I'm the werewolf equivalent of Kristen Stewart.

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Chapter four

The party was well on its way, the music was cranked up, practically everyone had a red cup in their hand and people are actively participating in careless make out sessions. I was currency sandwiched between someone I might know and someone I don’t know on the dance floor—the coffee table.

Coffee tables are like the centre of the party. Trust me, there will always be someone on the coffee table, dead, drunk, stoned, fucked silly.

The person behind me stank of beer, truth to be told we all stank of beer but I was smart enough to dilute mine. I have another party later, a private one.

“Your place or mine?” The one behind me whispered, rubbing his hands on my waist suggestively. I rolled my eyes and continued to dance to the music. Let’s see, a one-night stand with a complete beer stinking hormonal teenager or pleasing my hunky sexy mate in more ways than one?

Yea, that was a no brainer.

He keep grinding his hard on against my ass and that got me pretty peeved. I slapped his hands away and jumped down from the coffee table. I had just about enough for one night.

“Hey, where are you going!” He followed suit and grabbed my arm. I narrowed my eyes menacingly at him and snarled under my breath, “Back off fucker.” He stumbled back a little but didn’t let go.

I snarled louder and he quickly held up both his hands in a defensive manner. “Chill!”

I spun on my heel and walked away, what is with jerks and thinking they’re all that. Whilst I was busy storming off—where, I don’t know yet—I caught sight of Grace making out with Chad like there was no tomorrow on the sofa. In that moment of distraction, I stormed face first into a wall.

“Whoa hey! Where’s the fire?” I growled annoyed and looked up. “Ryan?”

“Ace! How’s it hanging?” He grinned and those cute dimples appeared. I looked around and quirked a brow. “You’re alone?”

“Nah, I came here with some guys but I honestly don’t know where they are anymore.” I nodded and stepped around him to leave.

“You’re leaving? But the party barely started.” I looked down at my watch and smiled, he must be there already. “Nope, I have another place to go to. Enjoy the party.” He looked kind of disappointed I had to leave but smiled at me regardless.

The cold air was freezing and I wrapped my arms around myself to fend off the cold. Shit, I forgot my cardigan but it proves to be too much of a hassle to go back inside. The party was starting to spread outside the house too, though its too damn cold for anyone to get frisky out here.

I fished my car keys out of my purse and went straight to my car, once inside I switched on the heater and all is right with the world again. I rubbed my palms together before bringing the car to life. My phone rang and I used one hand to seize it out of the purse I threw on the passenger’s seat.

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