It's been one hectic roller coaster ride.

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Not edited as always...and all the other chapters before this lol

Chapter eleven

I woke up the next day. My fingers spread out on his side of the bed, feeling empty and cold cause apparently he didn’t appreciate the morning after as much as I did. I was back to being angry with myself. We had a great, wonderful week but he just up and left? Right after I said how much he meant to me?

I punched his pillow, imagining his stupid handsome face right on it.

What happened to happy ever afters?!

“I despise you! I hate you so much!” I threw the pillow to the other side of the room, steam pouring out of my ears. How dare he make me seem so worthless? I touched the mark on my neck, permanently tattooed on the hollow of my neck. I wanted to claw it out, with my teeth if possible.

Instead I clawed at the sheets, tearing the soft textile into shreds mercilessly. My chest rose up and down slowly as I tried to calm myself. I’ll kill him then I’ll kill the bitch he returns to!!

Angrily I pulled on my clothes and when I took a step forward to the door, it opened by itself.

“Alice, how are you?” She was tiny, tinier than the luna and I stood over her dangerously. As if sensing my menacing aura, she wearily took a step back. “I understand your emotions are out of control right now but I’m here to help you.” Her voice was stern yet it didn’t made my wolf want to lash out.

I growled at her before dumping my weight on the bed, with white remains scattered around it. She looked unfazed at the catastrophe I cause and stood in front of me. She took my vitals and examined me thoroughly. Once she was satisfied, she sat down beside me.

The me right now wasn’t in pain or aroused, I was ready to kill somebody. That was how spot on I could describe the feeling. It was like I was readying myself to protect something but I don’t know what and its confusing the shit out of me.

“Take deep breaths. Imagine the ocean or the woods. Anything that can keep you calm.” She didn’t touch me, thank god cause it would probably triggered something awful.

I imagined the woods and the relaxing effect it had on me. I recalled the feeling of moist dirt under my paws when I run, the wind caressing through my fur like a soft lullaby and the morning dew spluttering on my face. I picked up on the scents of wild flowers, grass and trees that I’m often acquainted with.

Slowly but effectively, it did the trick.

“Who are you?” I still can’t prevent the threatening tone. I looked at her directly in the eyes, I was the dominant one in this room and I can feel it. With Richard’s mark deeply embedded, I feel stronger, my senses are sharper and frankly I feel invincible. Like I was reborn into a new and improved Alice.

“I’m the temporary pack doctor, you can call me Sianna. Alice, I know about your relationship with the alpha.” My head spun towards her, I’m surprised I didn’t get a whiplash. She knew? How? She didn’t smile or tried to tell me that she understood what I’m going through right now.

No one understands.

“I don’t want to pretend that I understand cause I don’t but I believe everyone has the right to make choices and no one can stand in between that.” She said as if she read my mind. I was shocked speechless.

She smirked. “I bet you hate the Luna so much right now, want to rip her head off and everything. But think of it from their point of view, they were getting older and the alpha needed heirs, don’t you think he would be lonely too?” She sounded like she was talking to a five year old and my wolf didn’t appreciated that.

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