What happened

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Tris's POV
We get to Christina's apartment and go inside. Christina takes in a deep breath and runs over to me. I hug her tightly. She crying into my hair.
"I wanted to see you earlier, but I couldn't. Tobias said that he thought it would be better for you to be bt yourself for awhile," she says. Thank god for the man I call my hunband. I don't care If were just engaged. He's my husband.
"He was right," I say. I look down in the tiney pink crib. Its a girl. She looks up at me with sparkling brown eyes. She looks like Christina. Tobias comes over and picks her up out of the crib, kissing her nose, making her giggle.
"You want to hold her?" He asks me. I look at Christina for permission. She nods. Tobias places her in my arms. She smiles at me.
"At least she likes her nina(godmother)," Christina says. I look at her confused.
"I'm her godmother?"
"Yeah. The percent of her surviving in the beginning of her life was extremely low and we didn't know if you dead or not. So, we just wanted, in case you were, you to be her nina. I would know that was that she had someone looking after her. After she got better we kept you as the godmother either way and Four is her nino(godfather)," Will says. I smile down at her. She starts to cry so Will takes her.
"Whats her name?" I ask.
"Its such a long ass name. Its crazy," she says with a laugh. "Clary Isabel Emma Blackthorn (does anyone know wills last name. I don't know if he has one)," she says.
"Clary?" She nods with a smile. "My middle name."

Tobias and I walk down the hall home. A tall, beautiful girl see's Tobias and stops in front of us. "Who's this?" She asks. I look up at him. He groans.
"This is my girlfriend Tris," he says.
"So this is the girl who's name you moaning while you were with me," she says, looking me up and down.
"Yeah, I am. He's good in bed huh?" I ask. She scuffs and walks away. He's mine bitch.
We get home and he looks at me with guilt. "I'm so sorry about that," He says. I take his hands in mine.
"Its okay. It was bound to happen eventually. She said you were moaning my name, not hers, so it doesn't matter. I just want to move on from what happen while I was gone. Pick up from wear we left off," I say. He nods and kisses my forhead. A thought comes to mind.
"Remember how I said that I wanted you?" I ask. He nods. "I still do. I just know that I'm not ready to go all the way. Can we go slow. Like one day this, one day that?" I ask.
"I love that idea."

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