send you this letter then. I know you're mad at me but Alice, i never realized how much i'm missing out. If i had stayed, i can't be with Dyron, i won't have jelly and i'll always have 'what-ifs'. One day, when you're not angry at me, i hope we can meet again. I love you Alice and no matter where i'll go, you're always going to be my best friend forever.

Yours truly,


A drop of water landed on the letter and i touched my wet cheek, i was crying. The tears fell freely from my eyes, landing on the letter drop by drop. I crumpled the letter to my heart and sobbed my eyes out. I shouldn't have pushed them apart. She's having a baby and i'm not there for her. Some friend i turned out to be. Oh Grace, you're too kind to me. I'm a horrible friend.

I snapped out of my sorrow when i heard the sudden sound of movement in the bushes. I ran to the window and peered outside, there was a shadow escaping. I slid the window open and jumped from the second floor, bending my knees to absorb the impact. My eyes scanned the area and saw a glimpse of the shadow before it disappeared behind the trees. I quickly ran in pursuit, ditching any thoughts of putting on shoes. I don't have time.

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